
How should we deal with insomnia?

author:Director Gao Xicui

Both humans and animals need sleep. Human beings have a fixed schedule, good sleep, is one of the main ways to restore physical strength, in order to ensure more efficient study, work, improve the quality of life.

In fact, the symptoms of insomnia are still quite obvious, such as easy to dream, poor sleep quality, difficulty falling asleep, etc. The harm of insomnia is greater and will bring many negative effects to patients.

How should we deal with insomnia?

1. Unable to fall asleep

Don't lie in bed at this time, get up and do something. Because lying in bed is like going to the torture chamber, which greatly reduces the urge to sleep. If you're feeling anxious, dim the lights, get out of bed, close your eyes and listen to music, and when you're drowsy, go back to bed and fall asleep. In addition, it is necessary to reduce the intake of caffeine and alcohol, and avoid activities such as watching TV and playing computers.

2. Moderate exercise

After dinner, you can rest for half an hour, after half an hour you can do some moderate exercise, but do not do strenuous exercise, you can go to the park for a walk or go to the gym to exercise your body, as long as it is not a fierce exercise can do some, let the body relax a little, which is also very useful for sleep at night.

How should we deal with insomnia?

3. Drink milk before going to bed

Drinking a glass of milk before going to bed has a certain effect on the treatment of insomnia, but it is not a panacea, it is only an auxiliary effect. Because milk contains a lot of protein, it is good for people's bodies. Generally after drinking mild milk, the body will feel warm and comfortable, thereby improving the quality of our sleep.

4. Adhere to psychological treatment and correctly understand the disease

The symptoms of dreams and insomnia in patients with neurasthenia can only be finally alleviated by adhering to psychotherapy. With the help of a psychologist, patients correctly understand the disease and eliminate their inner doubts, so that the symptoms of neurasthenia and dreams are alleviated.

How should we deal with insomnia?

5. Sleep late

If you're used to going to bed late, don't try to change. It is recommended that you do not go to bed on weekends and other times, because it is difficult to sleep regularly. In addition, it is best to see the bright light in the morning, which will make the body's biological clock adapt to the earlier work and rest rules.

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