
Why is insomnia more painful than depression? How is insomnia treated? Here's all for you

author:Psychological counselor Ah Qiu
Text/Ah Qiu (National Second-level Psychological Counselor, Emotional Tutor, Spiritual Healer, Spiritual Healing Public Welfare, Writer) Ah Qiu Spiritual Healing Public Welfare Undertaking vows: In your most painful time, believe that there is always a spiritual healing medicine in this world that will heal you.
Why is insomnia more painful than depression? How is insomnia treated? Here's all for you

There is anxiety, there must be depression, there must be anxiety, but there is not necessarily insomnia;

Insomnia must have anxiety, which in turn must develop into depression.

How to understand this sentence?

1, people because of anxiety will lead to depression, so when a person develops depression, the premise must be anxiety, but not necessarily insomnia; 2, however, many anxiety patients, depression patients, the vast majority of them are accompanied by sleep disorders and other issues, so it can also be understood that a person's long-term insomnia is because something makes him anxious, people will be anxious to sleep, long-term insomnia will affect the mood and energy, so the mood of the person is depressed, until it develops into depression.

I wonder if you agree?

Today we say, "Anxiety and depression, insomnia, why are they so closely linked?" What is the relationship between these three? Who is more serious? ”

Is it "severe anxiety or depression or insomnia"?

Why is insomnia more painful than depression? How is insomnia treated? Here's all for you

In my opinion, insomnia is the source of all diseases, a person who does not sleep for a day is fine, two days is fine, but long-term months, or even years of insomnia, this kind of torture is simply a serious destruction and torture of people's spiritual world, if you can't withstand the pain of this torture, then people will be completely desperate, lose confidence, and finally choose to relieve this pain in a light way.

So, insomnia is far greater than the pain of anxiety and depression combined! Insomnia friends must pay attention to it!

A person has long-term insomnia, from which we can always glimpse that before insomnia, there must be heart and pressure, or there is a panic and worry, people can not lose the instinctive sleep function for no reason.

Generally speaking, before a person has insomnia, there is already a state of anxiety, fear, and worry, but insomnia is positive, that is, excitement, such as you have won millions of jackpots, happy to sleep, this excitement is benign, so it is not summarized as insomnia in the true sense.

What we call insomnia is malignant insomnia, this malignant insomnia, as I mentioned above, is caused by anxiety, fear, worry, when a person falls into extreme anxiety, worry, fear, because people's nerves are long-term high-intensity tension, for a long time, it will seriously affect a person's sleep, and even insomnia all night, this kind of insomnia is of course painful.

Imagine how difficult it will be for a person to go to sleep when he cannot go to sleep. Under the blow of this difficult reality, insomniacs still have to face the next day's work. Because insomnia will inevitably affect the work efficiency of the next day, and even once caused their own sluggish appearance, every day like the walking dead, the mood is like the gray sky, can not be clear; when a person long-term insomnia, turning over, whether it is counting stars or listening to songs, are still useless, generally two months, will inevitably develop into depression.

So, sleep is too important for a person! People who sleep well, all diseases away from ta.

And insomnia, will cause a lot of mental illness, will also cause a lot of physical diseases, said insomnia is the source of all diseases, not exaggerated at all, and insomnia is most likely to cause a person's symptoms is, the next day mental haggard, like frost eggplant, there is no trace of vitality, accumulation, insomnia for two consecutive months, will induce psychological disease, this mental illness is what everyone is afraid of: depression.

So why does long-term insomnia trigger depression?

The principle here is this, this is a vicious circle of a kind of spreading lesions, because a person long-term insomnia, resistance, immunity are declining, the mood will be low to the extreme, people will then be anxious and afraid of panic, these deteriorating emotional experiences, in the brain nerves constantly stimulated and overloaded operation, so that the brain neurotransmitters appear disordered phenomenon, that is: we often say that the brain nerves are damaged, once damaged, people's emotional experience is downward, low, pessimistic, desperate, A negative and negative emotion that no longer holds hope for life will linger in your brain, making you miserable and exhausted.

For patients with long-term insomnia, they have not been treated in time before, which will cause brain nerve damage and stubborn insomnia, for those insomnia patients, if insomnia has been half a month, then it must be intervened, because at this time, you may not have developed depression, so at this time, some chinese proprietary medicine conditioning, is very likely to repair your sleep function;

If your insomnia has lasted for two months, because the time is relatively long, so at this time, it is possible to eat what Traditional Chinese medicine to regulate, it is estimated that it does not work, at this time, it is necessary to carry out Western medicine to treat, in order to repair your brain nerves, after taking Western medicine, it is absorbed by our human gastrointestinal tract, and then transported to the brain through blood, the secretion of neurotransmitters is stimulated and conditioned, and then you can sleep peacefully.

Why is insomnia more painful than depression? How is insomnia treated? Here's all for you

Generally speaking, insomnia for two consecutive months is already severe insomnia, at this time it is already difficult to escape depression, so often to this extent, because it is brain nerve damage, it is difficult to eat Chinese medicine is difficult to improve, at this time, please do not refuse to take Western medicine conditioning, the earlier you eat the more beneficial to your sleep, the faster you can recover.

It is recommended that severe insomnia, take Western medicine for six months, you can stop the drug treatment, in general, if the Western medicine plays a role in you, the follow-up months, is a stage of strengthening consolidation, do not think that the Western medicine has been eaten for a month, you feel that the sleep is good, just stop the medicine, this is very desirable, must insist on taking half a year, half a year of dosage, enough to repair your brain sleep function, if you are still taking other depression drugs at this time, then your Western medicine has stopped, and depression medicine, then continue to take, At this time, the burden of your medication is also reduced, because you have stopped sleeping on Western medicine and continue to take anti-depressive drugs.

Remember, sleep medicine can be completely stopped after taking half a year, while antidepressant drugs can be stopped for a year to a year and a half, because depression is a more stubborn mental illness, although sleep is important, but depression is more difficult to treat than sleep, but it can not deny that insomnia is not more serious and painful than depressed people.

Finally, I would like to mention a point: if a person has depression, if during the medication, sleep well, mood is no longer low, the idea of taking life is gone, then really congratulations, you have improved, the effect of the drug has worked, so you must thank yourself! Leave the rest to time to boil it up! In the future, you will definitely see the light again!


Wen/ Ah Qiu (national second-level psychological counselor, emotional tutor, spiritual healer, spiritual healing public welfare person, writer), dear, if you encounter emotional troubles and mental illness at this moment, welcome private message Tou teacher Ah Qiu. Graph/Network

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