
The recently popular "60 Seconds to Fall Asleep Method" is a boon for insomnia patients, so that you can sleep until dawn!

author:Health Doctor Chat

People who have not had insomnia cannot experience the pain of insomnia! Lying on the bed, I was dizzy, my body was very tired, but my spirit was unusually excited. I was tired of tossing and turning, but I slept until midnight but woke up! The problems that follow, such as bad breath, acne, constipation, low resistance, etc.! The recently popular "60 Seconds to Fall Asleep Method" is a boon for insomnia patients, so that you can sleep until dawn!

The recently popular "60 Seconds to Fall Asleep Method" is a boon for insomnia patients, so that you can sleep until dawn!

But many people's current situation is that they can't sleep at night, for various reasons, when it comes to bed, they have a special spirit, originally wanted to go to bed early, but finally stayed up late. It's not that you don't want to sleep, it's really that you can't sleep, so it's really insomnia, and today I'll teach insomniacs a way so that you can go to bed early.

The recently popular "60 Seconds to Fall Asleep Method" is a boon for insomnia patients, so that you can sleep until dawn!

In fact, the method is very simple, as long as the nose inhalation for 4 seconds, hold the breath for 7 seconds, and finally exhale for 8 seconds, after doing 3 cycles you can feel drowsiness, at the beginning of the may not be cooked and sleepy, but as long as you insist on doing it 2 times a day, after 6-8 weeks of habit, you can quickly fall asleep in 60 seconds!

The recently popular "60 Seconds to Fall Asleep Method" is a boon for insomnia patients, so that you can sleep until dawn!

This method is mainly from the ancient Indian breathing regulation method, we let more oxygen enter the lungs and flow inside by inhaling deeply and exhaling, so that the sympathetic nerves relax, which helps to reduce stress and make people really calm down and relax the body to sleep.

The recently popular "60 Seconds to Fall Asleep Method" is a boon for insomnia patients, so that you can sleep until dawn!

What if you can't sleep?

TCM believes that the coordination of the five internal organs is the key.

Zhang Zhongjing pointed out in the "Outline of the Golden Plateau": "I am tired and tired and cannot sleep, and the sour jujube kernel soup is the master".

Sour jujube kernel soup composed of sour jujube kernels, lilies, lotus seeds, poria, mulberries, etc., 2 cups a day, ann five organs and six intestines, good sleep to have a good body, good color, good qi!

The recently popular "60 Seconds to Fall Asleep Method" is a boon for insomnia patients, so that you can sleep until dawn!

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