
Causes of insomnia and daily care tips

author:39 HealthNet

Insomnia, also known as "sleeplessness", "sleeplessness", "blindness", etc., refers to the condition characterized by frequent inability to obtain normal sleep. Most of them are injured by emotions, diet, work disorders, long-term illness and physical weakness and other factors that cause organ dysfunction, qi and blood loss, yin and yang disorders, and yang do not enter the yin and become ill. The disease position is mainly in the heart, involving the liver, gallbladder, spleen, stomach and kidneys, and the pathogenesis has virtual and real, and the virtual is more and less real.

Causes of insomnia and daily care tips

There are 3 major causes of insomnia

1. Emotional disorder

Excessive emotions such as mood and sorrow can lead to dysfunction of the internal organs, and the occurrence of sleeplessness. Or by the unrelenting emotions, the liver qi is depressed, the liver is depressed, the evil fire disturbs the mind, and the heart is restless and does not sleep. Or by the five ambitions to the extreme, the heart is burning, disturbing the mind without sleep. Or by laughing uncontrollably, the heart is excited, and the spirit is restless and sleepless; or by being frightened, it leads to weakness and timidity, restlessness, and inability to sleep at night.

2, the diet is not moderate

Overeating, stagnant accommodation, spleen and stomach damage, brewing phlegm fever, suppressing in the middle, sputum fever disturbance, gastric qi loss, can cause insomnia. In addition, drinks such as strong tea, coffee, and alcohol are also factors that make them sleepless.

3. Work and leisure disorders

Too much fatigue will hurt the spleen, too much escape and little movement will also cause the spleen to be weak, the transportation is not healthy, the qi and blood biochemistry are passive, can not be dedicated to the heart, and cause the mind to lose nourishment and insomnia. Or because of excessive thinking, it hurts the heart and spleen, and the heart hurts the yin and blood, and the gods do not keep the house; the spleen injury is less food, dull, the source of biochemistry is insufficient, the camp blood is weak, the heart is lost, and the heart is uneasy.

How to regulate and prevent insomnia on a daily basis?

1. Acupuncture therapy

Main Cave: Divine Gate, Three Yin Intercourse.

Cooperate with the conditioning of acupuncture points: liver depression fire plus line, Taichong apusis; spleen and stomach disharmony, sputum fever internal disturbance plus foot sanli, Fenglong acupuncture; yin deficiency fire Wangjia kidney Yu, Taixi acupuncture.

2. Preventive care

(1) Have a temperate mood, relieve anxiety and anxiety, and maintain a good spirit;

(2) The sleeping environment should be quiet, and avoid drinking strong tea and coffee before going to bed;

(3) Do not stay up late, 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. is the best detoxification time for liver and gallbladder, need to sleep soundly, develop good sleep habits;

(4) Regular consumption of red dates, barley, corn, millet, etc., can replenish qi and blood;

(5) Before going to bed, you can stack your hands on the lower abdomen, use abdominal breathing, shift your attention to the lower abdomen, and you can cooperate with silent counting to speed up sleep;

(6) Before going to bed, you can soak your feet with hot water, until the forehead has a little sweat, which can promote blood circulation and improve the quality of sleep;

(7) Exercise appropriately, such as practicing tai chi, yoga, running, swimming, etc.

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