
How to judge insomnia? Insomnia recommends eating 6 more foods How to judge insomnia? There are several diagnostic criteria for insomnia: So, what are the good recommendations for diet for insomnia?

author:GP online

Difficulty falling asleep, waking up when sleeping, going to bed late and waking up early, etc. make many friends very mentally ill during the day, low work efficiency, emotional fatigue, and unbearable. But be aware that not all sleep deprivation is called insomnia. So, how to judge insomnia? What are the best dietary recommendations for insomnia?

How to judge insomnia? Insomnia recommends eating 6 more foods How to judge insomnia? There are several diagnostic criteria for insomnia: So, what are the good recommendations for diet for insomnia?

<h1>How to judge insomnia? </h1>

Professor Li Yan of the Department of Psychological Sleep of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine said in an earlier online interview with family doctors that if people have a day or a few days of poor sleep in their daily lives, this cannot be regarded as insomnia, and generally through their own adjustment, sleep will naturally return to normal. Insomnia can only be considered if insomnia occurs repeatedly and persists for a period of time with obvious symptoms of discomfort during the day.

How to judge insomnia? Insomnia recommends eating 6 more foods How to judge insomnia? There are several diagnostic criteria for insomnia: So, what are the good recommendations for diet for insomnia?

<h1>The diagnostic criteria for insomnia are as follows:</h1>

1. Insomnia at night, including difficulty falling asleep, sleep is not deep, intermittent easy to wake up, dreamy, early awakening, difficult to continue to sleep, poor feeling after waking up, etc.

2. The above insomnia symptoms occur at least three times a week and last for one month or more.

How to judge insomnia? Insomnia recommends eating 6 more foods How to judge insomnia? There are several diagnostic criteria for insomnia: So, what are the good recommendations for diet for insomnia?

3. During the day, there are obvious symptoms of discomfort, such as fatigue, dizziness, dry mouth, nervousness, etc., affecting the quality of life and social activities such as work and study.

<h1>So, what are the good recommendations for diet for insomnia? </h1>

Milk: Milk contains two kinds of hypnotic substances: one is tryptophan; the other is a peptide that has a regulatory effect on physiological functions, which can be combined with the central nervous system to play anesthesia and analgesic effect similar to opium, making people feel comfortable, drinking a cup of milk before going to bed, which can make people sleep.

How to judge insomnia? Insomnia recommends eating 6 more foods How to judge insomnia? There are several diagnostic criteria for insomnia: So, what are the good recommendations for diet for insomnia?

Millet: Among all grains, millet is the most abundant in tryptophan, which has the effect of calming, calming and helping sleep. In addition, millet contains a lot of starch, which is easy to make people feel satisfied after eating, which can promote the secretion of insulin and increase the amount of tryptophan that enters the brain.

How to judge insomnia? Insomnia recommends eating 6 more foods How to judge insomnia? There are several diagnostic criteria for insomnia: So, what are the good recommendations for diet for insomnia?

Walnuts: Walnuts can improve the quality of sleep and are often used to treat neurasthenia, insomnia, forgetfulness, dreams and other symptoms. The specific way to eat is to match with black sesame seeds, mash into a paste, and take 15 grams before going to bed, the effect is very obvious.

How to judge insomnia? Insomnia recommends eating 6 more foods How to judge insomnia? There are several diagnostic criteria for insomnia: So, what are the good recommendations for diet for insomnia?

Sunflower seeds: Sunflower seeds contain a variety of amino acids and vitamin B3, which can improve the inhibition function of brain cells and play a calming role. Sniffing a handful of sunflower seeds after each dinner has a hypnotic effect.

How to judge insomnia? Insomnia recommends eating 6 more foods How to judge insomnia? There are several diagnostic criteria for insomnia: So, what are the good recommendations for diet for insomnia?

Honey: there is a spleen tonic, in addition to the upset effect, every night with honey 50 grams of boiled water to drink, is conducive to sleep.

How to judge insomnia? Insomnia recommends eating 6 more foods How to judge insomnia? There are several diagnostic criteria for insomnia: So, what are the good recommendations for diet for insomnia?

Jujube: Jujube is rich in protein, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients, which have the effect of tonifying the spleen and calming the nerves, treating boredom and sleeplessness. Take 20 to 30 jujubes per night and take them before bedtime.

How to judge insomnia? Insomnia recommends eating 6 more foods How to judge insomnia? There are several diagnostic criteria for insomnia: So, what are the good recommendations for diet for insomnia?

Finally, in recommending two therapeutic remedies that are beneficial for insomnia:

Folk remedy 1: Lotus heart drink

Recipe: 30 lotus hearts with a pinch of salt

Directions: Decoct lotus hearts with water, add a little salt before taking, and take every night before bedtime

Effect: Nourish the heart and calm the mind, clear the heat and dryness, and treat insomnia. Lotus heart, cold and bitter, return to the heart, lungs, kidneys three meridians, can effectively clear the heart to remove heat, laxative heart and kidneys. "Materia Medica Renewed" believes that the lotus heart can purify the heart fire, flat liver fire, diarrhea spleen fire, and lower lung fire. Cool off the heat and eliminate troubles, quench thirst, and cure redness and swelling of the eyes.

How to judge insomnia? Insomnia recommends eating 6 more foods How to judge insomnia? There are several diagnostic criteria for insomnia: So, what are the good recommendations for diet for insomnia?

Recipe 2: Lotus seed coix porridge

Recipe: 50g lotus seeds, 30g barley kernels, a little rock sugar, osmanthus flowers.

Directions: Wash the barley, peel and remove the heart of the lotus seeds, and hammer the rock sugar into crumbs. First put the barley into the pot, add the appropriate amount of water, boil it over a low flame and simmer until it is semi-cooked, add the lotus seed meat, rock sugar, osmanthus flowers, and continue to cook.

Effect: Healthy spleen and dampness, clear heat and benefit the heart. Suitable for people with loss of appetite, palpitations and insomnia.

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