
Chiang Kai-shek's wife, Soong Mei Ling, why did she ban actress Huang Liushuang, is related to her role in the movie

author:A cat's eye on history

In 1942, Song Meiling visited the United States, during which time she gave an anti-Japanese speech in the United States, hoping that all walks of life in the United States could help China.

On a Hollywood podium, all the famous stars were present, except for the Chinese actress Huang Liushuang, in Song Meiling's heart, the identity of this Chinese actress was low, and she showed off her dancing style and teased the audience on the screen, which was very unaccustomed.

Chiang Kai-shek's wife, Soong Mei Ling, why did she ban actress Huang Liushuang, is related to her role in the movie

Yellow Willow Frost film character dress-up

If Huang Liushuang was invited to this speech, it was a recognition of her, which was impossible for Song Meiling, not only that, Huang Liushuang was also banned by Song Meiling, why is this?

In this video, Cat's Eye History and you learn about the life course of the stunning actress Huang Liushuang.

On January 3, 1905, Huang Liushuang was born in Los Angeles, USA, and according to research, his ancestral home was Taishan, Guangdong.

Chiang Kai-shek's wife, Soong Mei Ling, why did she ban actress Huang Liushuang, is related to her role in the movie

Huang Liushuang was a third-generation Chinese immigrant to the United States, and his father arrived in the United States very early, but in that era, discrimination against Chinese was the most common.

Huang Shanxing, the father, opened a laundromat in Chinatown and washed clothes every day, and Huang Liushuang often helped.

The second oldest, she has had a dream of stardom since she was a child, always imitating the roles in movies at home, and her father told her that "filming will lose her soul, no ideas, no joys and sorrows" in order to make her break this idea.

Chiang Kai-shek's wife, Soong Mei Ling, why did she ban actress Huang Liushuang, is related to her role in the movie

This sentence really played a role, for a long time, Huang Liushuang did not dare to think about this matter. It's just that such words can only deceive children.

In 1919, the 14-year-old Huang Liushuang saw Chinatown filming on the street, so he went in to watch, because she looked good, especially with the temperament of an oriental beauty, the crew let her play a small role, although there were only a few shots, but it made Huang Liushuang happy for a long time.

Later, she began to get involved in the film and television industry, when most of the silent films, she relied on body language to show the unique charm of Oriental women, but she was wearing a bikini slave suit, and it was this kind of chuchu pitiful sexiness that made her quickly popular.

Although it is popular, but still can not play the main role, can only play some insulting Chinese characters, at the beginning, Huang Liushuang in the selection of the script is basically directly avoided this script.

Chiang Kai-shek's wife, Soong Mei Ling, why did she ban actress Huang Liushuang, is related to her role in the movie

If you really want to act, you will also let the director modify, some excessive insults, Huang Liushuang will also launch a rebellion, she said, "Why are the Chinese on the screen always negative characters, rude villains, Chinese is not like this, with thousands of years of civilization Chinese how can it be such an image!" ”

It's just that this kind of derogatory Theme of China will not be reduced by her remarks, but will continue to increase.

Over time, she discovered that these roles were not played by herself and others did it, so her films, while popular in the United States, were constantly criticized in China.

Later, a domestic reporter interviewed her, and she helplessly replied, "These roles are better than letting them play, it is better for me to play myself, at least I will deliberately restrain." Later, he also issued a statement in public: "Even if the role he plays is bad, it does not represent Chinese, don't misunderstand." ”

Chiang Kai-shek's wife, Soong Mei Ling, why did she ban actress Huang Liushuang, is related to her role in the movie

Huang Liushuang's life is not smooth, the surface scenery, but in fact it is bitter, she not only has to face the racial discrimination in the United States, but also has to face the public opinion of the Chinese people. But without exception, people are very recognized for her acting skills.

Most of her roles are prostitutes or women who sacrifice for love, and her image on the screen is always wearing sexy and fashionable clothes, her thighs are basically exposed, and sometimes she will show off her dancing posture and tease guests.

Therefore, when such films or covers were transmitted to China, the Chinese people who did not know the truth were naturally disgusted, especially Chiang Kai-shek's wife, Soong Mei-ling, who once banned them.

Chiang Kai-shek's wife, Soong Mei Ling, why did she ban actress Huang Liushuang, is related to her role in the movie

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, in 1942, Song Meiling went to the United States to give a speech, hoping that the Americans would support China.

Once, it happened to be on the podium in Hollywood, when many stars were invited, but Huang Liushuang did not, precisely because Song Meiling was not accustomed to her behavior.

Song believes that if he invites her, it is her recognition, but also the recognition of these roles, which is absolutely impossible, and Huang Liushuang's film is actually no different from a prostitute in Song Meiling's eyes, which is a shame for Chinese.

Chiang Kai-shek's wife, Soong Mei Ling, why did she ban actress Huang Liushuang, is related to her role in the movie

She was racially prejudiced in the United States, and in China she was also scolded for her screen image, and her survival in the cracks made her extremely lost.

In fact, this can not all be blamed on Huang Liushuang, as a woman, she really does not have the ability to change this, and she also has to earn money to study for her younger siblings below.

Huang Shanxing has a total of 8 children, Huang Liushuang is the second in line, according to the data, in addition to herself, other brothers, sisters are all highly educated, and the tuition required behind these high education is basically spread over Huang Liushuang.

Another point is that although Huang Liushuang can choose her own script, she is not free, for example, some roles belong to the must-act, after all, she is also subject to the signing company, to completely avoid unrealistic. She has no way to change this situation, so she can only improve her acting skills. It turns out that she did it, and the Chinese girl lotus she played was praised so well that even the male protagonist's limelight was overshadowed.

Chiang Kai-shek's wife, Soong Mei Ling, why did she ban actress Huang Liushuang, is related to her role in the movie

As mentioned above, yellow willow cream will also be subject to racial discrimination.

In 1936, the film of the same name adapted by writer Pearl Buck was selecting a female lead, and there were two roles, Huang Liushuang was very satisfied, and both of these roles were from the background of Chinese women, but they were snatched away by white women, on the grounds that she could not have a rivalry with white men.

The heroine of the film, Rena, won the Oscar of this year without surprise.

There is also another thing that ruined Huang Liushuang's love because of racial discrimination.

Although Huang Liushuang said that she had never married in her life, such a beautiful woman must have had a love experience, and she fell in love with a white man who was thirty or forty years older than herself.

This person's name is Michniland, she is a filmmaker, and she is her first love.

Chiang Kai-shek's wife, Soong Mei Ling, why did she ban actress Huang Liushuang, is related to her role in the movie

Huang Liushuang fell in love with him the first time she met him, and hoped to walk into the palace of marriage hand in hand.

As everyone knows, Nilan is particularly careful, he just likes her young beauty, and he has not paid the truth from beginning to end, and later when it comes to marriage, Nilan tells her that white people cannot marry Chinese.

After the sadness, Huang Liushuang also thought about marrying Chinese who settled in the United States, but these Chinese, like Song Meiling, did not look up to her as an actor.

When asked about her emotional issues, she said, "Chinese dislike me as a drama, and white people can't intermarry with Chinese." ”

The image on the screen has made Huang Liushuang criticized for nearly a decade, but fortunately, the circulation of information is accelerating, and the news of her refusal to play a negative role has been spread to China one by one, and even published in the press, and the chinese people's perception of her has begun to change.

Chiang Kai-shek's wife, Soong Mei Ling, why did she ban actress Huang Liushuang, is related to her role in the movie

In particular, it is learned that during the War of Resistance Against Japan, she has been donating materials and funds to the country, and her contributions to the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression are also known to everyone.

And her anti-Japanese speeches in public were sharp and passionate, calling for relief for Chinese refugees, so that more Americans began to help China.

The Chinese public has also begun to understand the distinction between the screen image and the actor himself, and Huang Liushuang's hardships in Hollywood, as well as the humiliation and helplessness he has endured, are all understood.

In 1936, Huang Liushuang went to Shanghai, and the celebrities of the time rushed to get acquainted and invited her to various banquets, at which point the criticism of Huang gradually decreased.

Later, she also visited Beiping, wearing a Chinese dress, a yellow cheongsam, qi bangs, and no hat, showing Chinese culture and national belonging.

When she arrived in Beiping, she said, "When I was abroad, I knew that China was weak and small, and now I have discovered the greatness of the motherland!" The Chinese nation is far superior to other nationalities, and I have never complained about my nationality! ”

Chiang Kai-shek's wife, Soong Mei Ling, why did she ban actress Huang Liushuang, is related to her role in the movie

According to Huang Liushuang's recollection, although her father was in the United States, when they were young, they had to accept the private school arranged by their father for their brothers and sisters, and the private school study for 4 years was to prevent them from forgetting Chinese culture.

When I went to Tianjin again, the Chinese public once again had a comprehensive and objective understanding and understanding of Huangliushuang.

Later, when he returned to the United States, Huang Liushuang's news gradually decreased in China, until the 1940s, Sino-US relations improved, becoming a strategic ally, and later the United States also highly recognized China's contribution in the War of Resistance Against Japan.

Since then, the negative image of Chinese in Hollywood movies has become less and less, and Huang Liushuang has abandoned the role he played before and has starred in films such as "Chongqing Heroic Martyrs" and "Bombing Burma", starring in positive images such as teachers and nurses.

Chiang Kai-shek's wife, Soong Mei Ling, why did she ban actress Huang Liushuang, is related to her role in the movie

When these patriotic acts once again spread to China, Huang Liushuang's negative evaluation was basically extinct in China.

Just the life of Huang Liushuang, there are still some regrets, especially in the shadow period of nearly ten years, behind the bright and beautiful, she began to be depressed and drunk all day long.

On February 2, 1961, the 56-year-old Huang Liushuang died suddenly of a heart attack.

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