
Do you know how to make delicious crispy duck with sesame seeds? Practice note


Marinate the net duck with rice wine, salt, sugar, peppercorns and beaten onion and ginger for about 2 hours, steam it in the basket until it is 80% rotten, take it out to cool, first cut off the head, wings and palms, and then remove the bones of the duck body, and cut the meat from the thick part of the legs and breast into strips. The ham is chopped. Cut the fatty meat into thin strips. In a bowl, add 10 grams of flour, 10 grams of dry starch and 50 grams of water to make a paste. Parsley is picked and washed.

Apply an egg paste to the surface of the duck skin. Spread out in a flat plate coated with oil, put the fatty shredded meat and shredded duck meat in the remaining egg paste, add MSG and mix well, lay flat on the inside of the duck skin, fry it in a frying pan to a golden brown, and put it into the flat dish.

Whip the egg whites, add 40 g of dry starch and mix well into a snowflake paste. Spread over the duck noodles and sprinkle with sesame seeds and minced ham. Add peanut oil in a wok, heat until it is 60%, fry the duck crisp, pour oil on the noodles, decant the oil to the bottom layer, sprinkle with peppercorns, pour sesame oil, fish out the strips cut into 5 cm long and 2 cm wide, neatly placed on the plate, and the coriander is spelled around.

The container of grand egg whites should be clean, there should be no oil, salt, alkali and raw water, use the pump to beat in one direction, do not stop in the middle, in one go, beat into a snowflake, to insert chopsticks to stand still and not fall.

Source: Gourmet Jay

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