
Only then did I know that cured bacon cannot be directly salted, keeping in mind the 3 points, and the tender taste of the meat is not moldy

author:Little friends food

As the saying goes, the winter wind is pickled, and the winter is stored!

Winter is just around the corner, and winter is the best season for curing bacon. After being pickled, you can eat it for a winter, and you won't have to worry about eating it all winter.

In our north, the winter time is relatively early, and after the winter, every household begins to marinate bacon. Everyone would buy a lot of pork and come back to make bacon and sausages.

After doing it, it is dried on the balcony or in the yard, forming a unique and beautiful landscape.

Only then did I know that cured bacon cannot be directly salted, keeping in mind the 3 points, and the tender taste of the meat is not moldy

Of course, my family is no exception. My family will marinate bacon and sausages every year, one is that the taste is too fragrant, and the other is to have a good dish to eat in winter, and it is also very convenient to eat and take as you go.

Cured bacon, simple and simple, complex and complex. It's not what you think, just put on salt and marinate directly, cured bacon also requires skill.

Cured bacon, first of all, taste good, and secondly, it must not be moldy. To do the above two points, it really takes a little thought.

Another point is that cured bacon is not just salted and finished, and skills are needed later.

Below I teach you 3 points to ensure that the bacon you marinate is tender, fragrant and not moldy.

Only then did I know that cured bacon cannot be directly salted, keeping in mind the 3 points, and the tender taste of the meat is not moldy

【Cured Bacon】

Ingredients : Pork star anise, peppercorns

Seasoning : Salt, cooking wine, soy sauce

Detailed marinating method:

The first step, first of all, the cured bacon must choose the freshest meat, preferably slaughtered on the same day, so that the meat is the most tender.

The meat selection should be fat and lean and layered pork belly, so that it is marinated to be fragrant.

Secondly, the meat must not be rinsed with water, just marinated. If you get wet, it will be prone to mold.

Cut the pork belly into thick strips to facilitate salting.

Only then did I know that cured bacon cannot be directly salted, keeping in mind the 3 points, and the tender taste of the meat is not moldy

Step 2: Put the star anise and peppercorns into a dry pot, sauté them slowly, then grind them into a minced shape and set aside.

Put the meat strips in a large basin, add salt, cooking wine, sautéed spice powder, soy sauce, stir well and start marinating!

Only then did I know that cured bacon cannot be directly salted, keeping in mind the 3 points, and the tender taste of the meat is not moldy

Step 3, in the process of pickling, you must constantly rub it by hand, so that it can be more conducive to taste.

Tip: Generally, a pound of meat should be marinated with 25 grams of salt, so that the marinade is just right.

Only then did I know that cured bacon cannot be directly salted, keeping in mind the 3 points, and the tender taste of the meat is not moldy

Step 4: Put the flavored meat in a jar or basin and marinate it for a few days, then take it out and hang it in a cool and ventilated place to dry.

Tip: After being put into a tank for marinating, it usually takes about three or four days to eliminate blood and water.

You should turn it at least once a day to allow the salt and spices to be more evenly absorbed into the meat.

After about three days, the meat is taken out of the jar and hung up to air-dry to dry.

But be careful, try to choose good weather, a breath to dry. Under normal circumstances, it is basically possible to dry for 10 days.

Then put it in the refrigerator and save it, and then eat as much as you want, and take as much as you want, which is very convenient.

Sausage Cantonese sausage authentic road Guangdong sweet sausage cantonese specialty pot rice spicy bacon wholesale commercial ¥10.9 purchase

Only then did I know that cured bacon cannot be directly salted, keeping in mind the 3 points, and the tender taste of the meat is not moldy

In addition, it should be noted that when putting salt, it can only be more and not less.

If the salt is not added to the standard, it is easy to break mold and grow green hair.

Only then did I know that cured bacon cannot be directly salted, keeping in mind the 3 points, and the tender taste of the meat is not moldy

Cured bacon, depending on the region, the practice is also very different. For example, Sichuan people marinate bacon, and after marinating, you need to smoke it.

Southerners like to put more sugar in cured bacon, and the flavor is different.

Only then did I know that cured bacon cannot be directly salted, keeping in mind the 3 points, and the tender taste of the meat is not moldy
Only then did I know that cured bacon cannot be directly salted, keeping in mind the 3 points, and the tender taste of the meat is not moldy

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