
After entering the winter, the cured bacon will only put salt, the key is at "5 o'clock", golden into the taste, not moldy

author:Chef Jiang Yizhou
After the winter, the cured bacon is not stupid and only put salt, keeping in mind this "5 points", the bacon is golden and not moldy. Hello, everyone. I am Chef Jiang Yizhou. It's time to share your meal with you again, are you ready?
After entering the winter, the cured bacon will only put salt, the key is at "5 o'clock", golden into the taste, not moldy

Time flies so fast, I didn't expect that this year's winter has passed for more than ten days. After the winter festival, the weather in our north is really getting colder every day. When the weather was the lowest, the temperature had reached minus 5 degrees, I don't know if you have felt the cold this winter? It's the cold winter, and it's cured bacon season! I don't know if you have done it?

After entering the winter, the cured bacon will only put salt, the key is at "5 o'clock", golden into the taste, not moldy

Speaking of bacon, it makes more sense for many friends after the 70s and 80s! The reason why many people like to make bacon is because in the post-70s era there was no refrigerator, and there was no end to the pork at home that was often used to make bacon in winter, and I especially liked to eat bacon. The cured bacon that you make at home can be eaten with other dishes. I believe that many friends like to eat bacon as much as I do.

After entering the winter, the cured bacon will only put salt, the key is at "5 o'clock", golden into the taste, not moldy

After the winter, the weather in the north has dropped significantly. At this time, it is suitable for making bacon. Many friends make bacon to eat, often only put salt in it. No wonder the bacon made is not easy to store, today I will share the detailed method of bacon to everyone, we keep in mind this "5 points" when making bacon, bacon is golden and does not taste moldy. Well, without further ado, let's share the dry goods directly with you.

After entering the winter, the cured bacon will only put salt, the key is at "5 o'clock", golden into the taste, not moldy

No.1 Pork must not be washed with water

When we make bacon at home, the pork we buy home must not be washed directly with water. If you wash the pork with water, it is easy to wash away the umami taste of the pork itself. And raw water contains bacteria, a little bit of pork is easy to mold.

After entering the winter, the cured bacon will only put salt, the key is at "5 o'clock", golden into the taste, not moldy

The pork bought home is actually very clean, 10 pounds of pork inside we can sprinkle 5 pairs of high liquor on it, to spread it evenly. Set aside and marinate for half an hour. In this way, the bacteria on the surface of the pork are completely killed. This also eliminates the time spent draining the pork.

After entering the winter, the cured bacon will only put salt, the key is at "5 o'clock", golden into the taste, not moldy

Once the pork is processed, the next step is the marinating process. Time's pork is filled with 150 grams of refined salt, and then served with 15 grams of peppercorns. Put the fine salt and peppercorns together in an iron pot, without adding oil or water and sautéing it slowly for three minutes over medium heat. Stir-fry the special flavor of the peppercorns into the fine salt, so that the marinated pork is easier to taste.

After entering the winter, the cured bacon will only put salt, the key is at "5 o'clock", golden into the taste, not moldy

Stir-fry the salt and peppercorns in a pan and stir-fry must not forget. When stir-frying, you can't use high heat, otherwise the kitchen will be easy to fry the fine salt. It is best to fry in an iron pan so that the aroma of the peppercorns themselves is not lost.

After sautéing the peppercorns and fine salt, let it cool naturally and spread it evenly on the pork. Once it's all spread, we put the pork in a pot. Marinate in a cool, ventilated place for three days. It is best to turn it over several times in these three days. Let each piece of pork be evenly coated with fine salt and peppercorns. Marinate for 3 days and then we start drying.

After entering the winter, the cured bacon will only put salt, the key is at "5 o'clock", golden into the taste, not moldy

The bacon is already marinated, and then a rope is threaded over the head of the pork. Tie a dead knot and shake off the excess salt and peppercorns on the surface of the pork. Then put the pork directly outside at minus 5 degrees Celsius and start drying for seven days. Dry the moisture on the surface of the pork. The correct way to marinate bacon is shared here.

After entering the winter, the cured bacon will only put salt, the key is at "5 o'clock", golden into the taste, not moldy

When we make cured bacon at home, the temperature outside should not be too high. It is best to start drying at minus 5 degrees Celsius, so that it is not easy to mold and deteriorate. Friends who like it must try it. That's why people like to make bacon in winter.

After the bacon is marinated, the last key step is to be sure to store it in the freezer of the refrigerator! If there are too many things in the refrigerator, we can store them directly on the beams. As long as the room temperature does not exceed ten degrees. Bacon marinated in this way is not a problem to eat all winter.

After entering the winter, the cured bacon will only put salt, the key is at "5 o'clock", golden into the taste, not moldy

Well, that's all there is to the detailed sharing of bacon. Do you have any other better advice on this? Feel free to share it with us in the comments section. Like this article remember to collect and forward Oh. We'll see you next time.

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