
Cured bacon, you are not a wrong step. This way the cured bacon tastes good and is stored for a long time

author:Wise East Harbor

It's winter again, and I believe that many friends have to prepare pork belly marinated and fragrant, delicious bacon. In the southwest, cured bacon is particularly popular and is known as a "special delicacy". But so far most friends will not pickle bacon, but there are many money spent but can not make delicious, good taste of bacon out, both waste of money, but also waste of materials. I believe that there are many friends who only put salt in cured bacon. Next, I will introduce a method to the majority of friends who like to make bacon. The bacon produced in this way is more delicious, lasts longer, and is not prone to mold.

Cured bacon, you are not a wrong step. This way the cured bacon tastes good and is stored for a long time

First of all, the first step: prepare the best pork belly, preferably double layer fat, multi-layer lean pork belly. Such meat is not easy to eat greasy. Pork belly must be fresh, so it is important to do so. It is best to choose the kind of meat that has just been slaughtered. If you have the conditions, you can compare with the meat quality of the kind raised by rural farmers. After the meat is ready. Use a sharp knife to scrape the fuzz of pork belly once, and scrape the epidermis of the meat thoroughly once, in order to remove dirty things such as sweat glands in the epidermis of the flesh.

Cured bacon, you are not a wrong step. This way the cured bacon tastes good and is stored for a long time

Second, step 2: Put the pork belly into a large pot and add salt. The best meat-to-salt ratio is at 1:0.06, which is a kilogram of pork belly plus six dollars of table salt. Spread the salt evenly on the surface of the meat, knead it repeatedly, and rub each piece of meat three times before first covering the pot for 8-10 minutes. The purpose of this is to allow the salt to penetrate thoroughly into the deepest part of the meat. After ten minutes, put on the raw soy sauce, soy sauce 60-80 grams each. The purpose is to give our pork belly a taste, and when adding soy sauce, rub it with your hands until the surface of the meat should be soy sauce color.

Cured bacon, you are not a wrong step. This way the cured bacon tastes good and is stored for a long time

Finally, the third step: after smearing the soy sauce, after the old soy sauce, once again let him automatically marinate for an hour to an hour and a half, and then add the appropriate liquor to the pork belly, the liquor is about 40-60 ml or so. The purpose is to sterilize and sterilize the meat, and then let him marinate for about three hours, the purpose is to make the white wine fully uniform and the pork belly in one piece. Finally, hang the pork belly to dry. Note that hanging in a naturally ventilated, cool place is ok, and then observe every other week. Such a delicious and beautiful color of the cured bacon is successfully made. Such a simple step, have you learned?

Cured bacon, you are not a wrong step. This way the cured bacon tastes good and is stored for a long time

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