
Read the "Left Biography": The Eleventh Year of Lu Yingong.'

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Hidden Gongguan Fish Yu Tang

"Spring and Autumn" contains: In the spring of the fifth year, the male yayu Yutang.

According to the "Zuo Biography", Lu Yingong thought of Tangdi Guanlu, and the nobleman Zang Shubo dissuaded him, saying that the head of state lives for the country, not for himself, and every move has a ritual and cannot be manipulated. The excited Yin Gong did not want to cancel this activity, so he said, "I am planning to inspect Tangdi." So I went to Tangdi and observed the fishing scene.

Lu Yingong seems to have made a bit of a compromise: in action, he did not accept the advice of the uncle, but changed the pure fish viewing to the inspection of the fishing grounds, without losing his concern for the people's livelihood and the identity of the monarch, and accepted the original intention of the counselor. The Spring and Autumn Chronicle records this incident, first, to indicate that the behavior of the Hidden Duke is not in accordance with etiquette, second, to believe that Tangdi is too far from the capital and that the monarch should not be taken lightly, and third, to praise the uncle for being able to fulfill the duties of a minister.

Spring and Autumn left two Jane

In the spring of the fifth year of the Reign of Yin, Zhuang Bo of Quwo of the Jin Dynasty led the Zheng army and the Xing army to attack the capital of the Jin State, and King Huan of Zhou sent a post to assist. Four months later, Qu Wo betrayed King Huan of Zhou, who in turn ordered Duke Yu to attack Qu Wo and establish the Marquis of Jin in his wing. In this matter, the "Zuo Biao" is written briefly, and posterity cannot judge right from wrong, but from the "Spring and Autumn" omitting this matter and not remembering it, Zhuang Bo punched Tianzi in the face, and Confucius was very indignant. At the same time, King Huan of Zhou was a heavenly son, misbehaving, unscrupulous, and really speechless.

The Yan army was not prepared

In the fifth year of the Duke of Luyin, Zheng Guo invaded the outskirts of Weiguo, and Wei Guo led the Yan army to attack Zheng Guo. Zheng Guo blocked the three armies in front of the Yan army, and then sent the army of Zhiyi to sneak up on the Yan army from behind, and the Yan army was defeated. The Yan army was both afraid of the strength of the Zheng army and did not guard against the attack of the army, and the rout was inevitable. If this example of war were placed in the Warring States, it would be difficult to make such a low-level mistake. It can be seen that the Spring and Autumn Period and the war were limited to conquest and condemnation, and the means of "war" by soldiers "fighting" a statement or "fighting" to return face, so it is difficult to say fiercely and the level is not high.

This matter is not recorded in the Spring and Autumn Classic, it may be that Zheng, Wei, and Yan are all princes with the surname of Ji, the same ancestors, the same room, in Confucius's view, it is "no righteous war", right?

The Hidden Duke sacrifices Zhongzi

"Spring and Autumn" in: September, the palace of Kao Zhongzi, the first six feathers.

Zhou Li, the nobles worship the ancestors, will offer songs and dances. The Eight Sons of Heaven sang and danced, sixty-four people sang and danced; the princes sang and danced; the princes sang and danced; the doctors sang and danced; the second son of the scholars, and the four people sang and danced. The dance is also divided into wen and wu, the wen dance is practiced by Yu Xu, and the martial dance is held by gan qi. Zhongzi was the wife of Lu Huigong and the biological mother of the future Duke Of Lu Huan, so she enjoyed the sacrifices of the princes, and thirty-six dancers appeared on the scene. Sonic is The Mother of Yin Gong herself, and although she is in the position of regent, she still handles her mother's funeral in a low-key manner. Lu Yinjun obeyed the Zhou Li and did not lose his duty, and Confucius secretly praised it. "Spring and Autumn" does not begin with the king of Zhou Ping moving the capital luoyi in 770, but with the ascension of Lu Yingong to the throne in 722, which is probably related to this. You know, Confucius is the best scholar and expert of Zhou Li.

The Song Dynasty did not make good friends

"Spring and Autumn" contains: Yi Ren, Zheng Ren Fa Song.

The "Left Biography" notes that the two countries of Yi zheng rebelled against the State of Song, and the State of Song complained to the State of Lu. When Duke Yin heard that Zheng's army had arrived on the outskirts of the Song Dynasty and was preparing to save them, he asked the emissary, "Where has the army gone?" But the Prophet said, "Not yet in the capital." Lu Yingong was very angry that Song Guo was hiding the truth, so he refused Song Guo's request.

Hidden Duke Hou buried the uncle

"Spring and Autumn" contains: Winter ten february Xin Wei, Gongzi Pawn.

The "Left Biography" notes that on December of the fifth year of the Reign of the Duke of Yin, He Bo died. Yin Gong said: "Uncle has an opinion on me, and I dare not forget his loyalty." "Therefore, Li Jia first-class thick burial of the uncle. It is equivalent to burying the uncle as a marquis.

The death of the nobles in the Spring and Autumn Period can rarely enter the "Spring and Autumn". Confucius remembered this, is it to praise the king and the loyalty of the emperor, right?

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