
When Duke Lu Wengong expanded the court, why did Meng Wenzi oppose it?

When Duke Lu Wengong expanded the court, why did Meng Wenzi oppose it?

The family clans in the history of the Lu state are very powerful, not only in the Lu state to grasp the economic power, but also to control the military power, which led to the entire Lu state of the dynasty occupied by the family clan, of which the longest lasting is the Sanhuan family, they can widely participate in the politics and discussion of politics, and many times can also make direct statements to the monarch to correct the mistakes of the monarch.

In the era of Lu Yingong, Lu Yingong wanted to go to Tangdi to watch the fishing and pastorship, and the powerful minister Zang Shubo believed that this action was not in accordance with etiquette, and the fishing and animal husbandry was run by the common people, which belonged to the lowly business, and the monarch should not watch it. As a result, it may be that the fishing and pasture of Tangdi is a popular matter in the country of Lu, and Lu Yingong still uses the excuse of inspecting the border to run to Tangdi to watch fishing. As a close subject of the monarch, Zang Shubo was supposed to follow, but because the monarch rejected him, he said that he was ill and did not follow Lu Yingong.

Zang Shubo only advised the monarch and only fulfilled the duties of a courtier. There were still many courtiers in the State of Lu who did not take the king's orders seriously at all, and even if the monarch clearly stated his views, these courtiers would change the monarch's orders without authorization. Lu Xuangong once went fishing in Surabaya, but Grand Sliege opposed this kind of behavior, and actually "cut off his guilt and abandoned it" in public, and also accused Lu Xuangong of "getting pregnant with fish now, not teaching fish to grow, and being greedy and unscrupulous." Although this incident was said to be the mistake of Lu Xuangong, the decision of The Great Sliege shows the status of the monarch of the State of Lu.

When Duke Lu Wengong expanded the court, why did Meng Wenzi oppose it?

In the era of Lu Xuangong, there was also a powerful minister Ji Wenzi, who was even more disrespectful to Lu Xuangong. In that year, some Juguo people brought treasures to defect to the Lu kingdom, lu Xuangong divided the land to this person, and as a result, Ji Wenzi was ordered to order Si Kou to expel this Juguo people from the lu state, and also said "today will be reached", Ji Wenzi turned a blind eye to Lu Xuangong's orders, and it can be said that he was on the opposite side.

The State of Lu is a country that respects the etiquette system, especially the monarchs, because of the ancestral training of the ancestors of the Zhou Gong, most of the monarchs are gentle and elegant, not the kind of domineering monarchs, or the intention of opening up the territory, but also just small fights and take advantage of the opportunity, often only bullying the surrounding small countries. Throughout the Spring and Autumn Warring States, the Lu people took the initiative to launch large-scale wars against the big powers. And this kind of personality of the king of the State of Lu has formed the trend of "the weak and the weak and the strong" in many years, which is different from the "weak and strong subjects" of the State of Jin, the State of Jin is the power of the subjects to seize power, and the State of Lu is completely the laissez-faire of the monarch, so the formation of the Sanhuan family can be said to be the blame of the King of the State of Lu.

When Duke Lu Wengong expanded the court, why did Meng Wenzi oppose it?

Those secretaries and doctors of the Lu state often resisted the king's orders and did not obey them. There was a Lu Wengong who originally wanted to expand the court, but because the expansion involved the old residence of the courtier Meng Wenzi, he was rejected. As the king of a country, Duke Lu Wen did not dare to offend Meng Wenzi and directly abandoned the plan to expand the court. There was also a Duke of Luzhuang, who, when fighting against the State of Qi, Gongzi Yan did not obey the orders and secretly attacked the Song Kingdom with a large army.

The monarchs of the State of Lu had no way to control their subjects at all, even if they promoted the sage Confucius to the position of ruling minister, they could not control the strength of the Sanhuan family. The Sanhuan family finally developed in the fiefdom, and the strength was also expanding, in addition to the city wall, it was also a private army, captive doormen, and later the doormen of the Three Huan family even had super power, almost able to launch a war with the Three Huans, the rebellion of the Lu state can be imagined.

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