
Historical figures passed down to Lu Yingong: a rare sage in the Spring and Autumn Period, but unfortunately encountered too much dog blood

author:Idler historical stories

Duke Yin of Lu was the first monarch of the State of Lu mentioned in the opening chapter of the Zuo Chuan. His life experience is quite bumpy, first by his own father's horizontal knife, the loss of his unmarried wife, then by the betrayal of his favorite courtiers, the usurpation of the throne by his brother, and finally he is lost in a foreign land, and he is a tragic historical figure.

Historical figures passed down to Lu Yingong: a rare sage in the Spring and Autumn Period, but unfortunately encountered too much dog blood

Stills from the TV series

Duke Ji of Luyin was the eldest son of Ji Fuhuang, the thirteenth monarch of the State of Lu. Duke Hui of Lu had married Lady Mengzi, and Lady Mengzi's sister Shengzi also came to the Kingdom of Lu as a dowry and gave birth to Ji Shigu.

After The death of Lady Mencius, Duke Hui of Lu intended to make Shengzi his successor, so he sent emissaries to the Song Kingdom to ask Ji Xigu to marry Zhongzi, the daughter of Duke Wu of Song.

This Zhongzi girl looks very beautiful, and it is said that the lines in her hands naturally formed the three words "Lady Lu" as soon as she was born, which also looked quite strange.

After the Zhongzi girl came to the Country of Lu, before she could marry Ji Xigu, she was favored by Lu Huigong. Lu Huigong, an old thing, is not old in heart, he disregards the material opinion, cheekily and forcibly crosses the knife to seize love, forcibly marries the Zhongzi girl as a wife and makes her a lady.

In this way, Ji Shigu's good fortune and beauty fell short, and her status also plummeted, and she was literally transformed from a concubine who might inherit the throne of the country to an unappreciated concubine.

Historical figures passed down to Lu Yingong: a rare sage in the Spring and Autumn Period, but unfortunately encountered too much dog blood

After a few years, Lady Zhongzi gave birth to a son, and Lu Huigong gave him the name Ji Yun. Because of the relationship between Lady Zhongzi, Ji Yun was born as a concubine, and naturally became the heir of Lu Huigong.

But who knew that there was an unexpected storm in the sky, and Lu Huigong died three years after Ji Yun's birth, thus leaving a big problem.

It is said that Ji Yun should be the heir of Lu Hui's name, but at that time he was only three years old and could not rule the country at all. After deliberation, the courtiers unanimously decided to elect Ji Shigu as the monarch.

But Ji Shigu was a loyal and upright gentleman, and he was unwilling to take advantage of the danger of others and bear the notoriety of seizing the throne. The ministers and Ji Shigu repeatedly discussed and persuaded ji Shigu to reach a compromise plan with Ji Xigu.

Historical figures passed down to Lu Yingong: a rare sage in the Spring and Autumn Period, but unfortunately encountered too much dog blood

That is, Ji Xigu temporarily regented him, and when Ji Yun grew up, he returned to politics. In this way, Ji Shigu agreed to the request of the ministers and ascended to the peak of power in the name of the regent, and was known as the Duke of Lu.

After Duke Lu Yin succeeded to the throne, the state of Lu faced internal and external troubles, and there were endless wisps. Externally, the State of Lu and the State of Song were still in the midst of war, and in addition, the states of Rong, Ju, Qi, Xiang, Ji, Zheng, and Qi were not easy to live with.

In internal affairs, the secretaries of state of the shi clan did not take Lu Yingong seriously, and often made acts of trespassing such as leading troops to conquer small surrounding countries without the permission of the monarch and building cities on the border.

In this regard, Lu Yingong, who had just succeeded to the throne, showed quite superb political wisdom. He first sent emissaries to the Song kingdom to ask for peace, and allied with the Song people in the place of accommodation, ending the state of hostility between the two countries.

Historical figures passed down to Lu Yingong: a rare sage in the Spring and Autumn Period, but unfortunately encountered too much dog blood

Later, he married Ji Guo, and used this to ask Ji Guo to mediate the relationship between Lu Guo and Ju Guo, alleviating the tension between the two countries. Later, Lu Yingong sought opportunities to form alliances with the states of Qi, Rong, Ju, and Qi, eliminating foreign troubles.

In addition, Lu Yingong also actively supported Zheng Guo's hegemony, participated in Zheng Zhuanggong's presidency of the alliance activities, and found a powerful patron for Lu Guo.

In internal affairs, Duke Lu Yin adopted a policy of gentleness, appeased and co-opted the secretaries of the shi clan headed by Gongzi Fei and Sikong Wuhao, extended favors to them, ensured their interests, and won their support for the monarch.

Especially for Gongzi Fei, Duke Lu Yin not only gave the high-ranking official Houlu and responded to his requests, but also let him participate in state affairs, which was called a favor.

Historical figures passed down to Lu Yingong: a rare sage in the Spring and Autumn Period, but unfortunately encountered too much dog blood

During the more than ten years of lu yin's reign, the people of lu were recuperating, the war was not booming, and the national strength slowly began to recover, and the small princely states around it came to worship.

And Lu Yingong was able to mediate the contradictions between Teng, Xue and other countries who came to worship, so that the country's status was steadily improved, the country's strength was thriving, and gradually began to have the extraordinary atmosphere of Zhou Gong's lifetime.

However, although Lu Yingong was generous and generous, he was not good at making decisions and dragging mud and water in his work, which was also the direct inducement that led to his later tragic end.

In the eleventh year of the Duke of Lu Yin, Gongzi Fei was not enough to participate only in state politics, and began to covet the position of Dazai of the State of Lu. In order to succeed in ascending the throne, he thought of Lu Yingong's younger brother, the grown-up crown prince Ji Yun.

In his opinion, Lu Yingong's declaration that he would return the government to Ji Yun was just a beautiful word in words, and if he could get rid of Ji Yun for Lu Yin gong and clear the stumbling block to his path to the throne, he would definitely be able to get his weight and grant himself the position of Dazai.

Historical figures passed down to Lu Yingong: a rare sage in the Spring and Autumn Period, but unfortunately encountered too much dog blood

But who knows, when Gongzi Fei proposed to Duke Lu Yin that he kill Ji Yun in exchange for the position of Dazai, Lu Yin Said that he had already built a palace in the land of Shu Qiu for guiyin to live in, and would soon return to Ji Yun.

When Gongzi Fei learned of Lu Yingong's true thoughts, he was greatly frightened, fearing that after he told Lu Yingong to kill Ji Yun, he would be retaliated against by Ji Yun.

Therefore, without doing anything and not stopping, Gongzi Yi hurriedly ran to Ji Yun, confessed his loyalty to him, and proposed that he kill Lu Yingong with his own hands and help Ji Yun seize the position of the prince of China.

Ji Yun was not a man as kind as Duke Lu Yin, and he and Gongzi Fei immediately hit it off, and the two colluded together, colluded and committed adultery, and sent someone to assassinate Lu Yin when he went to the Yin clan to sacrifice Zhong Wu.

Afterwards, Gongzi Yi shouted to catch the thief, planted the death of Duke Lu Yin to the chancellor Liao Shi, led the army to destroy the Full Gate of the Liao clan, and supported Ji Yun to ascend the throne, this Ji Yun was the historical Duke of Lu Huan.

Historical figures passed down to Lu Yingong: a rare sage in the Spring and Autumn Period, but unfortunately encountered too much dog blood

To sum up, Duke Lu Yin was one of the few wise men in the history of the Spring and Autumn Period of the Lu Kingdom, who was loyal and kind, generous and generous, friendly to the outside world, and gentle and generous to the inside. Under his administration, the state status of the State of Lu was steadily improved, the country was thriving, the people were recuperating, and their lives were prosperous, which played a pivotal role in the early Spring and Autumn Period.

However, Lu Yingong had a rough life, and in his early years, he was snatched from his father's horizontal knife and lost his wife. Later, he was betrayed by his favored subjects because of his benevolence and lack of determination, his brother usurped the throne, and he himself died at the hands of assassins, and he could not die well, and he was a tragic figure.

In this life, he has lived a very difficult life!

References: "Zuo Zhuan", "Ram Biography", "Gu Liang Biography", "History", etc

Note: This article is original by the idle people's historical story, unauthorized refusal to copy and reprint, please copy the public away

Historical figures passed down to Lu Yingong: a rare sage in the Spring and Autumn Period, but unfortunately encountered too much dog blood

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