
Read the "Left Biography": The Seventeenth Year of lu yingong

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Teng Hou was not named

"Spring and Autumn" in: Teng Hou 卒.

The "Left Biography" notes that the monarch died and sent obituary to the allies, and the allies recorded the names of the monarch and the new monarch in order to continue the friendly relations in the past and thus stabilize the hearts and minds of the allies. The State of Teng and the State of Lu were not allies, so the State of Lu received an obituary from the State of Teng, and the archives of the State of Lu did not record the names of Teng Jun and Xin jun.

The Spring and Autumn War is not discussed

"Spring and Autumn" in: Autumn, Gongfa Yi.

The wars of the Spring and Autumn Period seem to be divided into two categories: the Chinese people used the means of conquest to bring the wild people to their knees, so as to accept the indoctrination and governance of the Chinese people. From the very beginning, the Chinese nation used this method of Wu Dawen to achieve rapid integration.

Wars between princes did not aim at conquest by force, but as a means of regulating international relations. Those in the princely states who violate international morality or harm the legitimate rights and interests of other countries will be subject to just crusades, and the injured countries will have a fair relationship with the international community. This kind of war seems to be subject to the international law formulated by the Western Zhou Dynasty. The "Gong Fa Yi" of the seventh year of the Hidden Gong should be of this nature. In the fifth year of the Duke of Yin, the State of Yi and the State of Zheng attacked the State of Song, and the State of Song was an ally of the State of Lu, and the State of Yi was a vassal state of the State of Lu, so how could the vassal state attack the allies without authorization, so the Duke of Lu Yin wanted to teach Xiao Yi a lesson.

Van Bo suffered revenge

In the seventh year of the Duke of Yin, Fan Bo was ordered by the King of Zhou Huan to go to the State of Lu for an appointment, and when he returned to the dynasty, he was intercepted by the Rong people in Chuqiu and captured in Beirong, because one year the Rong people went to the Eastern Zhou Dynasty to see tianzi, and they also sent gifts to the secretaries of state with humanity, but Fan Bo received the gift coins but did not treat the envoys of The Northern Rong with courtesy, and this tone rong people remembered like a poisonous snake.

This historical data can probably show that during the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, some ethnic minorities outside the Spring and Autumn Period consciously or unconsciously accepted the immersion of the Central Plains culture, accepted the indoctrination of the Zhou culture, and achieved good results in ethnic integration.

The Five Fathers

In the seventh year of the Duke of Yin, Chen Guo, who despised Zheng Guo and refused Zheng Guo's peace talk, suddenly sent his fifth father to Zheng Guo to make peace and form an alliance. When the blood was an alliance, the five fathers were not heartbroken. "The Fifth Father must not have been spared misfortune, because he was in a trance in the face of such a major event as the alliance between the two countries." Subsequently, Zheng Guo's Liangzuo went to Chen Guo to return to the alliance, and it was seen that Chen Guo was about to cause civil unrest. This is probably the root cause of the five fathers' restlessness. If this is the case, why not the five fathers who are not free from misfortune?

Chen Zheng and Zheng were married

Zheng Guo's prince Kuo was held hostage by King Huan of Zhou, and Duke Huan of Chen was the shangqing of King Huan of Zhou, probably taking a fancy to Gongzi Kuo, so he asked to marry his daughter to him, and Duke Zheng Zhuang agreed to this affair.

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