
China-Europe express trains expand our "circle of friends"

author:Bright Net

【What the Strivers Say】

Narrator: Xia Ji, chief of the second section of Qingbaijiang Customs Supervision Section under Chengdu Customs

I have been working at Chengdu International Railway Port since 2011, mainly responsible for the customs supervision of goods transported by China-Europe express trains. Today, I have participated in the inspection and release of more than 8,000 China-Europe express trains, witnessed the development of China-Europe trains from only one "point-to-point" railway, 31 trains throughout the year, to connect 66 cities abroad and 20 cities in China, and also witnessed the process of Chengdu actively building an international gateway hub in the western region in the process of developing the western region.

In 2013, Chengdu's first China-Europe express train left the Chengdu International Railway Port, and since then this "steel camel" has grown rapidly. Today, we oversee weekly trains equivalent to the number of trains opened in 2013.

In recent years, the China-Europe express train has not only increased the frequency of trains, but also carried goods that have been "upgraded". Initially mainly clothing, small household appliances, etc., now there are more than a dozen categories of tens of thousands of varieties, including many high-tech products, the number of homeowners has also increased from more than 200 to more than 10,000.

My hometown is In Xichang, Sichuan, the Panxi region is an important production base for early spring vegetables. In the past, due to logistics reasons, local high-quality agricultural products could not be transported out and could not break out of the market. In view of this situation, we qingbaijiang customs and local governments, enterprises, train companies jointly agreed on a logistics plan, solved the problems of constant temperature and humidity container transportation, declaration, supervision and other issues, seized the vegetable supply window period in the Russian market, and realized the export of Panxi vegetables through the China-Europe express train.

After the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in 2020, international shipping and air transport have been greatly affected, and many foreign trade enterprises have set their sights on China-Europe express trains. We have set up a party member commando team, eating and living in the unit, and guaranteeing the departure of the train all day and night. After many efforts, chengdu China-Europe express trains have maintained normal operation during the epidemic period, and various indicators have grown against the trend, which has strongly supported the resumption of work and production of enterprises and the smooth flow of the industrial chain supply chain. In 2021, our Qingbaijiang Customs Party General Branch won the title of "National Advanced Grassroots Party Organization", which is an affirmation of our past work, but also a spur and encouragement for the future.

As the escort of the China-Europe express train, my colleagues and I conscientiously perform every ticket inspection task to ensure that it meets the requirements of customs supervision, and constantly think about how to improve the efficiency of supervision and service levels, and support the China-Europe train to run out of "acceleration" and expand the "circle of friends". Guarding the national gate and serving the local economic development will always be the original intention and mission of my work.

(Guangming Daily reporter Zhou Hongshuang and correspondent Cao Yuyang interviewed and sorted)

Guangming Daily ( 05/11/2021)

Source: Guangming Network - Guangming Daily

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