
"A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" was released to Tom Hanks as the King of Golden Sentences

author:1905 Movie Network
"A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" was released to Tom Hanks as the King of Golden Sentences

On September 18, 1905, the heart-warming new film "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" officially landed in theaters nationwide, directed by Mariele Heller, and starring Oscar Best Actors Tom Hanks, Matthew Reese, Susan Carritch Watson, and Chris Cooper. It tells the story of the cynical journalist Lloyd in the process of interviewing the legendary host Mr. Rogers, who is gradually influenced by the goodwill revealed by Mr. Rogers's words and deeds, and finally reconciles with his heart and regains the beautiful story.

Tom Hanks transforms into the "King of Golden Sentences" and pokes the heart to warm the world with kindness

Based on a true story, most of the characters have real character archetypes, Tom Hanks plays Mr. Rogers, a well-known children's television presenter in the United States. His show, Mr. Rogers' Neighbor, aired for 33 years from 1968 to 2001, accompanying generations of American children.

In the 895-episode show, he not only spends time listening to and understanding the children and bringing them joy, but also talks to them about many things that adults don't want to tell them, such as death, war, divorce, and the meaning of racial discrimination and superheroes.

In reality, Mr. Rogers's kind and wise words illuminate the way forward for many confused people, and in the movie, Tom Hanks also transforms into such a "king of golden sentences". He not only brought kindness to the children, telling them that "you are the best version of yourself, you deserve to be loved in yourself", but also brought kindness into the lives of adults.

"A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" was released to Tom Hanks as the King of Golden Sentences

He told young parents: "Our biggest mistake is to forget our childhood, think back to how we felt back then, and you know how to treat your children." He told weary adults: "I don't think man can experience growth unless his true self can be fully accepted." ”

He told Lloyd, who is obsessed with exposing the dark side of celebrities: "Fame is just a word, what is important is to have it to do with it, and we try to use it to encourage children to face their feelings in a positive way." ”

"A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" was released to Tom Hanks as the King of Golden Sentences

In today's rapidly developing society, both adults and children are dealing with more and more problems, and often feel confused or misunderstood, and the golden sentence left by Mr. Rogers more than 20 years ago is still timeless, and it brings a steady stream of beauty to the world through the movie "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood".

Hollywood gold medal team to create a perfect restoration of "national childhood memories"

Created by Peter Saraf and Mark Tulletb, a gold-medal Hollywood production team who has produced the classic film "Little Miss Sunshine", and Mariele Heller, the director of the three-time Oscar-nominated film "Can You Forgive Me", every detail reveals the rigor and intentions of the production team.

For example, in the movie, an important ceremony of "Mr. Rogers's Neighbor" is perfectly restored, and at the beginning of the show, Mr. Rogers will sing while changing into a red cardigan and canvas sneakers. In order to recreate the same sweater texture as it was then, the production team even found a traditional hand weaver working in the theater in New York to handcraft the sweaters in the film.

"A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" was released to Tom Hanks as the King of Golden Sentences

The production team's intention to restore the "national childhood memories" of the United States is not only reflected in the details, but also in every scene. When they decided where to shoot "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood," they immediately went to Mr. Rogers' hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where Mr. Rogers's Neighbor was first filmed.

Pittsburgh's La Trobe Center provided a wealth of information about the show that year, helping the show crew reconstruct the entire set from the curtains and sofas in the living room to the castle in the "Unreal Land" with old photos. The prop crew even found the Ikegami hk-323 camera that was originally used to shoot the show, bringing more authenticity to the film production.

"A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" was released to Tom Hanks as the King of Golden Sentences

The excellence of the production team and the excellent performance of the main actors have completed this word-of-mouth masterpiece with a 95% Rotten Tomatoes rating. This is a movie that won time magazine's top ten films of the year, but also a story of searching for "spiritual healing", in this special year, let "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" heal your regrets and troubles, and rekindle the courage and enthusiasm to face life.

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