
"A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" sends line stills The golden sentence conveys gentle warmth

author:China Daily

1905 Film Network News The early autumn healing film "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" released the "self-reconciliation" version of the line stills, poking the heart's scene with concise and refreshing handwritten lines, conveying a gentle and healing emotional message, like a warm current flowing into people's hearts. Directed by Marielle Heller and starring Tom Hanks and Matthew Reese, the film is based on a true story and tells the story of the cynical journalist Lloyd who is assigned to interview the famous TV host Mr. Rogers, during which he is slowly influenced by Rogers' sincere kindness and gradually changes his relationship with his family. The film has a 95% freshness rating on Rotten Tomatoes and was named one of Time Magazine's "Top Ten Films of the Year" and was called "The Movies Needed by the Times". The film will be warmly released in theaters across the country on September 18, so stay tuned.

"A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" sends line stills The golden sentence conveys gentle warmth

Handwritten lines interpret the film's "famous scenes" Warm golden sentences to open the heart knot

The newly released line stills capture a number of iconic "famous scenes" in the film: Mr. Rogers and Lloyd talking on their knees, Lloyd opening up to his wife Andrea, Mr. Rogers's "meeting" with a strange child, and so on. Each still is just right to show the character characteristics and relationships of the characters, and the deep and warm tones highlight the unique texture of the film.

The most eye-catching of the whole set of stills is the handwritten lines on the screen. "You are unique in the world, and I like you as you are", "Sometimes the hardest thing is to forgive the people we love", "There is a power in the depths of our hearts that helps us become what we can be"... Write classic lines in amiable and pyrote-pyrote handwritten fonts, gently say poking golden sentences through the mouths of the characters, untie the knots for people who are in trouble, guide people to reconcile with themselves, and also convey a warm and healing emotional message.

"A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" sends line stills The golden sentence conveys gentle warmth

Multi-faceted characters embody the arc of the characters Warm interaction shows the "neighborhood" relationship

In the classic scene of the film, Rogers wearing a classic red cardigan facing the camera is either smiling or calm, such "Mr. Rogers" is the gentle old man full of kindness in front of the audience, familiar and reassuring. Mr. Rogers, who plays the piano alone in blue and black tones, contrasts with his own "classic image" on the TV screen, creating a loneliness and loneliness that is difficult to ignore, and reflecting the unknown side of the role, making the role of "Mr. Rogers" more humane and convincing.

In the stills of the protagonist Lloyd's appearance, his long conversation with Mr. Rogers shows the interaction between the two core characters of the story. Mr. Rogers' affinity and Lloyd's defensiveness are also appropriately presented in the character's posture. The picture of Lloyd and his wife Andrea standing opposite each other in the night outlines the delicate relationship between the middle-aged couple, and the silhouettes of the two are full of rich emotions and story under the light.

"A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" will be released nationwide on September 18. Warm film invites you to walk into the theater together and embrace the beauty!

Source: China Youth Network

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