
"A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood": The world is not short of love, what is missing is that your self-reconciling heart world is not lacking in love, but your inner stubbornness and prejudice prevent you from finding love "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" tells us that only self-reconciliation is to dispel inner stubbornness and prejudice, and find the only law of lost love In the help of Rogers, How Is Lloyd self-reconciliation and achieve the ultimate self-redemption Summary: Bravely face your own heart, through self-reconciliation, to find lost love

author:That little red

Destroyed love, once rebuilt, is grander, more beautiful, more tenacious than it was. — Shakespeare

There are some people who do not know how to cherish, or have been hurt in their hearts, etc., let themselves be separated from love, but also let themselves have doubts about "love", resulting in the world treating themselves unfairly, the world does not love themselves, and even feel that the world has abandoned themselves and other bad ideas.

So, is the world really as unforgiving as they think? Not really.

"A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood": The world is not short of love, what is missing is that your self-reconciling heart world is not lacking in love, but your inner stubbornness and prejudice prevent you from finding love "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" tells us that only self-reconciliation is to dispel inner stubbornness and prejudice, and find the only law of lost love In the help of Rogers, How Is Lloyd self-reconciliation and achieve the ultimate self-redemption Summary: Bravely face your own heart, through self-reconciliation, to find lost love

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > world is not short of love, but your inner stubbornness and prejudice prevent you from discovering love</h1>

We all know that the world becomes full and meaningful because it is full of love; the world becomes flesh and blood because it is full of love; the world is full of love, so it makes people linger... The world is wonderful because of love, and it is vivid because of love.

Just like the saying "The world does not lack beauty, but lacks the eyes to find beauty", the world is full of love, and sometimes you can't feel it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, it may be all around you, just because your inner attachment and prejudice to love blind you, so that you have a view of love, can't see it.

"A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood": The world is not short of love, what is missing is that your self-reconciling heart world is not lacking in love, but your inner stubbornness and prejudice prevent you from finding love "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" tells us that only self-reconciliation is to dispel inner stubbornness and prejudice, and find the only law of lost love In the help of Rogers, How Is Lloyd self-reconciliation and achieve the ultimate self-redemption Summary: Bravely face your own heart, through self-reconciliation, to find lost love

Movie scene – Andrea tells Lloyd that his father will attend his sister's wedding

We can usually see that children who grow up in single-parent families will show some unique temperament in personality due to the lack of love from one side from childhood, and will have hatred for the relatives who lack that party...

Most of these situations are due to the lack of a certain aspect of love, and the prejudice that arises in the depths of the heart leads to the misunderstanding of this aspect of love.

So, how can we dispel this inner prejudice and stubbornness and embrace love?

"A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" is such a film that teaches people to let go of their inner stubbornness and prejudice and find the love that has been lost, which is deeply moving.

"A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood": The world is not short of love, what is missing is that your self-reconciling heart world is not lacking in love, but your inner stubbornness and prejudice prevent you from finding love "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" tells us that only self-reconciliation is to dispel inner stubbornness and prejudice, and find the only law of lost love In the help of Rogers, How Is Lloyd self-reconciliation and achieve the ultimate self-redemption Summary: Bravely face your own heart, through self-reconciliation, to find lost love

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" tells us that only self-reconciliation is the only way to dispel inner attachment and prejudice and recover lost love</h1>

"A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" film is based on real events, the film is based on the well-known children's program "Mr. Rogers' Neighbor" in the United States in the last century, in which Mr. Rogers built a bridge to pass on "love" to children, his original intention of making this program is not to help children pass the time, but to teach children to selflessly dedicate love and be brave to express love.

"A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood": The world is not short of love, what is missing is that your self-reconciling heart world is not lacking in love, but your inner stubbornness and prejudice prevent you from finding love "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" tells us that only self-reconciliation is to dispel inner stubbornness and prejudice, and find the only law of lost love In the help of Rogers, How Is Lloyd self-reconciliation and achieve the ultimate self-redemption Summary: Bravely face your own heart, through self-reconciliation, to find lost love

Movie scene – At his sister's wedding, Lloyd argues with his father

This TV show has been released for a total of 895 episodes before and after, and it is the persistence of so many episodes that "Mr. Rogers's Neighbor" has taught countless children who are discouraged in the center of broken families and abandoned by bad parents how to love, and Rogers has been revered by Americans as "surrogate fathers" for 33 years, becoming the childhood memory of many people.

The film is not about a biography of Rogers, but rather focuses on a friendship story between Mr. Rogers (Tom Hanks) and journalist Royd Vogel (Matthew Reese).

It tells the story of a journalist who wants to expose the darkness and ugliness of society, Andrey Lloyd, who is assigned to interview Mr. Rogers as a special feature on heroes in a new issue of the magazine. Lloyd tries to tap into Mr. Rogers' dark side, and is facing family problems and personal difficulties because of his conflict with his father.

"A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood": The world is not short of love, what is missing is that your self-reconciling heart world is not lacking in love, but your inner stubbornness and prejudice prevent you from finding love "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" tells us that only self-reconciliation is to dispel inner stubbornness and prejudice, and find the only law of lost love In the help of Rogers, How Is Lloyd self-reconciliation and achieve the ultimate self-redemption Summary: Bravely face your own heart, through self-reconciliation, to find lost love

Movie scene – The father comes to the door to seek forgiveness

During the interview, he was slowly influenced by Rogers' sincere kindness in words and deeds, and finally achieved reconciliation with his father, slowly understood how to care for his wife, and was able to spend time with his son's transformation.

Lloyd's transformation in the film is inseparable from the influence of Rogers' words and deeds, but more importantly, his inner abandonment of obsession and prejudice, reaching self-reconciliation in his own heart, and achieving the final multiple harvests of family, family affection and career.

Without Lloyd's inner self-reconciliation, no amount of external influence from Rogers would have been able to impress Lloyd and make him change.

Only Lloyd's inner self-reconciliation has a follow-up warm picture of family affection.

"A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood": The world is not short of love, what is missing is that your self-reconciling heart world is not lacking in love, but your inner stubbornness and prejudice prevent you from finding love "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" tells us that only self-reconciliation is to dispel inner stubbornness and prejudice, and find the only law of lost love In the help of Rogers, How Is Lloyd self-reconciliation and achieve the ultimate self-redemption Summary: Bravely face your own heart, through self-reconciliation, to find lost love

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > how, with rogers' help, Reud reconciles himself and achieves ultimate self-redemption</h1>

It is quite difficult for a person to achieve inner self-reconciliation, which requires a person to abandon some of the views that he has insisted on for a long time, especially if it is even more difficult to let go of the preconceptions about love.

So, how does Lloyd do it in the movie?

Throughout the film, we can see that Lloyd's inner reconciliation has gone through four stages:

3.1 Initial avoidance of exclusion

In the absence of contact with Rogers, Royed spent a lot of money and wine outside because of his father's youth, did not care about his mother, himself and his sister, until his mother fell ill and died, his father did not ask, hated his father, and led to him not seeing his father for many years.

Therefore, when he was young, in order to get rid of his original family, he chose to elope with his wife Andrea and live in a new place.

Until his sister's wedding, his father's reappearance, he did not forgive his father. Even at the wedding, the father took the initiative to seek reconciliation, because the father had no intention of mentioning his mother, he was angry, it was difficult to suppress the anger in his heart, and he beat his father with his hands, resulting in the unhappiness at the wedding.

"A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood": The world is not short of love, what is missing is that your self-reconciling heart world is not lacking in love, but your inner stubbornness and prejudice prevent you from finding love "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" tells us that only self-reconciliation is to dispel inner stubbornness and prejudice, and find the only law of lost love In the help of Rogers, How Is Lloyd self-reconciliation and achieve the ultimate self-redemption Summary: Bravely face your own heart, through self-reconciliation, to find lost love

Movie scene – Lloyd interviews Rogers

Later, his father took the initiative to come to the door and wanted to seek his son's forgiveness, but he was indifferent and unmoved. Even if his father later came to the house to seek reconciliation, when he was driven out of the house, he fell ill and was hospitalized, and he still used the excuse of leaving the hospital and was unwilling to take care of his father, we can see the depth of his prejudice against his father.

During this period, Lloyd's heart was repulsive to his father, and at this time, Royd had a psychology of avoidance and rejection in his heart, and could not listen to any advice.

But this situation of avoidance and exclusion was later completely changed by an interview with Rogers.

3.2 After contact, the heart is touched

Lloyd's acquaintance with Rogers was an interview with a magazine character: Royd ben was known for his journalists who exposed the darkness and ugliness of society, and won the press's grand prize for his sharp words. Lloyd interviewed Rogers in order to dig up a different image of Rogers in front of the public, that is, Royd's black history.

Such a keen and vicious reporter interviewed him with the purpose of "digging into the dark side of Mr. Rogers", but surprisingly, Mr. Rogers instead captured his family problems from Lloyd's words, and the role relationship between the two was also interchanged, and Lloyd became the person interviewed by Mr. Rogers.

"A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood": The world is not short of love, what is missing is that your self-reconciling heart world is not lacking in love, but your inner stubbornness and prejudice prevent you from finding love "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" tells us that only self-reconciliation is to dispel inner stubbornness and prejudice, and find the only law of lost love In the help of Rogers, How Is Lloyd self-reconciliation and achieve the ultimate self-redemption Summary: Bravely face your own heart, through self-reconciliation, to find lost love

Movie scene – Lloyd and Rogers singing with other passengers on the subway

In the interview, Lloyd not only saw the same Rogers, but also used his words and deeds to impress the majority of teenagers in the show, let them know how to love, teach them how to control their inner emotions, the same in ordinary life, and their wife Joanna has a very good relationship, even at home, you can see the piano playing with Joanna.

On the subway, can see Rogers and other passengers enthusiastic singing, as well as in the communication with Lloyd, he also admitted that he also has emotions, but he knows how to solve, such as swimming, playing the piano when the bass key hits, etc., Rogers really do the same sincere kindness.

In the interview, Rogers also learned about his past, including his own experiences in his childhood and his current life state. Mr. Rogers did not forcibly brainwash him for truth, goodness and beauty, nor did he judge Lloyd's "father-killer" from the commanding heights of morality, he only took the initiative to ask About Lloyd's childhood anecdotes, asking him what toys he liked to play with when he was a child, and how his parents spent this good time with him.

"A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood": The world is not short of love, what is missing is that your self-reconciling heart world is not lacking in love, but your inner stubbornness and prejudice prevent you from finding love "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" tells us that only self-reconciliation is to dispel inner stubbornness and prejudice, and find the only law of lost love In the help of Rogers, How Is Lloyd self-reconciliation and achieve the ultimate self-redemption Summary: Bravely face your own heart, through self-reconciliation, to find lost love

Movie scene – Rogers and Joanna's piano ensemble

The scene in the interview touched Lloyd's heart, let him think about the relationship between father, wife, and children, and the real chemistry was that Royd was invited to Rogers' show, directly fainted, lived in Rogers's house, and then went to breakfast for a minute of silence.

3.3 One minute of silent epiphany

At breakfast at the restaurant, we see Rogers eating very vegetarian, which also has this minute of silence, Rogers tells Lloyd about the importance of his father's character building, and makes Lloyd think back to those who love us.

In this minute, in the film, in order to show the effect, like pressing the pause button, all the sounds disappear in an instant, we don't know what Lloyd thought, but the magic is that the expression on his face gradually changes from resentment to ease, the hatred that bothered him leaves, and the warmth he felt in childhood returns.

"A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood": The world is not short of love, what is missing is that your self-reconciling heart world is not lacking in love, but your inner stubbornness and prejudice prevent you from finding love "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" tells us that only self-reconciliation is to dispel inner stubbornness and prejudice, and find the only law of lost love In the help of Rogers, How Is Lloyd self-reconciliation and achieve the ultimate self-redemption Summary: Bravely face your own heart, through self-reconciliation, to find lost love

Movie scenes – scenes of one minute of silence

We also saw tears in the corners of his eyes, which were tears that touched him and tears of joy in his heart. He finally accompanied his parents until he was a child, buying himself "rabbit" toys and so on, and he also loved himself very much.

At this time, his inner prejudices have been dropped, and he has truly reached self-reconciliation in the depths of his heart, and we can glimpse them from behind his actions.

3.4 Ultimate self-redemption

After reaching a reconciliation in his heart, he returned home and took the initiative to confess to his wife that he had left his wife in the hospital to ignore the apologies, and also took the initiative to go to his father's residence to take care of his father who accompanied him in the terminal stage of cancer.

Later, when the wife and son arrived, the son woke up at night, took the initiative to warm the milk, took the initiative to take care of the son, and then the father died, and when he returned home, he offered to let himself slow down, take the baby at home, let the wife go to work, etc. We can see that Royd's heart has indeed changed, and he feels the love of the long-lost family.

"A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood": The world is not short of love, what is missing is that your self-reconciling heart world is not lacking in love, but your inner stubbornness and prejudice prevent you from finding love "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" tells us that only self-reconciliation is to dispel inner stubbornness and prejudice, and find the only law of lost love In the help of Rogers, How Is Lloyd self-reconciliation and achieve the ultimate self-redemption Summary: Bravely face your own heart, through self-reconciliation, to find lost love

Movie scene – Lloyd returns home to accompany his father, who is terminally ill with cancer

Through this experience of taking care of his father, he also wrote the original 400-word character introduction into the cover story of the magazine, and was also affirmed by the leadership.

All of this, we can see that after Reud's inner reconciliation, he has reached the ultimate self-redemption, regained the love he once had, and lived a flesh and blood life.

This is the four stages of Lloyd's road to self-reconciliation, through which we can see the image of a true man who knows how to love, knows how to let go of prejudice, cherishes the present, and lives a flesh and blood person.

"A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood": The world is not short of love, what is missing is that your self-reconciling heart world is not lacking in love, but your inner stubbornness and prejudice prevent you from finding love "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" tells us that only self-reconciliation is to dispel inner stubbornness and prejudice, and find the only law of lost love In the help of Rogers, How Is Lloyd self-reconciliation and achieve the ultimate self-redemption Summary: Bravely face your own heart, through self-reconciliation, to find lost love

Movie scene – Lloyd takes care of his son Gavin

"A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood": The world is not short of love, what is missing is that your self-reconciling heart world is not lacking in love, but your inner stubbornness and prejudice prevent you from finding love "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" tells us that only self-reconciliation is to dispel inner stubbornness and prejudice, and find the only law of lost love In the help of Rogers, How Is Lloyd self-reconciliation and achieve the ultimate self-redemption Summary: Bravely face your own heart, through self-reconciliation, to find lost love

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Summary: Face your heart bravely, and find the lost love through self-reconciliation</h1>

In life, no one can have a smooth sailing, even like the Movie depicted Rogers - "America is second only to God", there are times when they are not understood by their sons, but as Mr. Rogers said to Jeff - I like you like this, I am willing to love you now.

Knowing how to love is a kind of luck, only those who know how to love can better love themselves, love others, love the world, love makes people grow, love also makes us become better selves, but also let us have the courage to face all aspects of life.

In the face of all kinds of misfortunes in life, in the face of all kinds of unhappiness, those loves that we have given will also be in another form, forever in the lives of others, you see we have achieved inner self-reconciliation is not difficult.

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