
Forrest Gump: Tom Hanks' "Fool" Journey and American Dream

author:Lao Mu said

Forrest Gump is a 1994 film directed by director Robert Zemeckis and starring Tom Hanks. The film tells the life of the protagonist Forrest Gump (played by Tom Hanks), a man with limited intelligence but a good heart who, through perseverance, experienced many historic events and finally realized his American dream.

Forrest Gump: Tom Hanks' "Fool" Journey and American Dream

Forrest Gump's character is a very special character with limited intelligence, but he has a pure, kind, and resilient heart. Through Forrest Gump's perspective, the film tells a series of important events in American history, including the Vietnam War, anti-war demonstrations, Watergate, etc.

He was not a politician, business magnate or heroic soldier, but he played a key role in these historical events, directly or indirectly affecting the people and things around him.

Forrest Gump: Tom Hanks' "Fool" Journey and American Dream

The content metaphor of the movie "Forrest Gump"

Forrest Gump's "fool" trait: Forrest Gump's limited intelligence is seen as a kind of "purity," and he spends his life in innocence and goodness. This can be seen as a metaphor for the qualities of innocence, kindness, and innocence in society. The film expresses the praise of these virtues through Forrest Gump, while also alluding to hypocrisy and contradiction in society.

Running metaphor: Forrest Gump loves running in the movie, and he becomes a long-distance runner. Forrest Gump's running can be seen as a symbol of pursuing dreams and success. He kept running, no matter how difficult he faced, which expressed a theme of perseverance and overcoming difficulties.

Forrest Gump: Tom Hanks' "Fool" Journey and American Dream

"Treasures" in the box: Forrest Gump's mother left him a chest containing some old items and precious memories. This box can be seen as a symbol of an individual's past, family, and traditional values. Through this box, the film conveys the importance of traditional values and family bonds.

Metaphors for Social Change: Through Forrest Gump's life experience, the film reflects the changes in American society, including the political, cultural and social changes of the second half of the 20th century. Forrest Gump's journey involved major events such as the Vietnam War, anti-war demonstrations, and the Black Civil Rights Movement, which can be seen as symbols of social and political change.

A metaphor for "coincidence": There are many seemingly coincidental events in the film that drive Forrest Gump's fate. This can be seen as a symbol of destiny and opportunity, while also exploring the relationship between contingency and necessity in life.

Forrest Gump: Tom Hanks' "Fool" Journey and American Dream

These content metaphors give the film Forrest Gump a deeper layer and theme, allowing the audience to not only enjoy a moving story, but also think about broader social, cultural and human issues. This is one of the great charms of the film and the reason why it is considered one of the classics.

The narrative technique of the movie "Forrest Gump"

Narrative of Memories: The film uses Forrest Gump's own memories as the basis for the narrative, presenting the story through his memories. This narrative technique allows the audience to delve into the inner world of the protagonist, understand his thoughts and emotions.

First-person narration: Forrest Gump's own voice is used to narrate the story, which makes it easier for the viewer to connect emotionally with him and experience the emotional changes in the story.

Forrest Gump: Tom Hanks' "Fool" Journey and American Dream

Time span: The film spans decades, from Forrest Gump's childhood to adulthood and old age. This time-span narrative allows viewers to observe the growth and change of the protagonist, while also showcasing some of the key events in American history.

Parallel Narrative: By simultaneously narrating the stories of Forrest Gump and other important characters, such as Jenny, Bubba and Dan's family, the film allows the audience to see how the lives of different characters are intertwined and influence each other.

Editing and music: Music choices and editing techniques in movies are used to emphasize changes in mood and plot. Music is an important narrative tool for creating atmosphere and emotional resonance.

Forrest Gump: Tom Hanks' "Fool" Journey and American Dream

Metaphors and symbolism: There are some symbolic elements in the film, such as running, coincidences, boxes, etc., which are used not only to express the story, but also to convey themes and emotions.

Kind narration: Some characters in the film explain background information and character emotions to the audience through narration. This narration gives the viewer a deeper understanding of the characters and plot.

The movie "Forrest Gump" uses a variety of narrative techniques to tell Forrest Gump's story in a rich, profound and touching way. These techniques not only help the audience understand the emotions and inner world of the characters, but also enhance the dramatic and emotional appeal of the film. The film became a classic because of its excellent narrative.

The shooting angle of the movie "Forrest Gump"

Low angle: Low-angle shots are often used to emphasize the majesty and power of the character. In films, this angle of shooting is sometimes used to highlight Forrest Gump's tenacity and confidence, especially when he runs in a race or makes important decisions.

Forrest Gump: Tom Hanks' "Fool" Journey and American Dream

High angle: High-angle shots are often used to show a character's perspective from above, highlighting the character's vulnerability or making them appear smaller. In films, this angle of shooting is sometimes used to show Forrest Gump's innocence and innocence.

Close-ups and close-ups: Close-ups and close-ups are used to capture a character's facial expressions and emotions. Close-ups in movies are often used to show Forrest Gump's expressions, as well as the emotional reactions of other characters.

Sports shots: There are a lot of sports shots in the movie, especially the scene where Forrest Gump runs. These sports shots are used to emphasize Forrest Gump's persistence and perseverance, while also giving the viewer a sense of immersion.

Forrest Gump: Tom Hanks' "Fool" Journey and American Dream

Empty shots: Some empty shots in the film are used to show natural scenery and landscapes, such as picturesque pastoral scenery, the battlefields of the Vietnam War, etc. These shots help create a sense of immersion in the story world for the viewer.

Lens focal length: Different lens focal lengths are used in the film to emphasize different emotions and themes. Wide-angle lenses are used to show open scenes, and telephoto lenses are used to highlight the emotions of the characters.

Slow Motion: Slow-motion shots in movies are used to highlight important moments and emotional highs. These shots add drama and emotional depth.

Forrest Gump: Tom Hanks' "Fool" Journey and American Dream

These different shooting angles and photographic techniques help convey the emotions, themes, and character development in the film. Together, they contribute to the visual style and narrative depth of the film Forrest Gump.

The success of the movie "Forrest Gump"

Powerful Narrative: The film is based on Forrest Gump's memories and self-narration, telling a gripping and moving story through his perspective. This angle allows the audience to gain insight into the protagonist's emotions and inner world.

Tom Hanks' Outstanding Performance: Tom Hanks' Forrest Gump is an unforgettable performance in which he makes the character deep and real, winning the love and respect of the audience. Hanks won the Academy Award for Best Actor for this.

Forrest Gump: Tom Hanks' "Fool" Journey and American Dream

Touching themes: The film covers a variety of themes, including perseverance, friendship, love, freedom, human rights, and more. These themes touch the emotions of the audience and make them think deeply about life, hope and humanity.

American historical background: Through Forrest Gump's perspective, the film covers a series of important events in American history, including the Vietnam War, anti-war demonstrations, and the civil rights movement. This adds historical depth to the film and gives the audience a deeper understanding of the changes in American society.

Excellent soundtrack: The soundtrack of the film was composed by Alan Silvestri, and the music in it is used throughout the film, enhancing the emotion and drama.

Forrest Gump: Tom Hanks' "Fool" Journey and American Dream

Wonderful Director: Robert Zemeckis successfully presents this complex story on screen with his directing skills, allowing the audience to develop a deep emotional connection with the characters.

Reflection and inspiration: The film inspires the audience to reflect on the meaning of life, the meaning of success, and the power of hope. It sends a positive message that tenacity, kindness and faith can overcome all odds.

Forrest Gump: Tom Hanks' "Fool" Journey and American Dream


The movie Forrest Gump was successful because of its deep emotions, compelling story, great actors' performances, and touching themes. The film became a timeless classic, loved by audiences, and also left a profound impact on the culture.


Forrest Gump: Tom Hanks' "Fool" Journey and American Dream

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