
Buy Pixian watercress sauce to see clearly, look for "2 brands", the others are not authentic

author:Small taste

Buy Pixian watercress sauce to see clearly, look for "2 brands", the others are not authentic

With the improvement of people's living standards, seasonings are becoming more and more abundant, and every time you go to the supermarket, you will find that the bottles and cans on the shelves are very complicated, to meet the different needs of people's cooking tastes. In the past, people cooked relatively simply, soy sauce salt pepper and MSG are basically enough, and now there are more kinds of spices, such as chicken essence, extremely fresh taste, oyster sauce, watercress sauce and so on.

Buy Pixian watercress sauce to see clearly, look for "2 brands", the others are not authentic

Speaking of watercress sauce, I have to say Pixian watercress sauce, Pixian watercress sauce is nothing, Chinese the most dishes pay attention to color and flavor, especially the red oil polished Sichuan cuisine, just look at it is very hungry. As the "soul of Sichuan cuisine", Pixian douban has also become one of the top seasonings in China. Pixian bean paste is often used to stir-fry dishes, which not only increases the aroma of dishes, but also makes dishes look rosy, such as back pot meat, fish fragrant meat shreds and other dishes, all of which are inseparable from Pixian watercress sauce.

Buy Pixian watercress sauce to see clearly, look for "2 brands", the others are not authentic

But there are many types of Pixian douban sauce on the market, there are many brands, and many people will not choose to identify the price, think that the more expensive the better, in fact, it is not so, some things can not use the price to determine the quality, today to share with you the authentic Pixian douban sauce to choose, first look for one of these two brands is: Juancheng brand, the other is: Dandan brand

Buy Pixian watercress sauce to see clearly, look for "2 brands", the others are not authentic

Why recommend these two brands to everyone, first of all, let's talk about the Juancheng card

Juancheng Brand:

In 1955, the local government of Pixian County established the state-owned Pixian Douban Factory in the form of a public-private partnership, which was later renamed as the Pixian Douban Factory in Sichuan Province. In 1981, the state-run Pixian Douban Factory officially registered the "Juancheng Brand" and has been used for nearly 40 years. Juancheng brand Douban was evaluated by the Ministry of Commerce and awarded the honorary title of "China Time-honored Brand".

Buy Pixian watercress sauce to see clearly, look for "2 brands", the others are not authentic

DanDan Brand:

Dandan Pi County Douban was founded in 1984, headquartered in Chengdu Pidu District China Sichuan Cuisine Industrialization Park, which enjoys the reputation of "the hometown of Sichuan cuisine", which integrates raw material planting, seasoning research and development, production, and is a national key leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization.

Buy Pixian watercress sauce to see clearly, look for "2 brands", the others are not authentic

Authentic Pixian bean paste has the following characteristics in the brewing process

The raw materials are very simple, the raw materials of Pixian watercress are only peppers, flour, soybeans, and broad beans.

The material is exquisite, the pepper is made of two thorn peppers from Sichuan, and the broad beans are made of second-rate plate green skin broad beans.

The process is exquisite, silkworm watercress should be fermented naturally, the time is more than 6 months, in order to achieve the crisp, slag taste, after adding peppers, it is necessary to go through more than 3 months of turning, drying, dew, before it can be brewed and matured.

Buy Pixian watercress sauce to see clearly, look for "2 brands", the others are not authentic

So the pixian bean paste on the market that does not reach these 3 points is not authentic, the good Pixian bean paste color is reddish brown, if it is cut corners, it will add some pigments to color, the color is more conspicuous, it looks very fake, this kind of comparison is difficult to say do not buy.

Buy Pixian watercress sauce to see clearly, look for "2 brands", the others are not authentic

There is also a need to look at the fluidity of Pixian watercress sauce, the authentic Pixian watercress sauce, its surface is a script with a layer of red oil, and the observation is also very viscous.

The above is today's sharing, about the selection of Pixian douban sauce, have you learned? When you buy Pixian douban sauce again, as long as you choose the two brands I recommend, you will not buy it wrong, and you will remember to collect it.

【Food Editor】Muhai Food King Chef

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