
Taste on the tip of the tongue - about the food culture of Su cuisine The history of Su cuisine Characteristics of Su cuisine: Su cuisine representative dish:

author:Crippled wolves tell stories
Taste on the tip of the tongue - about the food culture of Su cuisine The history of Su cuisine Characteristics of Su cuisine: Su cuisine representative dish:

Jiangsu is located in the eastern temperate zone of China, mild climate, superior geographical conditions, east of the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea, the source of the Yangtze River across the central region, the Huai River flows east, the north has Hongze Lake, the south of Taihu Lake, the gushing canal flows north and south, the province is dotted with large and small lakes, known as the hometown of fish and rice in Jiangnan. Its seasonal fresh water, vegetables are ripe all year round, Zhenjiang anchovies, two Huai eels, Taihu Lake silverfish, Nantong knife fish, Lianyungang sea crabs, sand light fish, Yangcheng Lake crabs, as well as The unique spotted fish in Jiangsu when it was planned to bloom, are well-known throughout the country.

Taste on the tip of the tongue - about the food culture of Su cuisine The history of Su cuisine Characteristics of Su cuisine: Su cuisine representative dish:

There are also well-known Nantong wolf mountain chicken, Gaoyou duck, Rugao ham, Taixing pork skin thin tender meat, Nanjing short-legged yellow cabbage, Suzhou area of duck blood glutinous, Taizhou bean products, as well as the water town of geese, duck, zibai, lotus, ling, Mustard and so on dazzling. According to legend, Liu An, the king of Huainan in the Western Han Dynasty, invented tofu, and during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, he used gluten to make dishes, bamboo shoots, Qin and other vegetarian raw materials. The above rich cooking raw materials provide a good material foundation for the development of Jiangsu cooking.

Taste on the tip of the tongue - about the food culture of Su cuisine The history of Su cuisine Characteristics of Su cuisine: Su cuisine representative dish:

Jiangsu has a long history of cooking, before the Qin and Han Dynasties, the diet in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River was mainly "rice soup fish", and the Chu Ci Tiantong recorded that "Peng Hao And The Pheasant Emperor He Yu?" The sentence is the pheasant soup made by the famous chef Peng Hao. It was eaten by Emperor Yao, and deeply appreciated by Yao, he was enfeoffed with the establishment of the Great Peng State, which is now Pengcheng Xuzhou. Since the Sui, Tang and Song dynasties, the prosperous markets in Jinling, Gusu, Yangzhou and other places have promoted the development of Jiangsu cuisine.

Taste on the tip of the tongue - about the food culture of Su cuisine The history of Su cuisine Characteristics of Su cuisine: Su cuisine representative dish:

For example, the Northern Song Dynasty's "Qing Yilu" records that the Sui Emperor made the Palace Garden in Yangzhou the capital of the line, and the bad crabs and sugar crabs produced in Jiangsu were all tributes, and the surface of the crab shell was wiped clean, and the dragon and phoenix flowers cut out of gold paper were densely pasted on it. Yangzhou uses turquoise bamboo tubes or chrysanthemum seedlings to wrap crucian carp meat and carp roe into "wisps"; Suzhou uses pieces of fish carp to spell together into peonies, and the famous flower-colored dish "Linglong Peony Carp", which is made into peonies, etc., all indicate that in the Tang and Song Dynasties, Jiangsu already had craft dishes with complex production, bright colors and beautiful shapes.

Taste on the tip of the tongue - about the food culture of Su cuisine The history of Su cuisine Characteristics of Su cuisine: Su cuisine representative dish:

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Jiangsu's inland river traffic was developed, and boat banquets were prevalent, and there were boat banquets in Nanjing, Suzhou and Yangzhou. In the Qing Dynasty, Jiangsu's cooking techniques became more and more refined, the variety of dishes was greatly enriched, and the flavor characteristics had been formed, and the influence in the country was increasing. The Qing Dynasty Xu Ke's compilation of "Qing Barnyard Banknotes" records that "dishes have their own characteristics, such as Jingshi, Shandong, Sichuan, Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangning, Suzhou, Zhenjiang, Yangzhou, Huai'an." ”

Taste on the tip of the tongue - about the food culture of Su cuisine The history of Su cuisine Characteristics of Su cuisine: Su cuisine representative dish:

Jiangsu's culinary culture is very splendid, such as the "Yunlintang Food System Collection" written by Ni Zhan of Wuxi in the Yuan Dynasty, which is a monograph reflecting the local food style of Wuxi in the Yuan Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, Han Yi, a native of Wu County, Jiangsu Province, wrote the book "Yi Ya's Will" as a work of antique food classics. The "Suiyuan Food List" written by Yuan Ming of the Qing Dynasty was written in Nanjing, and the dishes in the book are mostly Huaiyang cuisine, which is the culmination of the culinary literature of the Qing Dynasty, and is also an important document for studying the culinary concept of chinese culinary history, which is widely circulated at home and abroad and has become a world-famous ancient Chinese cooking monograph.

Taste on the tip of the tongue - about the food culture of Su cuisine The history of Su cuisine Characteristics of Su cuisine: Su cuisine representative dish:

From the above, we can see the richness of Jiangsu's culinary cultural heritage. In addition, jiangsu's culinary education was launched earlier, and cooking classes were offered in the home economics department of Jinling Women's College of Arts and Sciences in the 1940s. However, the real development of culinary education is still after the founding of New China, especially in recent years, Jiangsu has appeared many accomplished culinary educators.

Taste on the tip of the tongue - about the food culture of Su cuisine The history of Su cuisine Characteristics of Su cuisine: Su cuisine representative dish:

Su cuisine is mainly composed of four major local flavors, such as Huaiyang (Huai'an, Yangzhou), Jinling (Nanjing), Suxi (Suzhou, Wuxi), and Xuhai (Xuzhou, Lianyungang). Huaiyang cuisine as the main body. Huaiyang is located in central Suzhou, east to Haiqitong Taiyanfu, west to Jinling Liuhe, south and Jingkou Jintan, north to Lianghuai. Huaiyang cuisine is characterized by rigorous selection of ingredients, pay attention to knife and fire, emphasize the original taste, highlight the main ingredients, light and elegant color, novel shape, moderate salt and sweet, peaceful taste, so the adaptation surface is wider. In terms of cooking techniques, the method of stewing, stewing, simmering and simmering is mostly used. Among them, Nanjing cuisine is famous for cooking duck dishes, zhen and Yang cuisine are known for cooking chicken dishes and river fresh; its fine points are won by fermented noodles, hot pastries and puff pastry noodles.

Taste on the tip of the tongue - about the food culture of Su cuisine The history of Su cuisine Characteristics of Su cuisine: Su cuisine representative dish:

Su cuisine is good at stewing, stewing, steaming, stir-frying, pay attention to the soup, keep the original juice, the flavor is fresh, thick but not greasy, light but not thin, crisp and loose without losing its shape, smooth and crisp without losing its taste. Nanjing cuisine tastes mellow, exquisite and delicate; Yangzhou cuisine is light and palatable, the knife work is fine; Suzhou cuisine tastes sweet, elegant and colorful.

Taste on the tip of the tongue - about the food culture of Su cuisine The history of Su cuisine Characteristics of Su cuisine: Su cuisine representative dish:

Su cuisine is widely used in ingredients, mainly based on rivers and lakes and seawater; fine knife work, diverse cooking methods, good at stewing and simmering; the pursuit of the original taste, fresh and peaceful, strong adaptability; the style of dishes is elegant, the shape and quality are beautiful.

The style of Su cuisine is fresh and elegant, reflected in the fine knife workmanship and the variety of knife techniques.

Taste on the tip of the tongue - about the food culture of Su cuisine The history of Su cuisine Characteristics of Su cuisine: Su cuisine representative dish:

Whether it is a craft cold dish, a hot dish, or a melon and fruit carving or deboning, or a carving and cut through, it shows superb knife craftsmanship.

Taste on the tip of the tongue - about the food culture of Su cuisine The history of Su cuisine Characteristics of Su cuisine: Su cuisine representative dish:

Overlord Farewell

Taste on the tip of the tongue - about the food culture of Su cuisine The history of Su cuisine Characteristics of Su cuisine: Su cuisine representative dish:

Formerly known as Dragon Phoenix Stew. Xiang Yu said that when the founding ceremony of the founding ceremony of the emperor Pengcheng (Xuzhou), he prepared a "dragon and phoenix banquet" for the grand ceremony. Legend has it that it was designed by Lady Yu Ji herself. "Dragon and Phoenix Stew" is the main large piece in the "Dragon and Phoenix Feast". Its material is "turtle" (turtle genus water tribe, the head of the dragon family water family) and pheasant (pheasant genus feather family, phoenix family feather family long), so it is extended to the dragon and phoenix meeting name. Turtles and chickens are now used instead of turtles and pheasants. This dish has been passed down from generation to generation, and is a famous dish in Xuzhou, becoming an indispensable dish at festive banquets.

Three sets of ducks

Taste on the tip of the tongue - about the food culture of Su cuisine The history of Su cuisine Characteristics of Su cuisine: Su cuisine representative dish:

Yangzhou's traditional famous dish, the Qing Dynasty", the Qing Dynasty "Tuning Ding Collection" once recorded the duck production method, for "fat duck boneless, plate duck also boneless, filled into the belly of the duck, steamed very rotten, the whole offering". Later, the chefs in Yangzhou set up three birds of lake duck, wild duck and vegetable pigeon, and stewed it in a purple casserole pot produced in Yixing and stewed with a small fire wide soup. The domestic duck is fat and tender, the wild duck is crispy, and the pigeon is fine and fresh, and the flavor is unique.

Boil the shredded dry

Taste on the tip of the tongue - about the food culture of Su cuisine The history of Su cuisine Characteristics of Su cuisine: Su cuisine representative dish:

It is related to the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty. In the sixth place of Qianlong in Jiangnan, local officials in Yangzhou hired famous chefs to cook dishes for the emperor, including a "nine silk soup", which was made of dried tofu and shredded ham, and boiled in chicken soup, which was extremely delicious. In particular, the dry silk is finely cut, the penetration of the taste is better, inhaling various umami flavors, and the name is spread all over the world, so it is renamed "boiled dry silk". Boiled with shredded chicken and shredded ham is dried chicken, adding kaiyang is kaiyang dried silk, adding shrimp is dried shrimp.

Crystal hooves

Taste on the tip of the tongue - about the food culture of Su cuisine The history of Su cuisine Characteristics of Su cuisine: Su cuisine representative dish:

Also known as Zhenjiang cuisine, it is said that more than 300 years ago, the owner of a small hotel in Jiuhai Street, Zhenjiang, bought four pig's trotters on a hot day and wanted to salt it, but he misused the salt used by his father-in-law to make firecrackers. Who knows that the meat quality has not changed, but it is more hard and fragrant, and the meat is red and white. After soaking in water, blanch the water, add green onion and ginger, peppercorns, fennel, cinnamon, add water and simmer. I wanted to detoxify at high temperatures, but I didn't expect the aroma to be fragrant. The aroma attracted the immortal Zhang Guolao, turned into a white-haired old man to buy, four hoofs ate three and a half, the shop owner ate the remaining half, only to feel that the taste is extremely delicious, and then used this method to make pork.

Stewed crab powder lion's head

Taste on the tip of the tongue - about the food culture of Su cuisine The history of Su cuisine Characteristics of Su cuisine: Su cuisine representative dish:

This dish is one of the traditional famous dishes in Yangzhou and has a history of 1,000 years. Strict selection of materials, fine cutting and coarse chopping, mixing and filling evenly "on the strength", "tuan" meat round fine, proper use of the fire, this is the outstanding feature of Yangzhou production of "lion head".

Taste on the tip of the tongue - about the food culture of Su cuisine The history of Su cuisine Characteristics of Su cuisine: Su cuisine representative dish:

To make a "stewed crab powder lion's head", pork ribs are used first, and the fat-to-lean ratio is 3:7. Cut into pomegranate grains, mix them together and chop them roughly, add shallot ginger juice, crab meat, shrimp, fine salt, rice wine, dry starch and mix well until "strong". Rub the bottom of the moss pot with cooked lard, line the green vegetable leaves in the bottom, put the pork broth and boil, then put the mixed meat filling into the palm of your hand, roll the balls back and forth with your hands to form smooth meat balls, arrange them one by one on the hearts of the vegetables, each one is embedded with crab yellow, covered with green vegetable leaves, boiled, moved to a low heat and simmered for about 40 minutes, remove the green vegetable leaves.

The adult vegetables are fat and tender, melt in the mouth, the crab powder is delicious, and the heart of the dish is fragrant.

Steamed anchovies

Taste on the tip of the tongue - about the food culture of Su cuisine The history of Su cuisine Characteristics of Su cuisine: Su cuisine representative dish:

Jiaoshan in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, is rich in anchovies, and every June and July is the peak season for anchovies, and the "steamed anchovies" are fat and tender, and have long become local delicacies.

The preparation method is: remove the internal organs of the anchovy, cut it into two pieces, blanch it in boiling water, put the skin up into the plate, place the ham slices, shiitake mushroom slices, and winter shoot slices on the fish one by one, add cooked lard, sugar, salt, shrimp, rice wine, chicken soup, wrap lard oil, sprinkle onion and ginger shreds, steam for 20 minutes, pick out the onion, ginger and net oil, boil the soup in a spoon, beat the foam, add pepper, pour on the fish, sprinkle the coriander segments.

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