
How much is a pound of red beans 2017 how to save red beans without insects

author:Fun Monk

In daily life, red beans are very delicious legume food, many people especially like to eat red beans, so how much is a pound of red beans in 2017? How to save red beans without insects?

Many families will buy some red beans to eat slowly, but we must keep them well, otherwise it is easy to get worms. So how much is a pound of red beans 2017? Next, I will introduce it to you.

How much is a pound of red beans 2017 how to save red beans without insects

How much is a pound of red beans in 2017

If the better red beans are wholesaled for 5 pieces and 67 pieces, the general grain store sells 6 pieces for 5 to 8 pieces. Supermarkets should be about 10, barley is divided into large grains, and large barley supermarkets should sell 8 to 10 small grains of about 13.

Network Price:

Three acres of grain Red bean hawthorn eight treasure porridge rice raw materials wholesale grain porridge combination manufacturers direct sales OEM

Price: 8.60

Northern Shaanxi grains red adzuki beans wholesale Iron tonic blood red adzuki beans 500g vacuum packing high quality red beans wholesale

Price: 9.90

Factory direct sales Heilongjiang Baoqing red beans red adzuki beans grains wholesale and retail OEM OEM processing

Price: 5.40

Zhengguang Agricultural Trade Northeast Red Adzuki Bean Factory Direct Sales 450 grams of grains OEM OEM processing

Price: 6.80

Factory wholesale northeast high-quality red adzuki beans Farmers select pearl red beans non-red beans pearl grains grains

Price: 7.80

How much is a pound of red beans 2017 how to save red beans without insects

How to save red beans without insects

1. Soak in boiling water for ten minutes, fish out and dry, store in the tank, can be kept for a long time without deterioration, no insects.

2. Put it in a clean food bag, seal it and put it in the refrigerator. Can be stored for a whole year.

3. Put the red beans (all granular grains can be) in a clean, dry beverage bottle, the first time you put it, you must pack the more porcelain the better, tighten the lid, save in the shade, you can open the lid after three or five days to eat, and tighten the lid in time after each use. The advantage of this is that the beans do not require any processing and remain the original taste. The principle is that the grain occupies the space in the bottle without air and oxygen, and the insect eggs die without a living environment, and when the grain is eaten and some have air, the worms outside cannot enter, and the eggs inside cannot be resurrected, and the purpose of long-term storage is achieved.

How much is a pound of red beans 2017 how to save red beans without insects

Red bean shopping guide

1. Observe from the appearance.

The particle size is uniform and full is the top product. If the red beans are wormed, there will be a lot of small particles such as worm droppings.

2, distinguish from the color.

If it is a red bean that was not fresh last year or the year before, its red color is not bright, very dry or seems to have faded.

3. Water immersion test to distinguish good from bad.

Pouring red beans in light salt water and completely submerging in water is a good red bean, and floating on the surface of the water is a bad red bean.

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