
During the Chongqing negotiations, Chiang Kai-shek relied on an inconspicuous cigarette to judge that Mao Zedong's origin of not being simple and inseparable from the smoke pierced the false face of Chiang Kai-shek's peace talks and attracted Chiang Kai-shek's attention

author:Brother Guang said one thing and not two

It is no secret that Chairman Mao's addiction to smoking is very large, and those who know Chairman Mao a little bit know this. We can find great evidence of Chairman Mao's addiction to smoking in some existing pictures, video materials, or some literary works.

Chairman Mao's addiction to smoking is also related to the fact that he has been smoking for too long, and we all know that Chairman Mao wrote a poem "Poem for His Father" when he was 17 years old, and since then he has bid farewell to his father and come out to make a revolution. Along the way, he worked hard for the revolution, paid a lot of painstaking efforts, had to think about many problems every day, and in order to better concentrate his attention and to refresh his mind, Chairman Mao had the habit of smoking.

From smoking in his teens to starting to quit smoking in poor health, Chairman Mao's smoking age was as long as more than sixty years, and it can be said that Chairman Mao never left smoking for most of his life.

During the Chongqing negotiations, Chiang Kai-shek relied on an inconspicuous cigarette to judge that Mao Zedong's origin of not being simple and inseparable from the smoke pierced the false face of Chiang Kai-shek's peace talks and attracted Chiang Kai-shek's attention

In 1945, Chairman Mao was 52 years old, more than 20 years old, and it was a time when cigarettes were inseparable every day. At that time, shortly after the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the people's desire for peace reached an unprecedented height. In order to comply with the will of the people, Chiang Kai-shek pretended to hold the Chongqing negotiations, but his ultimate goal was only to delay time and prepare for the start of a civil war.

Although he knew that the negotiations were nothing more than a conspiracy of Chiang Kai-shek, Chairman Mao decided to go to Chongqing to participate in the negotiations himself, and the last time they met was eighteen years ago. Before meeting Chairman Mao, Chiang Kai-shek still had a contempt for Chairman Mao, but after the chongqing negotiations ended, Chiang Kai-shek judged mao Zedong's simplicity by virtue of an inconspicuous cigarette, and even lamented one after another: This person should not be despised.

From the initial disdain to the later dare not to despise, what really happened during the Chongqing negotiations that made Chiang Kai-shek's view change so much? Everything must start with Chairman Mao's "addiction to tobacco."

During the Chongqing negotiations, Chiang Kai-shek relied on an inconspicuous cigarette to judge that Mao Zedong's origin of not being simple and inseparable from the smoke pierced the false face of Chiang Kai-shek's peace talks and attracted Chiang Kai-shek's attention

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="99" > inseparable from the origin of smoke</h1>

Chairman Mao's first smoking can be traced back to the period of establishing the Jinggangshan revolutionary base area, which was the first rural revolutionary base area created by our Party, and it must be done well to provide more feasible experience for the future, so Chairman Mao must take into account all aspects of the problems, plus there will be many problems in the process of practice, and chairman Mao must be counted on to solve them, so Chairman Mao must spend a lot of time thinking.

Therefore, Chairman Mao first smoked in order to refresh his mind when thinking about problems.

Over time, Chairman Mao became addicted to smoking.

At that time, however, Chairman Mao could not smoke any good cigarettes at all, because the conditions in all aspects at that time were very difficult, and it was not only necessary to be vigilant at any time to encircle and suppress the base areas, but also to engage in production, otherwise there would be problems in even daily food and clothing.

At that time, Chairman Mao's favorite cigarettes were all captured from the Kuomintang, but this channel for obtaining cigarettes was unstable, so Chairman Mao usually did not pick cigarettes and smoke them. On weekdays, he smokes the most is homemade old dry tobacco, which is generally grown by the people themselves in their homes, and when smoking, they need to make the tobacco leaves into filaments, and then roll them up with paper.

This kind of smoke is very common, and many ordinary people see that Chairman Mao actually smokes dry tobacco like them, and they feel even more cordial to Chairman Mao, which invisibly pulls into the closeness between Chairman Mao and the people.

During the Chongqing negotiations, Chiang Kai-shek relied on an inconspicuous cigarette to judge that Mao Zedong's origin of not being simple and inseparable from the smoke pierced the false face of Chiang Kai-shek's peace talks and attracted Chiang Kai-shek's attention

For Chairman Mao, it did not matter what kind of cigarettes he smoked, but he had to smoke them. At that time, the guards around Chairman Mao had to carry the maps and radio stations commonly used by Chairman Mao, and they also had to prepare the cigarettes that Chairman Mao liked to smoke. It was not until after the founding of the People's Republic of China that Chairman Mao began to smoke a little better brand of cigarettes.

Since the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in 1937, there has been endless debate in all walks of life in China about the War of Resistance Against Japan, and Chairman Mao has begun to create his "On Protracted War." It is said that at that time, in order to write this article well, Chairman Mao almost did not leave his hands, smoking one cigarette after another, and smoking more than fifty cigarettes a day. Many people knew that this was not conducive to his health and advised him to quit smoking, but Chairman Mao said with a smile that the matter of quitting smoking must wait until the revolution succeeds.

There are also some interesting things that happened about Chairman Mao's smoking. At that time, Yan'an was a revolutionary holy land that many people longed for, and many people came to visit it. Yan'an has also set up a special institution to entertain these people. An old professor who had known Chairman Mao for a long time also came to Yan'an. After learning the news of the old professor's visit, Chairman Mao was naturally very happy, and the two of them talked freely in the caves in northern Shaanxi.

Chairman Mao, out of habit, wanted to smoke soon after, and he knew that the old professor was also an old smoker, so he wanted to smoke and talk with the other party. But when Chairman Mao wanted to hand the old professor a cigarette, he found that there was only one cigarette left in the box, which really surprised Chairman Mao.

When encountering such an embarrassing situation, Chairman Mao very cleverly defused it. Usually, out of courtesy, everyone will give in to each other, and in the end one of them will smoke this cigarette, or two people will not smoke at all. Chairman Mao did not do this as a conventional practice, only to see that Chairman Mao directly divided the cigarette into two pieces, and he and the old professor were one and a half. The old professor was not a strict person, and was very happy to accept the half-cut cigarette handed by Chairman Mao.

During the Chongqing negotiations, Chiang Kai-shek relied on an inconspicuous cigarette to judge that Mao Zedong's origin of not being simple and inseparable from the smoke pierced the false face of Chiang Kai-shek's peace talks and attracted Chiang Kai-shek's attention

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="98" > piercing the masquerade of Chiang Kai-shek's peace talks</h1>

In 1945, Japan announced its surrender, and the War of Resistance Against Japan was finally victorious. At that time, the people of the whole country were in a state of jubilation, but Chiang Kai-shek's first thought was to fight for power and profit, and his plan was to first stand on the moral commanding heights and grasp the initiative, so he sent a telegram invitation to Chairman Mao on peace talks.

Chiang Kai-shek's telegram was written with great sincerity and sincerity; he only sought to resolve the country's problems peacefully, and he was completely concerned about the country and the people; in order to make chairman Mao unable to refuse this feast at the Gate of Hongmen, he also published the contents of the telegram in major newspapers, so that he could not only achieve the goal of calculating Chairman Mao, but also incidentally publicize his so-called sincerity in "peaceful nation-building" and win more people's hearts, which can be described as a strategy of killing two birds with one stone.

Chiang Kai-shek's "original intention" has never changed since the April 12 coup d'état in 1927 and the wanton persecution of communists. Even during the united front of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Chiang Kai-shek set up institutions specifically aimed at the Communist Party. In fact, three months before Chiang Kai-shek issued the telegram invitation, he had already stated at the meeting that the Japanese were no longer the main enemies of the Kuomintang and that the focus of the next work would be on how to eliminate the Chinese Communist Party.

During the Chongqing negotiations, Chiang Kai-shek relied on an inconspicuous cigarette to judge that Mao Zedong's origin of not being simple and inseparable from the smoke pierced the false face of Chiang Kai-shek's peace talks and attracted Chiang Kai-shek's attention

Chiang Kai-shek

The reason why he sent this telegram invitation for peace talks was because in Chiang Kai-shek's view, the domestic demand for peace at that time was too high, and if a civil war was launched hastily, it would certainly be dissatisfied by everyone, and it would take a certain amount of preparation time to make new arrangements and arrangements for the army. In addition, chiang kai-shek's backstage at that time, the United States, was also in the recovery period after the war and could not give him more assistance.

Therefore, Chiang Kai-shek ostensibly flaunted the banner of peaceful nation-building, but in fact it was just his strategy to slow down the army.

Yan'an's reply to Chiang Kai-shek's telegram was not enthusiastic, which made Chiang Kai-shek very happy, because he wanted to put the Communist Party on the hat of not wanting peace talks. However, Chiang Kai-shek was still relatively proficient in the field of drama, and he then sent a second telegram of peace talks.

At that time, many people in the Communist Party could see that Chiang Kai-shek was not sincere in peace talks, so they did not want Chairman Mao to risk going to peace talks, but Chairman Mao said: Since Chiang Kai-shek wants to act, let him accompany him to act, so that the people of the whole country can have a good look at who the people who do not want peace talks are.

During the Chongqing negotiations, Chiang Kai-shek relied on an inconspicuous cigarette to judge that Mao Zedong's origin of not being simple and inseparable from the smoke pierced the false face of Chiang Kai-shek's peace talks and attracted Chiang Kai-shek's attention

Chairman Mao

After the decision was made, Chairman Mao and Zhou Enlai and their party set off for Chongqing. On the same night, Chiang Kai-shek arranged a dinner party to wash the dust for Chairman Mao and his party, and it seemed that Chiang Kai-shek's attitude seemed to be very sincere, but these were all done for the people of the world to see, and in fact Chiang Kai-shek's attitude was very arrogant and rude.

In the course of the negotiations, Chiang Kai-shek's attitude was not at all an attitude of friendship and cooperation, but very arrogant, and many of the demands he made were to satisfy his own desires. For example, at the meeting, he always stressed the issue of the unification of government and military orders, which was actually to demand that the Chinese Communist Party give up its leadership and military power like the first cooperation with the Kuomintang.

But no one will jump the same pit a second time, and it is precisely because of the rupture of the first Kuomintang-Communist cooperation that Chairman Mao put forward the policy of "power out of the barrel of a gun." Chairman Mao certainly did not agree to these demands put forward by Chiang Kai-shek. The two sides had been arguing endlessly over the question of political power and military power, and after two days of negotiations, Chairman Mao moved out of the accommodation arranged by Chiang Kai-shek.

Together, the negotiations between the two sides have failed to make substantial progress. Chiang Kai-shek was also a little tired of "acting", gradually lost patience with the negotiations, and even moved the idea of detaining Chairman Mao, but later abandoned this plan due to his arrogance.

When Chairman Mao was in Yan'an, he always lived in a cave dwelling, and there was only one desk in the room, which can be said to be very simple. The accommodation arranged by Chiang Kai-shek for Chairman Mao was very gorgeous, but Chairman Mao was not used to it, so he directly moved to the office of the Eighth Route Army, which surprised Chiang Kai-shek very much.

But what really made Chiang Kai-shek think that Mao Zedong should not be taken lightly was a small cigarette.

During the Chongqing negotiations, Chiang Kai-shek relied on an inconspicuous cigarette to judge that Mao Zedong's origin of not being simple and inseparable from the smoke pierced the false face of Chiang Kai-shek's peace talks and attracted Chiang Kai-shek's attention

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="79" > a cigarette attracted Chiang Kai-shek's attention</h1>

Chairman Mao's penchant for smoking is well known, but long before he went to Chongqing, Chairman Mao learned that Chiang Kai-shek not only hated others very much, but even hated smelling smoke from others. Therefore, before rushing to Chongqing, Chairman Mao had already begun to reduce the number of times he smoked.

When he arrived in Chongqing to negotiate with Chiang Kai-shek, Chairman Mao had never touched a cigarette or smoked a single cigarette, which was simply an unfinished thing for an old smoker who had been smoking for more than 20 years. But Chairman Mao did it, which shows how strong Chairman Mao's self-control has become.

And this is precisely what caused Chiang Kai-shek to be jealous. Chiang Kai-shek had long heard that Chairman Mao's addiction to smoking was very large, so he ordered someone to prepare cigarettes for Chairman Mao in advance, but when he saw that Chairman Mao had always insisted on not smoking, Chiang Kai-shek could not help but raise his vigilance, and with the help of an inconspicuous cigarette, he judged that Mao Zedong's was not simple.

Chiang Kai-shek could not help but sigh at Chen Brei: "This man should not be taken lightly. ”

During the Chongqing negotiations, Chiang Kai-shek relied on an inconspicuous cigarette to judge that Mao Zedong's origin of not being simple and inseparable from the smoke pierced the false face of Chiang Kai-shek's peace talks and attracted Chiang Kai-shek's attention

In fact, the Chongqing peace talks did not smoke for such a short period of time, which was completely difficult for Chairman Mao. When Marshal Voroshilov, chairman of the Soviet Union, visited China, he proposed to Chairman Mao to quit smoking, and Chairman Mao adopted his advice in consideration of his own health problems. This time the smoking cessation lasted for ten months, but later, due to busy affairs, Chairman Mao picked up the habit of smoking again.

Chairman Mao's last quit was two years before his death. At that time, Chairman Mao's physical condition was very unoptimistic, and it had reached the point where he had to quit smoking, and Chairman Mao also followed the doctor's instructions and began to quit smoking. The guards saw chairman Mao's unbearable appearance when he quit smoking, and still brought the cigarette to Chairman Mao, but Chairman Mao decided to quit smoking and did not think about continuing to smoke. Whenever he wanted to smoke, Chairman Mao put the cigarette under his nose and smelled it. It can be seen that as long as Chairman Mao makes any decision, no matter how difficult it is, he will certainly be able to do it.

"He seeks happiness for the people, and he is the great savior of the people," these two lyrics in praise of Chairman Mao are not wrong at all. Chairman Mao was committed to creating a beautiful era, and he did exactly that. He had done a lot for the country, and when he was tired, he could only rely on cigarettes to refresh his mind. His spirit is still influencing generations of Chinese sons and daughters, and I believe that our country will definitely become better!

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