
Accompanied by this plate of Inner Mongolia specialties - slightly beautiful, rice can be eaten in three bowls

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Accompanied by this plate of Inner Mongolia specialties - slightly beautiful, rice can be eaten in three bowls

As a native of Inner Mongolia, from going out to study and then marrying away from home, I always miss the various delicacies of my hometown. After starting a family, although I often asked my mother about the practice of various foods and made them myself, the taste was always unsatisfactory because of the slight differences in the ingredients between the north and the south. Over time, the most anticipated thing is to come home from vacation and taste the various hometown dishes made by my mother, which is my favorite taste. It is a pity that I did not go home because of the epidemic this year, but fortunately I can take advantage of my free time to make up for it recently. After returning home, sure enough, my mother began to make a variety of special foods, and today I will share with you an authentic special Inner Mongolian cuisine - slightly beautiful. The appearance is similar to the roasted wheat in the south, but the materials are different, the taste is also very different, very local characteristics, is the traditional cuisine of the central and western regions of Inner Mongolia, I have eaten a variety of places in a variety of large and small hotel restaurants of the slightly beautiful, still feel that the mother made the best, may be because this slightly beautiful poured into the mother's strong love for me. Without further ado, I will give you a brief introduction to the method.

By brine egg kitchen


2 kg of lamb

Half a pound of green onion

2 pieces of ginger

Potato starch 1 large handful

1 scoop of peppercorn oil

Flax oil 30ml

Chicken essence to taste

Salt to taste

1 scoop of five-spice powder

Pepper 1 scoop

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Accompanied by this plate of Inner Mongolia specialties - slightly beautiful, rice can be eaten in three bowls

1, two pounds of lamb cleaned, cut into small pieces, and then put into the meat grinder to grind into meat filling, the size of the meat filling particles according to their own taste to determine, I like the filling is delicate.

Accompanied by this plate of Inner Mongolia specialties - slightly beautiful, rice can be eaten in three bowls

2: Add 30ml of sesame oil, 2 tablespoons of white pepper and 1 tablespoon of pepper oil to the lamb filling.

Accompanied by this plate of Inner Mongolia specialties - slightly beautiful, rice can be eaten in three bowls

3: Add 2 eggs.

Accompanied by this plate of Inner Mongolia specialties - slightly beautiful, rice can be eaten in three bowls

4, a small number of times to add water, stir in one direction.

Accompanied by this plate of Inner Mongolia specialties - slightly beautiful, rice can be eaten in three bowls

5: Add a spoonful of five-spice powder and some chicken essence.

Accompanied by this plate of Inner Mongolia specialties - slightly beautiful, rice can be eaten in three bowls

6: Wash 1/2 pounds of green onion and 2 large pieces of ginger.

Accompanied by this plate of Inner Mongolia specialties - slightly beautiful, rice can be eaten in three bowls

7: Stir into filling.

Accompanied by this plate of Inner Mongolia specialties - slightly beautiful, rice can be eaten in three bowls

8: Add to lamb filling.

Accompanied by this plate of Inner Mongolia specialties - slightly beautiful, rice can be eaten in three bowls

9: Add an appropriate amount of salt and stir well.

Accompanied by this plate of Inner Mongolia specialties - slightly beautiful, rice can be eaten in three bowls

10: Add a handful of potato starch.

Accompanied by this plate of Inner Mongolia specialties - slightly beautiful, rice can be eaten in three bowls

11. Stir in one direction.

Accompanied by this plate of Inner Mongolia specialties - slightly beautiful, rice can be eaten in three bowls

12, buy a ready-made slightly beautiful skin.

Accompanied by this plate of Inner Mongolia specialties - slightly beautiful, rice can be eaten in three bowls

13: Take a piece of roasted wheat husk and put an appropriate amount of filling.

Accompanied by this plate of Inner Mongolia specialties - slightly beautiful, rice can be eaten in three bowls

14: Use five fingers to pinch up the skin and wrap it in a shape similar to a pomegranate.

Accompanied by this plate of Inner Mongolia specialties - slightly beautiful, rice can be eaten in three bowls

15, the same method to do all.

Accompanied by this plate of Inner Mongolia specialties - slightly beautiful, rice can be eaten in three bowls

16: Boil the steam in advance in the pot, and steam it for 8-10 minutes on high heat in the cage drawer.

Accompanied by this plate of Inner Mongolia specialties - slightly beautiful, rice can be eaten in three bowls

17, the time is up, delicious out of the pot. Dipped in vinegar and oil, it was delicious.


After this slightly beautiful steaming, the thin skin is large filling, the skin is slightly transparent, the taste is tendon, the filling is mainly beef and mutton and green onions, the aroma is mellow, soft and not greasy, it must be eaten hot, especially delicious. If you have the opportunity to go to Inner Mongolia, you must taste this authentic specialty food, which is guaranteed to be loved.

<h2>Nutritional benefits of lamb</h2>

Can withstand the wind and cold, but also can supplement the body, for the general cold cough, chronic tracheitis, cold asthma, kidney impotence, abdominal cold pain, body weakness and fear of cold, waist and knee soreness, yellow muscle thinness, qi and blood loss, post-illness or postpartum body deficiency and all other deficiencies have therapeutic and tonic effects, the most suitable for winter consumption, so it is called winter supplements, popular with people

<h2>Dietary taboos for lamb</h2>

It is not advisable to be jealous at the same time. Many people like to eat lamb with vinegar as a condiment, which is more refreshing to eat, which is actually unreasonable. Because of the heat of lamb, the function is to improve qi and replenish deficiency; and vinegar contains protein, sugar, vitamins, acetic acid and a variety of organic acids, temperature, should be paired with cold food, and hot lamb is not suitable.

It is not advisable to drink tea immediately. Because lamb is rich in protein, and tea contains more tannic acid, drinking tea immediately after eating lamb will produce a substance called tannic acid protein, which is easy to cause constipation.

Patients with hepatitis should not eat lamb. Mutton is warm and hot, and excessive consumption will promote the development of some lesions and aggravate the disease. In addition, after a large amount of protein and fat is ingested, due to liver disease, it cannot effectively complete the metabolic functions such as oxidation, decomposition and absorption, which increases the burden on the liver and can lead to the onset of the disease. Lamb and pumpkin are compatible – prone to jaundice and beriberi.

Lamb and cheese are compatible – the two have opposite functions and should not be eaten together.

Lamb and vinegar should be matched with cold food, and lamb is hot and should not be matched with vinegar.

Mutton and bamboo shoots are compatible - eating together can cause abdominal pain and poisoning.

Mutton and half-summer phase gram - the same food affects the absorption of nutrients.

Sheep liver and red beans are compatible - eating together can cause poisoning.

Sheep liver and bamboo shoots are compatible - eating together can cause poisoning.

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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