
Thinking of it, the tongue is full of words - a little wheat (slightly beautiful)

author:Inner Mongolia trademark brand
Thinking of it, the tongue is full of words - a little wheat (slightly beautiful)

Slightly wheat

Slightly wheat is a kind of steamed steamed dim sum made with noodle filling. Originated later than buns, it appeared in Dadu (present-day Beijing) in the Yuan Dynasty. Its shape is folded like a flower, the skin is thin and tender, and it is called "yarn hat" in the Ming Dynasty and "ghost puff head" in the Qing Dynasty. Its flavor and production method are different from north to south, such as "dry steaming sale" in Guangdong, "crab yellow roast sale" in Jiangsu, and "jade roast sale", with different flavors.

It is said that the true origin of the northern millet is in Suiyuan in the Qing Dynasty, which is now the capital of Inner Mongolia, Hohhot. When Kangxi MicroFu visited privately, he passed by a halal restaurant, it was late, and the ingredients in the restaurant were basically sold out, leaving a little noodle and meat filling. The boss is a returner, he improvised, he rolled the noodles very thinly, wrapped with lamb filling, the skin wrapped is different from the dumplings, made like a flower. Kangxi Ye took a bite and asked the boss what this is? The boss said: "Sell with a piggyback". Kangxi ate comfortably and satisfactorily, so he raised his pen to change the "slightly beautiful" to "carrying and selling".

Thinking of it, the tongue is full of words - a little wheat (slightly beautiful)

Breakfast is standard

Thinking of it, the tongue is full of words - a little wheat (slightly beautiful)

Fry a little wheat in oil

A little wheat is a special "slight wheat hammer" that rolls out the reconciled, kneaded noodles and covered with potato flour into a very thin lotus peel. Then use inner Mongolia's unique fresh lamb cut grains with onions and ginger and other ingredients to mix into the filling, and then hook the cooked starch, dry and wet moderately, red, white, green, steaming, accompanied by water vapor, slightly wheat aroma diffuse, for a long time, 7 to 10 minutes out of the cage, suddenly full of fresh fragrance. Look at its shape, crystal clear; eat its taste, strong flavor and beauty. The skin is as thin as a cicada wing, flexible but not broken, clipped with chopsticks, hanging like a thin sac; placed in a dish, clumped like a flower.

Thinking of it, the tongue is full of words - a little wheat (slightly beautiful)

A little wheat hammer

Thinking of it, the tongue is full of words - a little wheat (slightly beautiful)

Slightly wheat husk

To this day, it is still the favorite of Hohhot people, and slightly wheat with brick tea is a perfect match for early morning breakfast. Mention hohhot's roasted wheat, famous broadcast in all directions, as long as you eat it once, you can't help but miss it.

According to the "Suiyuan Tongzhi Draft", "Only one kind of piggyback sold in the city is a feature of food, because the tea shop sells it incidentally, and the colloquial saying is 'incidental' for the piggyback, so it is called piggybacking." And naturalized city is sold, and it has been famous since the past. There are also imitations in outer counties or outer ports. And the flavor is slightly inferior. "It can be seen that in the early years of naturalization city, the wheat was sold in tea houses. Diners drinking thick brick tea while chatting over steaming wheat, the rich aroma wafts between the tea shops for a long time.

Thinking of it, the tongue is full of words - a little wheat (slightly beautiful)

Brick tea

Thinking of it, the tongue is full of words - a little wheat (slightly beautiful)
Thinking of it, the tongue is full of words - a little wheat (slightly beautiful)
Thinking of it, the tongue is full of words - a little wheat (slightly beautiful)

A perfect match

Thinking of it, the tongue is full of words - a little wheat (slightly beautiful)
Thinking of it, the tongue is full of words - a little wheat (slightly beautiful)

After eating it, you know it is delicious

Brick tea and slightly wheat is the perfect partner, thick brick tea can dissolve the greasy of slightly wheat, and help digestion, but also can supplement the human body needs a variety of vitamins and trace elements, today, 2 two slightly wheat, a pot of brick tea, opened how many people a day of life...

For the hometown people, it is the mother's food and thoughts, and for the other villagers, it is the warmth and enthusiasm of home.