
Baotou is slightly more beautiful to the whole country, and has made a good start

author:Kiyama text

The other day, I met Master Chen, who was slightly beautiful in Tai Mei Yuan, and asked him why he was going, and he said that the consignment of slightly beautiful to go aroused my curiosity, and I was busy at the time. A few days after the breakup, I asked him about the consignment of a little beauty.

Located in the Tai Mei Yuan Shao Mei Guan on South Row Road in Kundulun District, Baotou, the operator Master Chen did not like me to call him boss, and he sometimes appeared in the kitchen, so I called him Master Chen.

His business here is very hot, and he has some perennial customers who are bound to eat a little beautiful every day. Once, an old Liu suddenly thought of sharing this delicacy with his son who was far away in Zhengzhou and discussing it with Master Chen, so they made an attempt. Because the slightly beautiful has always been steamed and then removed and eaten, they will freeze the slightly beautiful skin and the slightly beautiful filling first, do a good job of packaging, and let the express delivery be transported to Zhengzhou by plane. After his son received the goods, he thawed, stuffed and steamed. After a little beauty out of the cage, the taste and quality are not affected. His son gave him praise, and he called from time to time later to make it a little more beautiful.

This incident spread among the "eaters" of the Slightly Beautiful Museum.

Subsequently, there were relatives and friends in Beijing, Tianjin, Shenyang, and Shanghai, who used this method to mail them one after another, and they were all welcomed. The other party all took the initiative to buy this slightly beautiful.

"Qin Meiyuan slightly beautiful" insists on using "Sunit" mutton, this Sunit mutton is a well-known domestic brand of lamb, is the local specialty product of Baotou, this is a unique condition, the filling made with it, not like the dumpling stuffing, is loose, after the slightly beautiful clip open, the filling is scattered, the dish can not see the oil. Not oily, not greasy, the taste is particularly delicious, the meat is particularly tender and easy to bite. Slightly beautiful skin is made of dryland red skin wheat noodles, the skin is flexible, the so-called "floor like a plate, lift like a jar", which and pure lamb to form a perfect match.

In the late Qing Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty, Baotou was a flood drought where merchants gathered

The pier has a tradition of appreciating and tasting slightly beauty, and the "four dollars" slightly beautiful museum of that year is famous. Its production process and ingredients are dense, quite circulated, forming a situation where several slightly more beautiful local brands in Baotou City are now competing for shows. However, it has not yet gone to the whole country like "small tailed sheep" and "Xibei noodles".

However, the small tail sheep and The West Shell Noodles have opened branches all over the country, with a lot of manpower and material investment. Now, Qin Meiyuan slightly beautifies this form, using the current express delivery industry developed by Lianbo, and seems to have found a new way to the whole country.

Taimeiyuan is slightly divided into two kinds: fine and excellent,

Prices are 140 yuan a catty and 180 yuan a catty, respectively. Express delivery freight varies from near and far to each other, which is about 40 yuan a pound and a 50 yuan. Take the best product, to the customer's hands a pound reached 220-one-230 yuan. 60 per pound, a beautiful slightly beautiful to Shanghai about 4 yuan.

Nowadays, the amount of food for customers who eat early is generally 3-16. Counting down, the early death consumption of a Shanghai customer is 12 yuan a 24 yuan. This is acceptable, not to mention eating the brand food of Baotou in Inner Mongolia. Lunch is generally within 12, that is to say, within 48 yuan.

Master Chen said that it is best to take the lead of the city's Sweet DrinkIng Association, with online live broadcasting as the mainstay, supplemented by other publicity, and spread the information to all parts of the country.

The city's existing slightly beautiful brands, such as "back head", "Qingchun Garden", "early morning source", etc., in line with the principle of white willingness to apply, review and approve who to form an association form of organization, formulate some necessary safety and health standards, reward and punishment rules, work processes, and after-sales treatment and other norms. If the member unit takes out a reasonable expenditure, the staff of the association can have a reasonable income, and the cause can be carried out.

What we are looking forward to is that Baotou is slightly beautiful to the whole country, popular throughout the country, and the slightly beautiful industry in Baotou City is developing rapidly.

Baotou is slightly more beautiful to the whole country, and has made a good start
Baotou is slightly more beautiful to the whole country, and has made a good start
Baotou is slightly more beautiful to the whole country, and has made a good start