
Blooming outside the food wonders - Hohhot is slightly beautiful

author:Great beauty home
Blooming outside the food wonders - Hohhot is slightly beautiful

Traveling to Hohhot, friends of the local literary association said that they must taste the slight beauty of Hohhot, which is a rare delicacy. When we played, my brother also repeatedly recommended that in Hohhot, eating two or two slightly beautiful and drinking a bowl of old brick tea is a great pleasure for Hohhot people.

We drove to Maixiang Village, a famous century-old brand in Hohhot, and ordered two slightly beautiful ones. After waiting, the shop brought two plates of dim sum. Friends introduced that this is a kind of ritual for locals to eat a little beauty, called "bottom", after eating a little beautiful, but also to drink a cup of thick brick tea, to remove the greasy in the belly. It's not a lot of work, and it's steamed with a little beauty. Open the cage drawer, blow the heat, but see the drawer in three circles slightly beautiful, each with a small mouth, shaking the lace, shaped like a pomegranate, the whole body is white, crystal clear, the skin is as thin as paper, through the skin can see the meat filling inside. Clip it into the dish while it's hot, and you don't need to break it, you can put it all into your mouth. The tip of the tongue is suddenly occupied by a strong aroma and heat, the filling is soft and fragrant, the oil is not greasy, the meat filling and the dough are fused together, and the taste is indeed extraordinary.

Hohhot is slightly beautiful, in fact, it is the roasted wheat that we usually know. Burnt wheat, in all parts of the country, it has many names: Xiaomi, slightly mai, slightly plum, roasted plum, ghost pengtou and so on. In Hohhot, it is called slightly beautiful. Broadly speaking, it is a snack that is steamed with hot noodles and wrapped in filling. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, merchants passing through here from other places used Hoshi as a journey station, and liked to find a tea house here to taste tea and "hit the tip" (eat). The tea house is a place of elegance, only some steamed noodle cakes are prepared, and the side dishes are brought by the tea guests. The shop occasionally helps to heat up the meat and vegetable rolls brought by the tea customers in the cake, and uses a few dough skins to collect a few dough money. So until now, the slight beauty of Hoshi is still calculated according to the weight of the dough skin, under normal circumstances, one or two sides of the skin can wrap 8 slightly beautiful. Although the 8 slightly beautiful is not much, they are full of filling and absolutely genuine, so the average diner eats two or two to burp. Since the store was "carried and sold" at that time, people called this delicacy "piggyback sale", and later gradually evolved into roasted wheat and slightly beautiful. And because in order to distinguish the small dishes of tea customers, the tea house did not seal the skin when wrapping the skin, steamed the back end out, and let the tea guests lead the small dishes exposed from the open mouth. This is the reason why the slight beauty does not seal.

Hohhot is slightly more beautiful than four. One must be the filling. The slight beauty of Hohhot is all stuffed with lamb hind leg meat. Grassland sheep feed on fresh grass, the meat is delicious, not greasy, especially the hind leg meat, fat and lean, tender and juicy. Using this lamb to make a slightly beautiful filling, adding shallots, dried ginger, peppercorns, salt, monosodium glutamate, cooking oil, starch and other spices, it is naturally more delicious than foreign roasted wheat in taste. The second is a little more beautiful. Slightly mei pier adopts the method of hot noodles and cold water noodles, and has strong molding ability. Then use a thick middle, two ends of the special rolling pin similar to the mallet rolling skin, roll out the skin is thin and uneven, four sides like lace, the middle of the filling, no wrapping, a mention of the shape. The slightly beautiful skin of Hohhot is as thin as a cicada wing, and a pound of slightly beautiful skin is stacked together, only 20 centimeters thick, and this 20 centimeter thick dough skin can wrap up more than 80 slightly beautiful. The third definite is old brick tea. In Hohhot, eating a little beauty is inseparable from old brick tea. Eat a little beautiful, you must brew a bowl of old brick tea. This kind of tea can remove all the grease in the belly of diners, eat the bottom of the snack, and beat the oil after eating brick tea, which has become a fixed procedure for Hoshi people to eat a little beauty. The fourth is definitely the beauty of the form. Hohhot is slightly beautiful skin thin filling, the bottom is round, the waist is thin, shaped like snow plum petals blooming, the flowers are beautiful and delicate, lifted and hanging like a thin sac, placed in the plate like a dumpling, looking like a work of art.

"The bamboo cage is piled up like snow, and the skin is thin and the flesh should be red." Hohhot is slightly beautiful, and a delicious flower blooms outside the sai.