
Maotai, Wuliangye, Yanghe Daqu... Deciphering the meaning behind the trademark of Chinese famous wine


Chinese liquor brands are diverse, trademark patterns are various, those liquor trademarks we often see do you know the meaning behind them?

Today's small editor of wine friends to decrypt the story behind the trademark of famous wine, by the way, talk about the story of the trademark...

Maotai, Wuliangye, Yanghe Daqu... Deciphering the meaning behind the trademark of Chinese famous wine


Moutai has two logos, one for exclusive use and one for common use. On the left is the logo for exclusive use, and on the right is the logo for common use.

Maotai, Wuliangye, Yanghe Daqu... Deciphering the meaning behind the trademark of Chinese famous wine

The most common pattern we see in the Moutai trademark should be the one on the left!

This trademark can only be used exclusively by Guizhou Moutai Liquor Co., Ltd. and Guizhou Moutai Liquor Sales Co., Ltd.

The red part above the logo is a metaphor for the English abbreviation letter "m" of the group company, and there are five stars in the big four and five small, similar to the five-star red flag, reflecting the positioning and product grade of Moutai wine.

At the same time, this trademark is also like an eagle taking off, which means that the enterprise eagle takes off!

Common use mark on the right: Used by other member units within the Moutai Group except the first two.

It is composed of gjmt letters and represents "Guizhou Moutai Group". Among them, g represents "Guizhou", j represents "group", and mt represents "Moutai".

The outer circle of the whole pattern is red, symbolizing unity, pioneering and progress. Inside the pattern is a blue wine bottle shape composed of two letters of "mt", and the blue represents the profound national wine culture of Moutai.

The shape of the bottle symbolizes that the main business of Moutai Group is liquor, and also means that Moutai has always been in the core position of the group, and all group members are closely united around Moutai.

A seemingly unremarkable trademark, but the meaning of it contains great wisdom!

Everyone's trademark is pinned on the expectations of the future of this trademark at that time!

Maybe you can even know some secrets from the trademark sometimes, and the names, patterns, and meanings of some good trademarks double the value of the trademark!

Maotai, Wuliangye, Yanghe Daqu... Deciphering the meaning behind the trademark of Chinese famous wine


In the Wuliangye logo, the basic color of red symbolizes the red and prosperous of the group.

Maotai, Wuliangye, Yanghe Daqu... Deciphering the meaning behind the trademark of Chinese famous wine

The large circle on the outside symbolizes the earth and represents the world-renowned honor of Wuliangye, and the small circle on the inside has a capital letter "w" at the beginning of "Wuliangye".

These two pieces together constitute a good style of "Wuliangye people's hearts are related to Wuliangye, one heart and one mind", supplemented by the five soaring lines that symbolize the five grains, indicating a vigorous and enterprising modern enterprise image.

"Concentric inside and outside, a collection of miscellaneous alcohols", a sentence incisively summarizes the meaning of the emblem.

Maotai, Wuliangye, Yanghe Daqu... Deciphering the meaning behind the trademark of Chinese famous wine

Yanghe Daqu

On the trademark pattern of the "Yanghe" brand of Yanghe Daqu, there stands a white goat in the middle, surrounded by two ears of rice, which symbolizes "auspicious and auspicious, life expectancy and abundance".

Maotai, Wuliangye, Yanghe Daqu... Deciphering the meaning behind the trademark of Chinese famous wine

In essence, the "Sheep He" trademark also alludes to the attributes of myths and legends of wine, "He" is the basis of winemaking, and "sheep" means the beauty of winemaking.

Nowadays, the corporate culture "lion and sheep culture" advocated by Yanghe (Sujiu Group) is essentially "lion nature sheep".

When it comes to "lion nature", it is actually a sublimation of the existing "goat spirit", and it emphasizes innovation and transcendence.

The idea of "sheep-based" gives the enterprise another layer of giving back to the society connotation of "three collars and three reports" - leading, leading, leading a line; Serving the country, the people, and the party.

Maotai, Wuliangye, Yanghe Daqu... Deciphering the meaning behind the trademark of Chinese famous wine

Lang wine

Lang - Xingshu, the most significant feature is the last vertical head, so it looks dignified and majestic, majestic and heroic!

Maotai, Wuliangye, Yanghe Daqu... Deciphering the meaning behind the trademark of Chinese famous wine

The whole "Lang" character is vigorous and powerful, revealing a vigorous vitality, and the last vertical Chinese of "Lang" is a straight backbone, reflecting the social responsibility style of Chinese bravely moving forward, persevering, pursuing excellence, and daring to take responsibility.

Therefore, sometimes the font use of word marks is also crucial!

Nowadays, many fonts need to be costly, and the design should also take into account whether it is similar to other trademarks, and now the difficulty of registering trademarks is also increasing day by day!

Maotai, Wuliangye, Yanghe Daqu... Deciphering the meaning behind the trademark of Chinese famous wine


The fenjiu logo is shaped like a red seal of apricot blossoms, and the strong and thick corporate vitality is displayed by the flaming apricot blossoms as the outer frame.

Maotai, Wuliangye, Yanghe Daqu... Deciphering the meaning behind the trademark of Chinese famous wine

The trademark symbolizes the solemn commitment of Fenjiu's "integrity in the world"; the logo takes Chinese red as the basic color, and the auspicious red symbolizes festive, warm, passionate and fighting spirit, symbolizing the vitality of Fenjiu in Xinghua Village.

The apricot blossoms are full of petals, symbolizing the fragrance of Fenjiu in the world, and the reputation of the world, but also a metaphor for the Fenjiu Group's Fenjiu, bamboo leaf green wine, apricot blossom village wine, baiyufen, rose fen and other products are thriving.

There are many famous Chinese wines, there are also many famous wines with a long history, and each of their trademarks has been carefully designed, and the meaning of them is also to inherit the mission and vision of the enterprise!

Each logo is carefully designed to highlight the beautiful meaning of this one!

At the same time, the trademark also appreciates with the development of the enterprise, and the intangible value of the trademark is higher every time the enterprise goes further! The establishment of each famous brand, the trademark is at the same time an appreciating commodity!

Trademark is an important medium for the promotion of enterprises to the outside world, and the quality and meaning of the trademark name will affect the development of the enterprise!

Give your own entrepreneurial dreams a chance, find a most suitable trademark, and let the trademark help your entrepreneurial dream!

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