
Zhiqing Laochai: We can't cook rice in the middle of the gan, and Aunt Huang cooked us a pot of oil noodles

author:Ghost eyes pierce the soul


After reading a lot of articles written by Zhiqing, I have a lot of feelings, especially the articles written by Zhiqing Laobai, which always makes my calm mind fluctuate. I used to be a technician, repairing machines is OK, writing articles is really not good, but I also want to talk about some things that I went to the countryside to join the team. If the language is not smooth and the expression is not clear, please be more inclusive.

At that time, most of the young people in the city went to the countryside, and very few left in the city. I did not finish high school, answered the call, and together with my classmates, signed up to go to the countryside to receive re-education.

The place we went to was the ganzhong region of Jiangxi, the land of fish and rice, and it was naturally better in all directions than those who went to the Northern Wilderness.

The green-skinned train was crowded with people, and we didn't even have a place to sit, basically standing and sitting for more than twenty hours on the train to reach a small station. As soon as we got off the train, the commune staff met with us and pulled me to a brigade with a hand tractor.

When the men of the brigade learned that we were coming, they had already arranged accommodation for us, which was a civil structure house. There are four female intellectuals who live next door to us.

When we first arrived, we didn't even know where we were, but later we learned that we were in a production team in Qingjiang County.

The production team arranged for me to live in a better house in the village, with floor slabs on the room and floor under it, and some people said that this was the house of the former landlord's family. The bed we slept in was something special, we had never seen it before.

Zhiqing Laochai: We can't cook rice in the middle of the gan, and Aunt Huang cooked us a pot of oil noodles

What makes that bed special is not only ancient, but also strangely shaped. The three sides and top of the bed were sealed with wooden planks, as if a large wooden box had been opened for easy access. The advantage of this kind of bed is that there is ash falling downstairs and it will not fall on the quilt, and there is no need to worry about the quilt falling under the bed.

What makes us feel even more strange is that there is a low stool in front of the bed, and the shoes are placed on the low stool when I go to bed, which is quite exquisite. To be unobtrusive, there was a toilet at the head of the bed so that we could urinate at night. Putting a toilet at the head of the bed where you sleep is also unhygienic, but the villagers say that every family is like this.

The first night, maybe we were so excited, and we were in a strange place, unable to sleep at all, lying in bed and chatting until midnight. There are so many rats upstairs that we are not afraid to chat, chasing each other, biting and biting.

The next day, someone took us to a meeting to listen to the captain. The captain spoke in dialect, which we couldn't understand at all. After the meeting, we followed the members to work in the fields and learned from them to work in the sun for a day.

For the first two days, we were invited to dinner, and then the team gave us rice and some vegetables to cook our own meals.

At home, we have not cooked, and we have to cook ourselves here, so you can imagine what good food we can make. Cooked rice is either more water or less, so that it is either half-cooked rice or porridge.

On this day, it was my turn to cook, and the water was put in so much, lest I eat raw rice again, burn more firewood, and as a result, the rice was burned paste.

"Oh, who are you cooking, I don't know if you burn the paste!" A woman's shrill voice came from the doorway.

Zhiqing Laochai: We can't cook rice in the middle of the gan, and Aunt Huang cooked us a pot of oil noodles

Hearing the shouting, I got up from the stove and sniffed the pot, and I really smelled a burning smell, and quickly covered the fire in the stove with ash.

The woman walked in, and I looked at aunt Huang next door and said, "Burn more firewood." ”

She went to the stove and opened the lid of the pot and said, "I can't eat this rice, it's all mushy." ”

I looked into the pot and saw that the rice had turned yellow, and I was afraid that I really couldn't eat it.

A few Zhiqing gathered around and shook their heads at the rice that I had burned.

"People can't eat the mushy rice, but the chicken can eat it, and I'll take it home." As she spoke, Aunt Huang beat the rice in the basin and said as she left, "Don't cook any more rice, I'll cook you something delicious, just wait a little while." ”

I don't know what Aunt Huang will do for us, so let's wait patiently. Think about these days we have not eaten a good meal, I really hope that someone to help us make a good meal, and now Aunt Huang takes the initiative to help us, it can also be regarded as sending charcoal in the snow.

After about an hour, Aunt Huang came with the basin in her hand, which contained noodles.

"Everybody come over with the bowl, it's oil noodles, it's very tasty." If there is not enough to eat, I will cook again. She put the basin on the table and beckoned us over.

Our stomachs were grumbling with hunger, and there was nothing to be polite about, so we took bowls and chopsticks to sandwich noodles.

I was very happy with a sandwich of noodles, because the noodles did not say that there were green onions in the noodles, but also eggs, which was really rare and delicious.

Zhiqing Laochai: We can't cook rice in the middle of the gan, and Aunt Huang cooked us a pot of oil noodles

Aunt Huang was afraid that someone would eat too many eggs, and reminded her on the side: "There are only so many eggs in the family, one egg per person, everyone eats it slowly." ”

The oil noodles were so delicious, slippery in the mouth, and particularly chewy, and we ate them with relish.

"Is that enough?" Not enough for me to cook again. Aunt Huang watched us eat and asked with a smile.

"Enough is enough, thank you Aunt Huang." I hurried to say.

"Is everyone enough?" Aunt Huang asked again.

"Enough is enough, really enough." Everyone said in unison.

It was the most sumptuous meal we've had since we went to the countryside, like the food our own mother made for us.

Later, we learned that oil noodles are a major local specialty, not your guests come, generally reluctant to cook oil noodles for hospitality.

The oil noodles are not made by machine and are rubbed by hand. Why is it called oil noodles, that is, when rubbing noodles, in order to prevent the noodles from sticking to the hands, the hands should be greased.

Aunt Huang cooked so delicious oil noodles for us so enthusiastically, and treated me as a distinguished guest, how can we thank others? In the end, we decided to give her two cents each. A total of four people ate her oil noodles and scraped together eight cents, which I sent over.

"Oh, you young people are also true, and I am not selling noodles, so what do you do with the money?" Don't don't, don't punch me in the face. "She won't take the money.

Aunt Huang refused to accept the money, and we had no choice but to buy two pounds of brown sugar for her. She didn't refuse, but brought us ten eggs again.

Aunt Huang is such a good person that we who are far away from our parents feel the warmth of spring.

Nowadays, I can occasionally see oil noodles sold in the market, and I buy them home to cook myself, and I also put green onions and eggs, but I can't eat the taste of that year. The oil noodles that Aunt Huang cooked for us are the most delicious oil noodles in the world, and we will never forget them for a lifetime.

20210702 night

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