
Yu Yongzheng: Classroom teaching is to solve the problem of what to teach and how to teach

author:Talk about cultural education
Yu Yongzheng: Classroom teaching is to solve the problem of what to teach and how to teach

In teaching, there are general phenomena such as attaching importance to the second lesson, downplaying the first lesson and overstepping the teaching objectives of the first lesson. We should pay attention to the optimization of the teaching objectives of the first lesson and adopt appropriate teaching strategies to serve to improve the effectiveness of the first lesson. Teacher Zhang Qing proposed that classroom teaching should be "simple, pragmatic, realistic and measured".

Teacher Yu Yongzheng also pointed out that classroom teaching is to solve the problem of what to teach and how to teach. In contrast, some of the current open classes, the second lesson is mostly, the first lesson is rarely taught, even if someone lectures the first lesson, it is a strong compression of the words and the overall perception process, and a lot of time is left for segment reading, it seems that only in this way can the classroom be highlighted.

The most direct impact of "alienation" and "offside" in the first lesson is that students are becoming less and less able to write and cannot read, and these phenomena make people wonder: What happened in the first lesson? Why did you end up in such an embarrassing situation? How do you get the highlights of your first lesson? Teachers must first have a clear positioning of the teaching goals of the first lesson, that is, they need to solve the problem of what to teach and how to teach in the first lesson.

☞ The first lesson is "what to teach" – clarify the lesson objectives

How can we reasonably position the teaching objectives of the first lesson, so that it is not offside, good position, and make the reading in the second lesson really effective? This requires teachers to have a clear definition of the teaching objectives of the first lesson. Many outstanding teachers in the field of education have actually made the following requirements for the teaching goals of the first lesson: "The first lesson should be based on the teaching of words, and on the basis of guiding students to read through the text, help students clarify the context and prepare for the second lesson." "This is the general consensus of teachers on the orientation of teaching goals in the first lesson.

Xiaobian believes that in order to make the teaching of the first lesson more effective, teachers can define the basic teaching objectives of the first lesson as four aspects: literacy and writing, understanding words, reading through the text, and perceiving the whole text. Under the guidance of this goal, in the specific implementation process, the "basic goal + variant" teaching mode can be adopted, which means that teachers are required to be able to follow the basic goal of the first lesson, according to the characteristics of the text content, or increase or decrease, flexible use, the goal of each article is set more accurate and simple, so as to make the teaching of the first lesson more challenging, so that each student's learning ability can be effectively improved.

Yu Yongzheng: Classroom teaching is to solve the problem of what to teach and how to teach

For example, when teaching the lesson "Confucius Travels in Spring", the regular teaching objectives are: (1) read the text correctly, fluently and emotionally. (2) Roughly understand the content of the text, and talk about what the text mainly talks about. (3) With the help of reference books, solve new words. In the teaching of the first lesson of this lesson, in view of the fact that the students know less about Confucius, the teacher can first upgrade the teaching goal of "reading the text for the first time and understanding the general content of the text" to "collecting relevant information about Confucius, understanding Confucius's contribution to education and his teaching ideas, and preliminarily understanding the methods of Confucius's education of disciples in combination with the content of the text, so that students can truly have a correct and reasonable understanding of the text content."

Secondly, students are required to achieve the basic goal of reading texts correctly, fluently and emotionally; Learn the new words of this lesson, circle and annotate your basic understanding of the text and the sentences that you do not understand, and make annotations to lay the foundation for targeted listening to the lecture in the second lesson.

☞ The first lesson is "How to Teach" – Optimizing Teaching Strategies

As the saying goes: "There is a law in teaching, there is no law in teaching, and it is expensive to get the law." The same is true in the teaching of the first lesson, because the subject matter, content, length, and learning situation of each text are different, and the choice of teaching methods should also be different. Teachers should pay attention to optimizing the teaching links of the first lesson in order to achieve higher teaching efficiency.

Collect information and broaden learning channels

Today's society is a society of knowledge and networks, and the channels for students to obtain knowledge are diverse. In the teaching of the first lesson, the teacher should be good at encouraging students to collect information through multiple channels according to the characteristics of the text content, so as to narrow the distance between students and the text, enrich students' cognition of the text, and improve the teaching effect of the first lesson.

For example, when teaching the lesson of "Magical Cloning", considering that the fresh word "cloning" is far from the actual life of students, before the class, teachers can let students consult the relevant information about cloning technology from the Internet, so that students have a preliminary understanding of cloning technology, stimulate students' interest in learning, and thus lay a solid foundation for students' next learning.

Under the guidance of this teaching goal, students can consult relevant materials, and their understanding of cloning is not limited to the aspects introduced in the text, but also has a deeper understanding of cloning technology on humans, medicine and its advantages and harms, which expands students' horizons and enhances students' abilities.

Yu Yongzheng: Classroom teaching is to solve the problem of what to teach and how to teach

Pay attention to the title of the text and seize the opportunity of the text to cut into

The title is the eye of the article, which is not only closely related to the content of the text, but also carefully selected by the author, and is the condensation of the author's wisdom, so in the teaching of the first lesson, the teacher can fully use the topic to guide students to perceive the content of the text, so as to promote the students' initial perception of the text content.

For example, when teaching the lesson "Chain of Love", after the board book topic, the teacher can cut directly from the topic, let the students talk about what questions they have about seeing the topic, and guide the students to read. Inspired and encouraged by teachers, some students asked: What is the chain of love? Why is the text titled The Chain of Love? How does the chain of love pass on? What is the main purpose of this text? ...... The questions asked by students happen to be important clues to the interpretation of the text.

Encouraging students to read the text with questions in this way can not only help students solve the task of new words, but also promote students' grasp of the main content of the text. This kind of teaching, naturally, can enable students to smoothly transition from the learning of the first lesson to the learning of the second lesson.

The first reading instruction should be simple

Teacher Yu Yongzheng once stressed that "books are not familiar with reading, do not speak" For classroom teaching, reading smoothly and fluently is one of the most basic goals of reading teaching. In the first lesson, reading can make students have a more direct feeling and experience of the language in the text, so that there is a preliminary communication between students and the author, laying the foundation for the independent reading of middle school students in the second lesson.

Therefore, in terms of reading guidance in the first lesson, teachers need to follow the teaching principle of "reading the guide and reading to see the understanding", that is, when the students read aloud, they first let the students understand the language, and then check the students' perception of the text through reading. In this way, the reading instruction in the first lesson can be more solid and effective.

For example, the article "Anse Waist Drum" mainly uses a large number of short sentences to create a fierce atmosphere. When reading this text, teachers should be good at guiding students to read it repeatedly and read the momentum of the text. In view of the characteristics of more short sentences in the text, students should pay attention to the connection and pause between sentences and sentences and paragraphs. For example, the text begins with a sentence independently forming a paragraph of "a group of maoteng descendants", and the pause after this sentence is slightly longer, and then enters the next paragraph of reading. Another example is "but, look" into independent paragraphs, and teachers should encourage students to read out the meaning of the turn in the short sentence. "A good Anse waist drum" appears several times in the text, each time in an independent paragraph, when students read not only to read the pause between paragraphs, but also to read the color of the exclamation sentence...

On the basis of the students' real and thorough reading of the text, the teacher then lets the students briefly talk about their understanding of the text, so that the students' overall perception of the text will also be raised to a higher level. In this way, in the teaching of the first lesson, the teacher puts guiding the students to read every word, every word, and every sentence in an important position, so as to truly achieve the book without reading and not speaking, laying the foundation for the smooth progress of the second lesson.

Yu Yongzheng: Classroom teaching is to solve the problem of what to teach and how to teach

Emphasis is placed on teaching literacy and writing

The primary task of Language teaching is to read good books, write well, and learn good texts. Therefore, in the first lesson of teaching, teachers should also pay attention to the guidance of students' literacy and writing, so as to help students implement the literacy and writing process and improve the quality of students' literacy and writing.

For example, when teaching the lesson "Elk", the teacher can let the students read the text, draw the new words of the lesson, and then read these new words several times, with the help of the reference book to understand the meaning of the new words. The words required to be recognized in the text are "quiet, wadding, mi, hiding, jue, villa", the words that are required to be written are "ginger, feeding, swamp, wading, breeding, pei", and there are many easy typos, students are easy to confuse when writing, the right part of "trekking" is easy to write as "hair" and "friend", "Pei" The right part of the word Many students will write the middle vertical as dot, vertical...

For the places that are prone to errors in students' writing, teachers should pay attention to correct guidance, and pay attention to roving inspection, and timely point out the problems existing in students' writing, so as to avoid the inertia of students who are prone to typos, so as to help students develop good writing habits from an early age, improve the effectiveness of literacy teaching, and truly implement the literacy of students in the first lesson.

The editor has a word: in the teaching of the first lesson, the teacher can only make the teaching in the first lesson more solid, simple and real if the teacher sets the teaching goal well and continuously optimizes the teaching strategy according to the characteristics of the content of the textbook.

Yu Yongzheng: Classroom teaching is to solve the problem of what to teach and how to teach

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