
Yongzheng Town: Take many measures to build a "firewall" against fraud and carefully guard the "money bags" of the masses

author:Zheng Yuan Flux
Yongzheng Town: Take many measures to build a "firewall" against fraud and carefully guard the "money bags" of the masses

Since the beginning of this year, Yongzheng Town has firmly established the anti-fraud concept of "focusing on prevention and combining prevention", adhered to highlighting key points, precise policies, and mass prevention and mass governance, actively established a multi-level, all-round, and dead-end normalized work mechanism for preventing telecommunications network fraud, built a "firewall" against fraud, and resolutely guarded the "money bag" of the masses.

Yongzheng Town: Take many measures to build a "firewall" against fraud and carefully guard the "money bags" of the masses

Strengthen coordination and linkage against "fraud". In view of the rural masses' weak awareness of fraud prevention and the lack of ability to identify fraudulent telephones, fraudulent information, and fraudulent means, Yongzheng Town has given full play to the advantages of town and village cadres, police station police, volunteers, public security joint defense team members and other grass-roots forces close to the masses, strengthened cooperation and linkage with the town comprehensive management office, police station, anti-gang crime office, judicial office, village group, school and other forces, organized and held 3 joint meetings to prevent telecommunications fraud, coordinated and coordinated, and formed an "anti-fraud alliance" that relies on grass-roots forces and covers front-line work units. Prevention and control system, to create a new pattern of all-round three-dimensional anti-deception work.

Yongzheng Town: Take many measures to build a "firewall" against fraud and carefully guard the "money bags" of the masses

Extensive publicity and education to understand "fraud." Set up an anti-fraud propaganda detachment composed of town and village cadres, villagers' group leaders, and heads of public security households, post anti-fraud propaganda slogans and common sense for identifying telecommunications fraud in village cultural squares and main roads, focus on new rural areas and concentrated residential areas of villagers, actively carry out household visits, and publicize and popularize the knowledge of preventive measures to the broad masses face-to-face. At the same time, the theme of "preventing telecommunications fraud and improving security awareness" was widely carried out in primary and secondary schools in the jurisdiction, comprehensively improving the anti-fraud knowledge level of primary and secondary school students, and continuously promoting the awareness of residents and family members to prevent fraud. Since the beginning of this year, it has carried out more than 12 lectures on the prevention of telecommunications fraud, distributed more than 12,000 copies of publicity materials, and signed more than 700 copies of the "Personal Commitment to Prevent Telecommunications Fraud".

Yongzheng Town: Take many measures to build a "firewall" against fraud and carefully guard the "money bags" of the masses

Popularize the application of science and technology to prevent "fraud". On the basis of the early promotion of the WeChat public account "Golden Bell Cover", the method of "centralized installation of conference activities + business encouragement and installation + installation of village cadres into households" was adopted, vigorously promoted and helped the masses to install the "National Anti-Fraud Center" APP mobile phone anti-fraud software for 2600 people (times), and guided the masses to use the program software to prevent telecommunications network fraud and protect the safety of their own and their families' funds. Make full use of new media platforms such as WeChat work groups, exchange groups, vibrato, and Kuaishou, timely push the national, provincial, municipal, and county anti-wire fraud work dynamics and 163 cases of wire fraud and telecommunications, remind the masses to take precautions, effectively curb the occurrence of telecommunications network fraud cases in the jurisdiction, and the number of cases in the town dropped by 28.8% compared with the same period last year.

Yongzheng Town: Take many measures to build a "firewall" against fraud and carefully guard the "money bags" of the masses

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