
"Grassroots Talk about People's Livelihood" East to Yongzheng Village, Gegong Town, County: People's Livelihood Blossoms and Beautiful Scenery

author:Nine factions view the world

"A beautiful village is my home, and the countryside is no worse than the city." Since the implementation of the beautiful rural construction and people's livelihood project, the old appearance of Yongzheng Village in Gegong Town, Dongzhi County, has been renewed, the living environment has been continuously improved, the rural industrial economy has continued to grow, the quality of life of farmers has been continuously improved, and the spiritual outlook of villagers has been continuously enhanced, and their faces are full of happy smiles.

<b>From</b> <b>"a piece of beauty" to "a piece of beauty". </b>Yongzheng Village took the opportunity of building a beautiful village at the provincial level, extensively mobilized all villagers, and raised a total of more than 2 million yuan of construction funds by actively striving for the financial reward and supplementary funds of the superior "one matter and one discussion", the villagers raised funds, the help of the superior units, etc., with domestic garbage sewage treatment, river cleaning, toilet revolution, and village appearance improvement as the main direction of attack, and deeply promoted the improvement of the rural living environment and the "five clean and one reform" of the village, starting from the most basic "sweeping clean ground", starting from cleaning up open pits and dung piles. Solidly carry out village cleaning and special actions of "demolishing dangerous houses, removing idle houses, and vacating space", build beautiful villages, and improve the rural living environment. At the same time, adhere to the leadership of party building, implement "party members first, mass participation", give play to the "leading geese" effect of rural party members, take the beautiful rural central village as the core, radiate to the 10 villager groups in the village, organize the party members and masses of the whole village to actively participate in the improvement of the living environment, and promote the significant improvement of the rural living environment.

<b>From</b> <b>"momentary beauty" to "</b><b></b><b>long-term beauty". </b>Beautiful countryside, must be clean village appearance. Yongzheng Village combined with the rural garbage treatment PPP project, established and improved the post-management and protection mechanism, hired more than ten post-management personnel such as human settlement environment sanitation cleaners, cleaners, and rural road stewards, to maintain the sanitary environment in front of and behind the houses in the village, remove domestic garbage every day, regularly clean up the debris of the river pond, remove the road sand and gravel obstacles in time, and remove the roadside weeds regularly to ensure that the village environment is clean and tidy. At the same time, the maintenance and maintenance of public service facilities in beautiful villages is carried out, and damage is found to be repaired in time to ensure the normal function.

<b>From</b> <b>"external beauty" to "inner beauty". </b>Beautiful countryside should not only "shape", but also "cast the soul". Yongzheng Village makes use of the new era civilization practice station, the village-level comprehensive cultural service center, the new era peasant training center and other cultural propaganda positions to strengthen the propaganda of rural customs and civilization, guide and encourage the masses to carry out family beautification, greening around the house, and develop healthy and civilized hygiene habits; carry out colorful and popular recommendation and selection activities such as "the most beautiful courtyard" and "good mother-in-law"; rely on the Zheng ancestral hall, innovate the way of family style propaganda, mobilize the whole village to discuss the family style, find good family style and good family training around them, and take the people around them as an example. Educate the people around you with the things around you, let the tentacles of good family style extend to every corner of the countryside, and let the "good family style" bring good village style and good folk style...

<b>From "environmental beauty" to "life beauty". </b>The construction of beautiful villages is inseparable from industrial support. Yongzheng Village, in accordance with the soil quality, climate and other conditions in the mountainous areas, develops industries such as tea, edible mushrooms and peach industry planting according to local conditions, so as to develop and expand the collective economy of the village and increase the income of the masses. In recent years, the village has used the "four belts and one self" special planting and people's livelihood project to develop more than 500 mu of tea planting and more than 50 mu of peach planting, driving more than 100 peasant households to develop special breeding, and driving 90 poverty-alleviated households to start a business and find employment; at the same time, the villagers were organized to participate in new farmer training to enhance their ability to get rich; In addition, the village also transferred more than 100 mu of farmland that villagers abandoned, contracted to plant rice on family farms, and increased the income of the village collective and villagers by more than 2 million yuan, and increased the per capita income by more than 6,000 yuan. (Dongzhi County Agriculture and Rural Bureau Liu Meihua)

【Source: Chizhou Municipal Finance Bureau_People's Livelihood Highlights】

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