
Wang Zhongzhong: Pioneer of neurosurgery in China

author:Yongdeng County Rong Media Center
Wang Zhongzhong: Pioneer of neurosurgery in China

  He completed more than 10,000 craniotomys in his lifetime, some people say that he is "Hua Tuo reincarnated" and "the soul of ten thousand cranials"; he published China's first "cerebral angiography", which shortened the gap between the diagnostic level of brain surgery in China and developed countries by 30 years; he constantly challenged difficult and serious diseases, leading the team to bravely break into the forbidden area of life again and again. He is the founder and guardian of the "building" of neurosurgery in China, and Wang Zhongzhong, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

  Wang Zhongzhong was born in 1925 to an ordinary family in Yantai, Shandong Province, and in 1944, he was admitted to Peking Medical College with honors. In 1950, after graduating, Wang Zhongzhong was assigned to the Department of Surgery of Tianjin General Hospital as a resident doctor. In 1952, the Ministry of Health created the first department of the brain department in Tianjin General Hospital, he took the initiative to sign up, became the assistant of Zhao Yicheng, the founder of neurosurgery in China, and became one of the few neurosurgeons of the first generation.

  In 1955, Wang Zhongzhong was transferred to Beijing Tongren Hospital with Zhao Yicheng and founded the first neurosurgery department in China. At that time, the difficulty of diagnosis was a problem that plagued the neurosurgical community, and the detection method used in China was "qi brain angiography", which was lagging behind the "cerebral angiography" of Western countries.

  In order to master the advanced "cerebral angiography" technology, Wang Zhongzhong was exposed to radiation countless times in the absence of protection to experiment. At that time, he did an X-ray verification of a cerebrovascular puncture, and the dose of radiation received was equivalent to the sum of several months of being a chest X-ray doctor, and due to repeated exposure to radiation at the oversized dose, his white blood cells dropped to more than 2,000, only half of normal people. Hair loss, bleeding gums, greatly weakened physique, pneumonia many times, two nearly lost their lives... Wang Zhongzhong said: "I know how harmful it is, but in order to succeed, we must open up." ”

  Seven years of hard work finally paid off, he used health as a price to accumulate 2500 cerebral angiography materials, published China's first "cerebral angiography" monograph. This landmark monograph has enabled The level of neurosurgical diagnosis in China to leapfrog 30 years.

  In the 1970s, microsurgery technology was introduced. At that time, few people in the domestic neurosurgical community had an understanding of this advanced technology, and Wang Zhongzhong was the "first person to eat crabs". In 1977, he saw from the literature that foreign doctors successfully performed cerebellar vascular anastomosis with microsurgery, and immediately listed the topic as a research project, and half a year later, he successfully completed the first case of cerebellar vascular anastomosis in China.

  Wang Zhongzhong is a landmark figure in the creation and development of neurosurgery in China, he is an advanced worker in the national health system, and the recipient of the "Bethune" medal, the highest award in China's health industry. He brought Chinese neurosurgery to the international arena and demonstrated China's power on the international medical stage. His scientific research achievements have won the country's highest science and technology award, which is only awarded by a few people in China, and it is even rarer in the field of medicine.

  On September 30, 2012, Wang Zhongzhong passed away. But perhaps his departure is just a farewell, and his spirit will always be with us.

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