
In 2021, the audit found that the outstanding problems were rectified and the supervision meeting was held in Guiyang Wang Zhong attended and spoke

author:Guizhou People's Congress
In 2021, the audit found that the outstanding problems were rectified and the supervision meeting was held in Guiyang Wang Zhong attended and spoke

On November 8, the 2021 audit found that the outstanding problems were rectified and the supervision meeting was held in Guiyang to remobilize and supervise the next step of audit and rectification work, and promote the rectification of the problems found in the audit and improve the quality and efficiency of the audit rectification work. Wang Zhong, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, attended and spoke at the meeting, and He Gang, chairman of the Financial and Economic Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, presided over the meeting.

In 2021, the audit found that the outstanding problems were rectified and the supervision meeting was held in Guiyang Wang Zhong attended and spoke

The meeting listened to the Provincial Audit Office make a report on the overall rectification of the outstanding problems found in the implementation of the provincial budget and other fiscal revenue and expenditure audits in 2020, and the provincial housing and construction department, the provincial medical insurance bureau, the provincial social security bureau and other three industry authorities made a brief report on the rectification of the outstanding problems found by the audit, the provincial department of finance, the provincial department of science and technology, the provincial department of ecology and environment, the provincial department of transportation, the provincial water conservancy department, Liupanshui city, Qiannan prefecture, Duyun city, Longli County and nine other audited units made brief reports on the rectification of outstanding problems discovered by the audit and made statements. The Budget Working Committee of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress reported on the overall situation of tracking and supervising the work. Comrades attending the meeting conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on relevant issues in combination with their respective work and professions.

In 2021, the audit found that the outstanding problems were rectified and the supervision meeting was held in Guiyang Wang Zhong attended and spoke

Wang Zhong said that General Secretary Xi Jinping made an important speech at the work conference of the Central People's Congress, stressing the need to "make good use of the supervision power entrusted to the people's congress by the Constitution, implement correct supervision, effective supervision, and supervision according to law", and once pointed out that "auditing is like a physical examination, not only to check the disease, but also to cure the existing disease and prevent the disease." The Party Central Committee, the National People's Congress and the Provincial Party Committee have always attached great importance to auditing work, and have successively made a series of major reforms and deployments from the perspective of promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities. The Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress has closely followed the requirements of the Party Central Committee, the National People's Congress and the Provincial Party Committee, made a series of arrangements for auditing rectification and supervision, and effectively promoted the quality and efficiency of the audit rectification and reform work in our province.

Wang Zhong pointed out that whether the "second half of the article" of audit rectification can be done in a down-to-earth manner directly affects the authority and credibility of audit supervision; every problem rectification found by the audit is a "touchstone" for testing and enhancing the "four consciousnesses" and achieving "two maintenance". In auditing and rectification work, the political position should be truly "high" and we should enhance our awareness of rectification and reform. All localities and relevant departments and units should further improve their political standing, with a high degree of political consciousness, ideological consciousness and action consciousness, the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping should be implemented throughout the specific work of auditing and rectification, and the audit rectification should be grasped as a major political task at present, with an attitude of being highly responsible to the law, society and the people, effectively enhance the sense of responsibility and mission of doing a good job in auditing and rectification work, open up the "last kilometer" of audit supervision, and continue to promote the improvement of the quality and level of audit rectification work. The rectification and reform work must be truly "real" and ensure that there is no slackness in rectification and reform. All relevant departments and units should strengthen leadership, consolidate responsibilities, implement policies in different categories, grasp them to the end, draw inferences from one another, treat both symptoms and root causes, strictly hold people accountable, seriously pursue responsibility, and earnestly perform the main responsibility of auditing and rectification, based themselves on the present and focus on the long term, actively promote the rectification and reform of problems found in auditing, and promote the establishment and improvement of institutional mechanisms.

Wang Zhong stressed: The long-term mechanism for rectification and reform should be truly "strict" and ensure that supervision is not lacking in place. In view of the problems of insufficient joint efforts in supervision, lack of unified evaluation standards for the identification of rectification and reform results, and insufficient publicity of the results of auditing and rectification, people's congresses, governments, and functional departments at all levels should do a good job in implementing them, make joint efforts, grasp joint management, and grasp the strengths of the regular work, strengthen the integration and coordination of people's congress supervision, inspection and inspection, discipline inspection and supervision, party and government supervision, and auditing supervision, and establish new systems and improve new mechanisms in light of new situations and new problems, so as to form a joint force of supervision. At the same time, it is necessary to further increase the intensity of openness, take the initiative to accept social supervision, and make positive contributions to better serving the province in breaking new roads, opening up new bureaus, seizing new opportunities, and making new achievements.

In 2021, the audit found that the outstanding problems were rectified and the supervision meeting was held in Guiyang Wang Zhong attended and spoke

Liu Qinghe, Li Zhiming, Qiu Jian, and Jin Jin, members of the Financial and Economic Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, Yuan Jian, deputy director of the Budget Working Committee of the Standing Committee, Xiong Shan, director of the Provincial Audit Office, Xu Songshun, deputy director of the Provincial Audit Office, Shihua Qing, director of the Provincial Department of Finance, Liao Fei, director of the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Yang Tongguang, director of the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, Chen Yong, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Xiong Wen, second-level inspector of the Provincial Transportation Department, Lu Hongwei, first-level inspector of the Provincial Water Conservancy Department, Chen Yu, deputy director of the Provincial Medical Insurance Bureau, Wang Hongxia, director of the Provincial Social Security Bureau, Zhang Dingchao, deputy secretary of the Liupanshui Municipal Party Committee and mayor of the Municipal People's Government, Ma Yunfei, member of the Standing Committee of the Qiannan Prefecture CPC Committee and vice governor of the Prefecture People's Government, Zhang Zongliang, deputy secretary of the Duyun Municipal CPC Committee and mayor of the Municipal People's Government, and Zheng Zhouqin, deputy governor of the Longli County People's Government, attended the meeting.

Text: Wang Xiaolin, media reporter of the People's Congress Forum

Editor: Chen Bing

Editor: Lü Yue

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