
Xu Xingguo, secretary of the district party committee, and Wang Zhongzhong, mayor of the district, led the team to visit and comfort the front-line teachers and held a forum on education work

author:New Capital Education

In order to warmly celebrate the 37th Teachers' Day, we will further promote the social trend of respecting teachers and emphasizing teaching

Xu Xingguo, secretary of the district party committee, and Wang Zhongzhong, deputy secretary of the district party committee and mayor of the district, led a team to the school to carry out activities to comfort teachers and held a forum on education work in Xindu District

Holiday greetings to teachers and educators who are working the front line and listen to the voices from the front line of education

On September 8, Xu Xingguo and his party inspected the campus environment, teaching facilities and teaching order of Beixing Primary School and Dafeng Middle School, listened to the report on the history of school development, the situation of running the school, and the renovation and expansion project, sent holiday blessings to school teachers and educators, and fully affirmed the achievements of the majority of teachers in cultivating talents, hard work and cultivating the frontline for a long time.

Xu Xingguo, secretary of the district party committee, and Wang Zhongzhong, mayor of the district, led the team to visit and comfort the front-line teachers and held a forum on education work
Xu Xingguo, secretary of the district party committee, and Wang Zhongzhong, mayor of the district, led the team to visit and comfort the front-line teachers and held a forum on education work

Secretary Xu pointed out that the district party committee will, as always, care for and support education, care for the growth of teachers, and actively create a strong atmosphere of respect for teachers and education in the whole society. Education departments and schools should adhere to the bottom line of campus safety, ensure the safety of teachers and students, continue to strengthen the construction of the teacher team, cultivate outstanding educators, and continuously enhance the professional happiness of teachers. The vast number of teachers should be exemplary teachers, take pride in being rooted in the frontline of education, and in accordance with the requirements of teachers in the new era, constantly improve their profession, improve their professional level, improve the quality of education, and make every effort to cultivate socialist builders and successors. On September 9, Wang Zhongzhong and his party went to Xindu No. 1 Middle School and Modern Manufacturing Vocational School to visit and comfort the front-line cadres and teachers, and listened to the introduction of the school's development.

Xu Xingguo, secretary of the district party committee, and Wang Zhongzhong, mayor of the district, led the team to visit and comfort the front-line teachers and held a forum on education work
Xu Xingguo, secretary of the district party committee, and Wang Zhongzhong, mayor of the district, led the team to visit and comfort the front-line teachers and held a forum on education work

Mayor Wang pointed out that the first is to fully implement the party's education policy, deeply study General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on education, not forget the original intention of Lide tree people, and keep in mind the mission of educating people for the party and the country. Second, the vast number of teachers should, as always, forge ahead, constantly improve their ability to teach and educate people, and strive to run a satisfactory education for the people. Third, relevant departments should strengthen follow-up services, timely understand the difficulties encountered by grass-roots schools in teaching work, effectively help solve practical problems, and effectively ensure the orderly and normal development of education and teaching work.

Xu Xingguo, secretary of the district party committee, and Wang Zhongzhong, mayor of the district, led the team to visit and comfort the front-line teachers and held a forum on education work

Wang Zhongzhong attended the Xindu District Education Work Forum, and 12 principals, teachers and government supervisors from the frontline exchanged speeches around the "Transformation of Xindu Education Region into a Strong Education District". Wang Zhongzhong said that the district party committee and the district government attach great importance to education work, increase investment in education, improve the conditions for running schools, and all educators must not forget their original intentions, keep in mind the mission, adhere to the quality and connotation, and clarify the next trend and development direction of education in Xindu.

First, it is necessary to standardize the direction of running schools, adhere to the principle of building people with virtue and "five educations at the same time", so as to achieve universal public welfare and people's satisfaction, implement the "double reduction" measure, and reduce the academic burden of students.

The second is to comprehensively improve the quality of running schools, basic education should be solid, vocational education should be rooted, balanced education should be innovative, adhere to high-level planning, high-level benchmarking, high-level promotion, the implementation of famous school brand building projects, and make vocational education bigger, better and stronger.

The third is to strictly implement the norms for running schools, earnestly strengthen the supervision of off-campus training institutions, standardize private educational institutions and kindergartens, and standardize the operation and management of schools.

The fourth is to earnestly strengthen the guarantee of running schools, unequivocally guarantee the treatment of teachers, ensure the fairness of degrees, strengthen publicity, give play to the joint efforts of families, schools and society, and form a good atmosphere in which the whole society cares, supports and trusts xindu education.

Fifth, it is necessary to comprehensively enhance the ability to run schools, and the competent departments of education should stress politics, reform, responsibility, dedication, and discipline, stand in a clear position, forge ahead, promote the transformation of thinking concepts, behavior methods, and work styles, and solve practical problems in schools.

Yang Qiaolin, deputy director of the Xindu District People's Congress, Deng Xueneng, vice chairman of the Xindu District CPPCC Committee, and responsible persons of relevant departments at the district level accompanied him to attend the condolence activities. Responsible persons of relevant departments at the district level, members of the party committee team of the district education bureau, heads of relevant departments of the organ, principals, teachers and government supervision representatives, principals of primary and secondary schools run by citizens, and directors of public kindergartens attended the forum

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