
Which goji berry tea to drink can be healthy

author:99 Health Net
Which goji berry tea to drink can be healthy

There are many ways to eat goji berries, the longest seen is wolfberries soaked in water to drink, goji berries can be added to different flower teas to drink together, different combinations have different effects, detailed introduction to some of the efficacy and contraindications of wolfberry tea.

Health must drink four kinds of goji berry tea

1. Three-flower goji berry tea

By the rose, jasmine, generation of flowers, Sichuan root, goji leaves in a certain proportion of the medicinal tea sub-bag packaging, each bag 6g - 7g, a bag a day, boiling water brewed 2 - 3 times, can be wide in the qi, phlegm drinking, water reduction, blood nourishment, lipid-lowering and refreshing, especially suitable for evening service. If the weight loss effect is not achieved, you can drink one packet in the morning and one in the evening for three months.

2. Tianyan goji berry tea

It can clear heat and dampness, dissolve phlegm and drink, moisten the intestines and laxatives, inhibit appetite, promote fat metabolism, and reduce blood lipids. Indications for the treatment of spleen deficiency and stomach fever type simple obesity, habitual constipation and other symptoms. Twice a day, before breakfast and once on an empty stomach at night, 1.5g - 3g each time, soaked in 200 ml of boiled water for 10 minutes after taking it once or in accordance with the doctor's advice, every 30 days for a course of treatment, each course of treatment stopped for two weeks, avoid alcohol, spicy food, and with a high-protein, low-sugar, low-fat diet. Those with organic lesions, nephritis, chronic gastritis and other symptoms should be banned, or used with caution under the guidance of a doctor.

3. Hawthorn goji berry tea

Composed of hawthorn, goji leaves, and zephyllum, it is decocted with water and tea, 2-3 times a day, and 3 months is a course of treatment. According to the treatment of 41 patients with simple obesity, 27 people showed efficacy (weight loss of more than 2 kg), and the total effective rate was 68.2%.

4. Goji berry cassia tea

Composed of goji berries, cangshu, cassia seeds, water decoction tea, 2 times a day, 2-3 months for a course of treatment, it has a certain effect on weight loss and blood lipid reduction. In addition, there are lipid-lowering yishou tea, Qinggong immortal medicine tea, huan tong tea, Ninghong lipid-lowering tea, fat-reducing fitness tea, Yaoshan goji berry tea, etc., all of which have a certain weight loss effect, and obese people may wish to choose to try. Goji berry tea contraindications discomfort people: goji berries are not suitable for all people to take, because its effect of warming the body is quite strong, so it is best not to eat patients who are cold and fever, inflammation of the body, diarrhea, and hypertension.

Eating goji berries is contraindicated

In the summer, people with yin deficiency should pay attention to the dosage of goji berries, because goji berries are sweet and mild, and excessive dosage can cause fire, especially when eating raw, the dosage should be reduced.

Goji berries are suitable for people with weak constitution and poor resistance. But the process of taking, must be long-term adherence, eat a little every day, in order to see the effect, goji berries contain betaine, amino acids, carotene, vitamin B1, B2, C, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other ingredients. It is good for human health, but pay attention to the dosage. Excessive consumption of goji berries can cause people to catch fire, nosebleeds, and even cause redness and discomfort in the eyes.

Because the effect of goji berries in warming the body is quite strong, people with high blood pressure, too impatient temperament, or people who consume a large amount of meat on weekdays lead to redness, are cold and feverish, have inflammation in the body, and diarrhea are best not to eat.

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