
In winter, buy some red dates and stir-fry them like this, make red dates and guiyuan goji berry tea to drink, and replenish qi and blood

author:Love to talk about life

Buy some red dates in winter, stir-fry them like this, make red dates and guiyuan goji berry tea to drink, replenish qi and blood, and be good.

In winter, buy some red dates and stir-fry them like this, make red dates and guiyuan goji berry tea to drink, and replenish qi and blood

A heavy snow the day before yesterday made the weather in Nanjing fall off a cliff, and today's minimum temperature is minus 4 degrees, and you can feel very cold at home. Although the southern city does not have an extremely cold climate, but there is no heating indoors, everywhere is cold, you have to turn on the air conditioning to warm up a little, but I am not used to turning on the heating air conditioning, can only endure the cold like this. Fortunately, the red dates, goji berries and guiyuan and other snacks bought online a few days ago have arrived, and I will make red jujube guiyuan goji berry tea.

In winter, buy some red dates and stir-fry them like this, make red dates and guiyuan goji berry tea to drink, and replenish qi and blood

Red dates I bought is Xinjiang Ruoqiang special grade no-wash red dates, the particles are not large, the core of small meat is thick, the price is not expensive, only 4 pieces of more than a pound, such a size of bubble tea to drink just right. Red dates have been loved by people since ancient times, so there is a proverb: "three dates a day, the face is not old". Many people like to put two red dates in their mouths to eat in their daily lives, which can be used as snacks, which has many benefits for the body.

In winter, buy some red dates and stir-fry them like this, make red dates and guiyuan goji berry tea to drink, and replenish qi and blood

The method of red jujube guiyuan goji berry tea is very simple, as long as the red dates are fried, add the guiyuan and goji berries to a bubble, it is a cup of health tea that replenishes the qi, nourishes the blood and calms the spirit and helps sleep, share it with everyone.

In winter, buy some red dates and stir-fry them like this, make red dates and guiyuan goji berry tea to drink, and replenish qi and blood

Dish name:【Red Jujube Guiyuan Goji Berry Tea】

Main ingredients: 3 red dates, I fried a bowl, you can eat slowly later. 6 guiyuan, one-third packet of goji berries.

Duration: About 8 minutes.

【Operation steps】

The first step of jujube cleaning, although I bought a no-wash red date, but do not wash or feel uneasy, soak it in warm boiling water for a while, and then rinse it clean.

In winter, buy some red dates and stir-fry them like this, make red dates and guiyuan goji berry tea to drink, and replenish qi and blood

The second step is stir-frying, put the clean and dry dates into the wok, turn on the low heat and slowly fry, fry until the aroma of the dates fills the whole kitchen, then turn off the heat and let them cool. The fried dates are particularly sweet, boiling water can quickly absorb water, the taste is particularly rich, the meat is fuller, and the spit out of the core appears smaller.

Ruoqiang red dates are famous in the jujube thin skin small core, sweet and full of dates, every year I will buy many times, we have to sell in the wholesale market there to 40 pounds, really expensive. Now the network is really good, you can buy such a cheap and delicious red dates, very affordable.

In winter, buy some red dates and stir-fry them like this, make red dates and guiyuan goji berry tea to drink, and replenish qi and blood

Step 3 To make tea, add 6 cinnamon balls to the cup, take a third of a small packet of goji berries, also add to the cup, take 3 fried dates, and finally pour boiling water.

Guiyuan I bought is the Green Emperor 5A big guiyuan, the color is golden, the core of small meat, the taste is really sweet, the dryness is very sufficient, very resistant to bubbles, I have bought many times, my son always has to grab a handful before going to work every day, when snacks as supplements are good.

In winter, buy some red dates and stir-fry them like this, make red dates and guiyuan goji berry tea to drink, and replenish qi and blood

The fourth step of the finished product map, in winter, buy more red dates so fried, with guiyuan, goji berries so eat, tonic qi nourishing blood and tranquility also help sleep.

In winter, buy some red dates and stir-fry them like this, make red dates and guiyuan goji berry tea to drink, and replenish qi and blood

Fried red dates can also be added to the guiyuan, goji berries and brown sugar, and then add water together to boil and drink, the effect is also very good, but I like to make tea to drink, so a cup can be brewed 4 to 5 times, basically the amount of a day, boiling water a bubble, warm hands and warm stomach, really good.

In winter, buy some red dates and stir-fry them like this, make red dates and guiyuan goji berry tea to drink, and replenish qi and blood

#Food Review Panel ##2020升机大会 #

---- "Warm Tips" ----

1 People with wet spleen and long-term loose stools should not eat more, and people who are having a cold and fever, inflammation in the body, and diarrhea are best not to eat goji berries.

2 Goji berries are soaked in water and cannot be brewed with tea leaves. Pay attention to the amount of goji berries eaten, excessive amounts can easily be on fire.

3 jujube and dried guiyuan is also 6 to 8 grains on it, every morning after work to make a cup for themselves, not only to replenish qi and blood, but also to clear the eyes, help sleep. But don't eat more.

Red jujube guiyuan goji berry tea how to make it more delicious, and what are the good methods, welcome to leave a message in the comment area, and Aixi to share together, cooking skills are limited, please give more advice.

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