
Chrysanthemum goji berry tea, anti-blue light glasses, eye lamps, are these "eye protection methods" useful in the end? You'll know it after reading it

author:Beijing Satellite TV: I'm a big doctor

Nowadays, people rely more and more on electronic products, watching TV at home for a long time, playing computers, looking down at mobile phones outside, and often staying up late, overtime, overwhelmed eyes, often dry, sore, photophobia, tears and other phenomena, vision is not as good as a year.

In order to protect the eyes, many people wear eye drops, wear anti-blue light glasses, drink chrysanthemum goji berry tea... But can these methods really improve vision? What should I do with my daily eye care? Today Coco will come to talk to you about those things about eye protection

Chrysanthemum goji berry tea, anti-blue light glasses, eye lamps, are these "eye protection methods" useful in the end? You'll know it after reading it

1. Can you improve your vision by looking less at electronic products? not necessarily!

Many people will choose to read books, do handicrafts and other ways to alleviate eye fatigue after using electronic products for a long time, but this may not have an effect!

Even if you do not play with electronic products such as mobile phones, as long as you meet the two conditions of "long time" and "close distance", it may cause vision loss. Looking at things for too long at the same visual distance can lead to excessive tension in the eye muscles, causing eye fatigue, and in severe cases, it may aggravate the aging of the skin around the eyes, dark circles and other problems.

If you want to rest your eyes, it is more recommended to go outdoors to do sports, and you can also use boxing to make the focus of your eyes constantly switch near and far, so as to alleviate eye fatigue.

Chrysanthemum goji berry tea, anti-blue light glasses, eye lamps, are these "eye protection methods" useful in the end? You'll know it after reading it

2, the projector is more eye-pleasing than the TV? It's probably not worth the loss!

Nowadays, many people prefer to buy a projector to watch video than a TV, believing that it has a larger screen and avoids direct light, which can better protect the eyes. However, this statement is not true!

In fact, the projector hits the light on the wall or curtain to image, which does look more gentle than the direct light of the TV. However, because the light emitted by the projector is weak, in order to ensure the viewing effect, relatively dark environmental conditions are generally required. In this case, the eyes need to constantly switch to adapt to changes in light, and the pupils and eye muscles may stretch and contract sharply, but they are more likely to feel tired.

In addition, the projector imaging screen is large, generally need to project to a distance of more than 6 meters, in a brighter environment to watch the video, in order to protect the eyes to a certain extent, but for most of the family's residential conditions, it is not realistic.

Chrysanthemum goji berry tea, anti-blue light glasses, eye lamps, are these "eye protection methods" useful in the end? You'll know it after reading it

3. Can anti-blue light glasses alleviate myopia? The effect is limited!

When some people wear glasses, they often ask for anti-blue light glasses, thinking that they can protect the eyes and prevent myopia. But in fact, anti-blue light glasses can only eliminate part of the short-wave blue light, and can not prevent and control myopia.

On the one hand, there is no direct evidence that blue light causes myopia, so whether anti-blue light glasses have the effect of preventing and controlling myopia still needs to be examined; on the other hand, most of the anti-blue light glasses have colors, which will cause a certain "color cast", and it is easier to aggravate visual fatigue for a long time.

Therefore, anti-blue light glasses can only be used as eye protection tools when learning to work, and cannot be used as myopia prevention and control tools, and should be rationally chosen.

Chrysanthemum goji berry tea, anti-blue light glasses, eye lamps, are these "eye protection methods" useful in the end? You'll know it after reading it

4, eye lamp more eye protection? Choosing the right product is more important!

The biggest selling point of "eye protection lamp" is that it can protect the eyes, but not all table lamps marked with eye protection will definitely protect the eyes!

It has been reported before that some of the "eye care lamps" sold on the market have problems such as excessive color temperature, unqualified brightness, blue light strobe, etc., which may cause irreversible damage to our vision, so it is important to choose the right product.

Chrysanthemum goji berry tea, anti-blue light glasses, eye lamps, are these "eye protection methods" useful in the end? You'll know it after reading it

(The source of the image comes from the network)

Choose a good eye lamp, first of all, there must be a national security compulsory certification mark CCC, which is often said to be the "3C" certification mark, in addition, you have to see the quality inspection report, product certificate, etc.;

Secondly, for reading and learning, the color temperature of the eye lamp is not higher than 4000K or about 4000K, which can protect the vision more; the brightness is more suitable for 300-500 lumens, so that the light is bright enough, and it will not be too dazzling, and the shadow produced is relatively small.

Chrysanthemum goji berry tea, anti-blue light glasses, eye lamps, are these "eye protection methods" useful in the end? You'll know it after reading it

5. Can eye drops relieve eye fatigue? Abuse is even more harmful!

Modern people use their eyes for longer and longer, and the eyes are inevitably dry, red and bloody, so many people often have eye drops to relieve eye fatigue.

But in fact, when the eyes appear red due to fatigue and lack of sleep, there is no need for eye drops. Because the production of red blood is also the body's self-protection, it can dilate through blood vessels, excrete metabolic substances, transport more nutrients, and improve fatigue.

And "is the drug three points of poison", although eye drops can alleviate symptoms such as dry eyes in the short term, but it is not long before there will be discomfort, can not fundamentally solve the problem; if long-term blind use, it may also destroy the environment in the eyes, increase the risk of dry eye disease, and even let the bacteria take advantage of the void. Therefore, eye drops can not be used, let alone abused.

Chrysanthemum goji berry tea, anti-blue light glasses, eye lamps, are these "eye protection methods" useful in the end? You'll know it after reading it

It should be noted that after opening, the eye drops should be used up within one month, so as to avoid discoloration, turbidity, precipitation and other denaturation of the eye drops, which are contaminated.

6, eat more blueberries, can alleviate eye fatigue? These nutrients are key to eye protection

It is often said that eating more blueberries can protect the eyes. This actually makes sense!

According to a study by Tufts University in the United States, the anthocyanin content of blueberries ranked first among 40 kinds of vegetables and fruits with antioxidant power, reaching 163mg/100g.

For the eyes, anthocyanins can not only promote the synthesis of purplish in the retina and enhance visual acuity; they can also effectively prevent the protein of the lens from being oxidized, reduce the damage of free radicals to the eyes, and help prevent cataracts; and anthocyanins can also inhibit the apoptosis of photoreceptor cells with photochemical damage to the retina, protect the retina, and reduce the possibility of retinopathy.

Chrysanthemum goji berry tea, anti-blue light glasses, eye lamps, are these "eye protection methods" useful in the end? You'll know it after reading it

Therefore, you can usually eat more blueberries, or drink blueberry pulp and other products to supplement anthocyanins to achieve the effect of eye protection.

In addition, lutein is also a "small expert in eye protection", which can effectively filter harmful ultraviolet rays and blue light, protect the lens and retina, delay the degradation of eye function, and prevent retinal macular degeneration. Usually, you can eat more eggs, kiwi fruit, corn, spinach, purple cabbage and other foods.

Chrysanthemum goji berry tea, anti-blue light glasses, eye lamps, are these "eye protection methods" useful in the end? You'll know it after reading it

7, chrysanthemum goji berry tea, liver and eyes? Different chrysanthemums have different effects

People often say, "Chrysanthemum goji berry tea, nourish the liver and eyesight", although this is true, but not everyone applies.

Chrysanthemum is rich in vitamin A, which can make people clear-headed and bright-eyed, especially for liver fire, dry eyes caused by excessive use of eyes, and goji berries are rich in carotene, vitamins and calcium, iron, etc., which have the effect of nourishing the kidneys and tonifying the liver, improving the eyes, moisturizing the lungs, etc., and are good for the eyes. The combination of the two can be described as a strong combination, especially suitable for office workers who often use their eyes, student parties, and old and dazzled people.

But not all chrysanthemums can alleviate eye diseases. Generally speaking, white chrysanthemums re-clear the liver and eyes, yellow chrysanthemums re-clear lung heat, and wild chrysanthemums re-clear the heat and detoxify.

Chrysanthemum goji berry tea, anti-blue light glasses, eye lamps, are these "eye protection methods" useful in the end? You'll know it after reading it

8, improve vision, not afraid of late, afraid of your laziness

It is said that the eyes are the windows of the soul, and it is urgent to protect the health of the eyes! Do 3 things at home, you can easily relieve fatigue and improve your eyesight

Blinking is the easiest way to protect your eyes

Under normal circumstances, our eyes will blink about 20 times a minute, but when we stare at the screen such as wearing a computer, mobile phone, etc., the number of blinks will be unconsciously reduced, resulting in uneven distribution of tear film on the surface of the eyeball, and symptoms such as dry eyes and itching, and even degeneration into dry eye.

Therefore, it is usually possible to blink more eyes appropriately, promote some glands on the surface of the eyes to secrete tears, moisten the eyeballs, and alleviate discomfort symptoms such as dryness.

Chrysanthemum goji berry tea, anti-blue light glasses, eye lamps, are these "eye protection methods" useful in the end? You'll know it after reading it

Press the old-age cave, nourish the blood and be blind

The old-age cave has the effect of clearing the head and eyes, replenishing the yang qi, and relieving the muscles and activating the network. Frequently rubbing this point can help relieve vision loss, presbyopia, and congestion of the eyeballs.

Position: Palm facing the chest, when the ulnar stem process radial side of the bone slit is concave.

Method: 10-20 acupressure can be done every morning and evening, so that repeated acupressure, about 3 months, the pain of the acupuncture points will disappear, and the eye symptoms will be slowly alleviated.

Chrysanthemum goji berry tea, anti-blue light glasses, eye lamps, are these "eye protection methods" useful in the end? You'll know it after reading it

Apply warm compresses appropriately to relieve eye strain

Eye fatigue and dry eyes have become very common, and even many young people have experienced "eyelid plate shrinkage" and other situations.

In fact, usually applying a hot towel to the eyes for 10 to 20 minutes can help accelerate blood circulation around the eyes, relieve eye fatigue, and improve symptoms such as dryness and eye stones. It should be noted that towels can be soaked in warm water at 40-45 degrees, and it is more appropriate to change towels every five minutes.

Chrysanthemum goji berry tea, anti-blue light glasses, eye lamps, are these "eye protection methods" useful in the end? You'll know it after reading it

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