
Brew goji berry tea every day and drink out mouth ulcers

author:Bright Net

In the cold winter, brewing a cup of health tea every day is the choice of many people. However, doctors have recently reminded that honeysuckle, goji berries and other effects are different, if you can not choose correctly according to your own physique, not only can not play a health care role, but may cause physical discomfort.

Uncle Liu has a special love for goji berry tea. Recently, after getting up every morning, he had to throw a large handful of goji berries into the teacup, plus a few chrysanthemums, and the boiling water rushed into the transparent cup, and the red and yellow were heavy and floating, which made Uncle Liu feel pleasing to the eye. However, after drinking goji berry tea for a period of time, Uncle Liu's body appeared dry and hot, and then there were mouth ulcers, sprayed watermelon cream for a few days and did not see any improvement, and the pain was unbearable under Uncle Liu came to the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of Qianpu Hospital for treatment. After understanding Uncle Liu's physical condition and inquiring about his living habits, the doctor diagnosed that his oral problems were related to long-term drinking of health tea, and instructed Uncle Liu to stop drinking health tea based on goji berries, and at the same time let him take the medicine of nourishing yin and clearing heat to dispel the fire, and Uncle Liu's mouth ulcers quickly healed.

Chen Ying, chief physician of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Xiamen Qianpu Hospital, introduced that goji berries have a sweet taste, flat sex, can nourish the kidneys, moisten the lungs, replenish the liver, and see the eyes, so many friends in life will eat goji berries. However, people with yin deficiency constitution have insufficient fluid, easy to dry eyes, dry nose, dry mouth, fine pulse or night sweats, hand and foot heart fever, tinnitus, etc., but also easy to "catch fire", resulting in irritability and irritability, and goji berries have a certain warm effect, so people with yin deficiency constitution should pay attention to the dosage of goji berries, excessive dosage may cause "fire", especially when eating raw, more attention should be paid to the dosage. Uncle Liu, as a person with a yin deficiency physique, is because of the excessive amount of goji berries when making tea, resulting in dry and hot mouth and tongue sores in the body. Therefore, people who love to drink health tea can first go to the hospital to understand their own physique and drink health tea correctly under the guidance of doctors.

Source: Xiamen Daily

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