
From Chinese food to influencer menus, what will Italians eat in 2021?

author:Xinmin Evening News

From Chinese food to Japanese food, from seasonal foods to internet celebrity menus... What will Italians eat and how will they eat in 2021? An industry survey surveyed dining trends for Italians in the new year, focusing on consumption patterns, food choices, popular specialties and the most popular foreign cuisines.

From Chinese food to influencer menus, what will Italians eat in 2021?

Comprehensive Ansa News Agency, the Courier newspaper reported that the food delivery industry ushered in a booming year in 2020, the same is true for Italy, because of the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, takeaway has become the choice of many Italians, and gradually become an important means for many Italians to fill their stomachs, but also for them to bring a new gastronomic experience.

Food keywords for 2021: sustainable, seasonal and waste reduction

What foods will appear on the table of Italians in 2021? A survey of Italian respondents showed that in 2021 there was a more pronounced focus on sustainability, i.e. seasonality (42%), waste reduction (37.8%), and a focus on local foods (30.74%) and vegetarian food (22%).

In 2021, foods based on natural ingredients will be the protagonists of the table, with 63% of Italians surveyed saying they will pay more attention to this type of food in 2021.

At the same time, the impact of social networks on people's diets cannot be underestimated: surveys show that whippedcoffee will continue to be a popular drink in 2021. This special cream coffee making method is easy to learn and is widely spread among young people. 25% of Italian respondents said they had tried the influencer drink in the past year, and 53% said they intended to try making handmade coffee in 2021.

Another of the more concerned is non-alcoholic beverages, which are strongly in italians in 2020. In fact, 31 percent of respondents said they would drink non-alcoholic beverages regularly in 2020, while 57 percent said they would develop the habit of drinking non-alcoholic beverages in 2021.

In addition, there is an increase in the focus on lactose-free products, with 43% of respondents saying they are willing to continue to consume them in 2021.

Popular Overseas Dishes in 2021: Chinese Japanese Food Is Popular, Mexican Cuisine Becomes "Dark Horse"

In 2021, which categories of overseas catering will lead the trend? According to the survey, Chinese, Japanese and American food are still generally popular. Mexican and Greek cuisine have become the "dark horses" in the overseas catering industry.

According to the survey, the most popular foreign cuisines in 2021 are Japanese, Chinese and American cuisine. At the same time, Italians also have their own "unique" views on foreign cuisine: in their opinion, Mexican and Greek cuisine are equally worth trying in the new year. According to the survey, 32% of respondents believe that Japanese cuisine will continue to be successful in 2021. 28% of respondents believe that Chinese food will become the "protagonist" of foreign cuisine in 2021. 20% of respondents said they would continue to try American dining.

The survey also showed that Mexican and Greek meals are also recognized: 14% of Italians believe that Mexican and Greek meals will become the "best" in foreign cuisines by 2021. In addition, 9% of Italians regard Indian cuisine as a "hit" in the new year.

What to eat? From "What Moms Do and Eat" to "What to Recommend Online to Eat"

Regarding what to cook, the survey shows that both traditional and innovative ways play a role in this regard, and there are many channels that guide Italians to make choices in cooking.

Surveys show that Italian mothers play a big role in how to make delicious dishes, and the cuisine is passed on through their exquisite cooking skills. At the same time, the influence of social networks is increasing day by day, and young people will look for various food recipes on social networks. There are also people who learn about food making through traditional TV channels. In addition, recipe websites and online cooking books are also one of the ways people learn the art of cooking.

Through the food delivery service, you can not only enjoy the food at home, but also a kind of help to the catering industry. 41% of respondents said that in 2021, they will have a good time in this way. At the same time, more than 35 percent use it as one of the ways to support restaurants, pizzerias, ice cream parlors and bars in the city. Respondents said this approach is good for both consumers and the food and beverage industry, especially considering that the food and beverage industry is one of the industries most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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