
75-year-old woman poisoned by drinking goji berry tea! Are goji berries better eaten dry, or is it better to soak in water and boil soup? First, goji berries plus one thing, careful to change the "poison" Second, eat the goji berries correctly, what will happen to the body? Third, goji berries soak in water, boil soup to drink well, or dry eating the effect is better? Extension - Black Goji Berries = "Soft Gold"?

author:39 HealthNet

"Goji berry water every day, live to two hundred years old!"

Goji berries are our daily tonic food, not only high nutritional value, but also easy to eat, many people in daily life will use it to soak water or boil soup, is an indispensable health food. In ancient times, goji berries were also regarded as "magic medicines".

Although goji berries are good, if they are taken with some "incompatible" drugs, be careful that the "miracle medicine" becomes a "poison".

75-year-old woman poisoned by drinking goji berry tea! Are goji berries better eaten dry, or is it better to soak in water and boil soup? First, goji berries plus one thing, careful to change the "poison" Second, eat the goji berries correctly, what will happen to the body? Third, goji berries soak in water, boil soup to drink well, or dry eating the effect is better? Extension - Black Goji Berries = "Soft Gold"?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" >, goji berries plus one, be careful to become "poison"</h1>

Recently, a case published in the European Heart Journal attracted the attention of the public, showing that when taking drugs such as flucainide or warfarin, if you drink goji berry tea, it may lead to poisoning.

The report describes a 75-year-old woman who underwent mitral valve replacement about 3 years ago and took warfarin (an anticoagulant) as prescribed to prevent thrombosis and cerebral infarction. However, 2 years ago, due to premature atrial beats, I took Fluncainide under the guidance of a doctor. However, recently affected by old friends, the girl also began to maintain health, drank goji berry tea, 1-2 cups a day, who knows that after drinking but feel dizzy, nausea, and finally because of syncope was urgently sent to the hospital, and finally diagnosed with flucain poisoning.

The reason is that goji berries can metabolize the enzymes of warfarin and flucainide drugs, which eventually cause flucarnityl poisoning (which can induce fatal ventricular arrhythmias), warfarin poisoning (overdose can cause an increase in INR), and fainting.

Therefore, at the time of discharge, the doctor reminded the female patient to stop the goji berry tea.

75-year-old woman poisoned by drinking goji berry tea! Are goji berries better eaten dry, or is it better to soak in water and boil soup? First, goji berries plus one thing, careful to change the "poison" Second, eat the goji berries correctly, what will happen to the body? Third, goji berries soak in water, boil soup to drink well, or dry eating the effect is better? Extension - Black Goji Berries = "Soft Gold"?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="43" > Second, eat goji berries correctly, what happens to the body? </h1>

In fact, in general, goji berries are a "good" thing, and if they are eaten correctly, the benefits to the body can be many.

1. Delay aging

This is one of its major effects, mainly because it contains a variety of substances, such as goji polysaccharides, B-carotene, etc., which can effectively scavenge free radicals and reduce the formation of lipid peroxides. The oxygen free radicals cause aging, which is currently a more recognized theory to explain the aging mechanism, so to prevent aging, goji berries can be consumed appropriately.

2. Whitening and beauty

The reason why it can play this effect is mainly due to the fact that it contains goji polysaccharides, B-carotene, trace elements selenium and vitamin E, which constitute a powerful antioxidant force, thus playing a role in whitening and beauty.

3. Protect the liver

One of the most important effects of goji berries is to protect the liver, mainly because it contains a substance called betaine, which can inhibit the deposition of fat in liver cells, promote the regeneration of liver cells, and prevent liver dysfunction caused by carbon tetrachloride, thus playing a role in protecting the liver.

Taking goji berries correctly, there are many benefits to the human body, such as blindness, tonic essence, etc., so everyone can usually eat some in moderation.

75-year-old woman poisoned by drinking goji berry tea! Are goji berries better eaten dry, or is it better to soak in water and boil soup? First, goji berries plus one thing, careful to change the "poison" Second, eat the goji berries correctly, what will happen to the body? Third, goji berries soak in water, boil soup to drink well, or dry eating the effect is better? Extension - Black Goji Berries = "Soft Gold"?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="44" > three, goji berries soaked in water, boiling soup to drink well, or dry eating effect is better? </h1>

In daily life, most people use goji berries to soak water or boil soup, thinking that this is better for the human body, but some people say that goji berries should be eaten dry! What exactly is the healthiest way to eat?

Generally speaking, if you soak in water or boil soup, the nutritional value will definitely be lower than that of eating directly. Because most of the nutrients contained in goji berries, such as vitamins, are water-soluble, they are easily destroyed when exposed to heat, and carotene is not resistant to high temperatures. Therefore, eating directly dry (rinsing the goji berries with running water and putting them in the mouth to chew dryly) has the highest nutritional value.

But when eating goji berries, pay attention to controlling the amount, this kind of health care things need to be adhered to for a long time, rather than saying that you can get the effect of health by eating it once. In general, the recommended intake for healthy adults is 20 g / day (about 50 capsules), on the principle of not on fire, if it is needed for treatment due to disease, it can be increased in an appropriate amount under the guidance of a doctor.

In addition, goji berries are not suitable for everyone, like the body has inflammation, cold and fever people try to avoid eating, because goji berries have a strong effect of warming the body, after eating can aggravate the disease, affect the recovery; red face, impatient people also try not to eat, otherwise more dry and hot.

75-year-old woman poisoned by drinking goji berry tea! Are goji berries better eaten dry, or is it better to soak in water and boil soup? First, goji berries plus one thing, careful to change the "poison" Second, eat the goji berries correctly, what will happen to the body? Third, goji berries soak in water, boil soup to drink well, or dry eating the effect is better? Extension - Black Goji Berries = "Soft Gold"?

In general, the best way to eat goji berries is to eat them raw, and occasionally you can soak in water and boil soup to drink, depending on the situation. However, no matter which method of consumption, we must pay attention to controlling the intake, and some special groups also try to avoid eating goji berries to avoid adverse effects on physical health.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="45" > extensions - black goji berries = "soft gold"? </h1>

There are many types of goji berries, in addition to red goji berries, there are also black goji berries, many people have their own "filters" for black goji berries, so is its nutritional value really so high?

Let's first understand what is the black wolfberry, this wolfberry is mainly produced in the desert Gobi region of Qinghai Province, relatively rare, its taste is sweeter, and the nutritional elements contained in it are also relatively rich, including amino acids, anthocyanins, vitamin C, etc., the use is very wide, not only can be directly eaten, can also be used in medicine, soaking wine or used in the production of food (such as health drinks, jam) and so on.

The reason why the black goji berry has been so much touted, one of the biggest "credits" is that it is rich in anthocyanins, once known as the "king of anthocyanins", which helps to delay aging and beauty and beauty.

But the point is that anthocyanins are not only black goji berries, but also many dark, purple and even red plants such as mulberries, grapes, black beans, etc., which contain this substance, and the content is not low.

So in general, black goji berries are indeed an "excellent" health ingredient, which has a variety of benefits for human health, such as antioxidants, anti-aging, etc., but if it is "how magical" and "can cure all diseases", it is too exaggerated, and everyone should not be gullible.

75-year-old woman poisoned by drinking goji berry tea! Are goji berries better eaten dry, or is it better to soak in water and boil soup? First, goji berries plus one thing, careful to change the "poison" Second, eat the goji berries correctly, what will happen to the body? Third, goji berries soak in water, boil soup to drink well, or dry eating the effect is better? Extension - Black Goji Berries = "Soft Gold"?

Summary: Whether it is red goji berries or black goji berries, they are a good health ingredient, so everyone can usually eat in moderation, but we must pay attention to mastering the correct way to eat.

#谣零零计划 #


[1] "Goji berries plus one thing, seconds become "poison"? 》. China Pharmacy .2021-10-04

[2] "Is it effective to eat goji berries in water?" Don't put it, nutrition is all white! Don't eat wrong for so many years..." Zhejiang Great Health .2017-05-29

[3] "Goji berries, the most nutritious way to eat is neither to soak in water nor to cook soup, but to ... "" Jilin Satellite TV.2021-10-04

[4] "Goji berries soak in water and don't let it go, the effect is all white!" Nourish the liver and lungs, this season is more suitable". Family.2018-12-25

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