
The consequences of Gorbachev's "new thinking" reforms: the emergence of various anti-government organizations, which cannot be reversed 010203

author:Mud-legged spectators

In the 1980s, after Gorbachev came to power, he focused on his new thinking reforms. In 1987, he compiled his "new thinking" reform into a book, which was named after him. How can a fuehrer who has actually been in power for less than a year have his own reform experience? Gorbachev was fooled, in his eyes reform is to look at the West, the original Soviet system and the West is a different system, the so-called democratic freedom in the West is just to fool Gorbachev.

The consequences of Gorbachev's "new thinking" reforms: the emergence of various anti-government organizations, which cannot be reversed 010203

Gorbachev's democratization of openness was the goal of his "new thinking" reforms, and in his eyes the Soviet Union could not be too closed and suppress the people's freedom of expression as before. But speech has legal boundaries, and those who deny the Soviet system are anti-Soviet Union, but Gorbachev connived and tolerated it, and eventually problems arose.

Some people say that Gorbachev's reforms are too urgent, and there is no specific goal, what should be changed and what should not be changed, in Gorbachev's mind, there is no number at all, coupled with the fact that his staff and staff are blind and staff, and there is less real consideration for the future and fate of the Soviet Union. This has led to many uncontrollable results of reform.

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After Gorbachev democratized and openly became popular in the Soviet Union, a large number of informal social groups appeared in the Soviet Union, and according to relevant Soviet data, there were more than 40,000 such organizations in the Soviet Union at the beginning of 1989. In February 1989, the Soviet newspaper Pravda reported that more than 60,000 non-governmental groups had emerged in the Soviet Union. By August 10, 1990, KGB Chairman Kryuchkov said that the number of informal organizations in the Soviet Union had reached more than 90,000. And the number is not known, but it is diverse in form and involves all areas of social life. Some of them were advocating for Gorbachev's reforms, while others were young people who were infiltrated by Western values, with serious nihilism and confusion. Others are engaged in anti-social and anti-government activities in the name of supporting reforms.

The consequences of Gorbachev's "new thinking" reforms: the emergence of various anti-government organizations, which cannot be reversed 010203

At that time in Soviet society, there were some groups that demanded participation in the affairs of the Soviet state and social transformation. It is said that there were many such groups, and they criticized and made suggestions on the political, economic and legal issues of the Soviet Union.

At that time, there was an organization called the "Club Federation", which even demanded that the Soviet Union grant legitimacy to independent organizations and movements, that it had the right to recommend Soviet deputies, that it had the right to lodge accusations against Soviet officials, and that it enjoy freedom of speech and the press. It also calls for a series of propositions such as reducing bureaucracy and requiring state-owned enterprises to take responsibility for their own profits and losses.

Influential Soviet scholars formed the "Moscow Forum" to criticize the draft amendments to the Soviet Constitution and even hoped to become a think tank for reform.

Nationalist groups also emerged, such as the Baltic Estonia, Latvia, lithuania to form the "People's Front", "Movement for Reform" and other organizations, these organizations are said to be active forces in support of open and open policies, members of the Soviet G and some non-partisan, theistic and atheist, but these organizations have a clear nationalist tendency. For example, estonia's "People's Front" even demanded the economic independence of the republic, and the Estonian language was used as a Chinese, and even the defense and diplomatic powers were owned by the republic.

More than 80 per cent of the personnel of the "People's Front" in Latvia are Latvians, an organization that excludes and disturbs other nationalities. Nationalist sentiment in the Baltic region grew under the impetus of these nationalist organizations, which later became ethnically separated parties.

The consequences of Gorbachev's "new thinking" reforms: the emergence of various anti-government organizations, which cannot be reversed 010203

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In 1988, the Soviet Union actually appeared "opposition", such as the "Democratic Union" organization, which was not afraid of the Soviet Union, directly attacked it as a dictatorship and was the source of the suffering of the people, and even shouted that they were "opposition parties against the current order", demanded that the Soviet government develop a mixed economy, demanded the implementation of a multi-party system, and also demanded the establishment of independent trade unions. It also demanded the legalization of newspapers, even allowed the Soviet Union to implement an "ad hoc system," and even demanded that the Soviet Union quickly end its monopoly on political power.

The "Christian Democratic Party" founded in December 1988 and the "Social Democratic Party" founded in St. Petersburg in February 1989, these "opposition organizations" were supported by the United States, and they all later became the gravediggers of the current Soviet regime.

In some places, new Nazi organizations, such as the "Führer's" association and the "Russian Socialist Workers' Party", have weapons and equipment, conduct military training, and even launch terrorist attacks. Some also have ties to the Italian mafia. These organizations, which are said to control drugs, alcohol and prostitution in the Soviet Union, are in fact Soviet underworld organizations.

Of course, the Soviet Union also had some non-political social groups, such as the "Forest Organization", which asked people not to cut down trees indiscriminately, and the "Memorial Association" asked the people to love cultural relics and monuments. There are also some ecological environmental protection organizations, whose members are founded by young people who are empty in their hearts and have nothing to do, who are extremely dissatisfied with the real society and advocate "free development".

The consequences of Gorbachev's "new thinking" reforms: the emergence of various anti-government organizations, which cannot be reversed 010203

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Judging from the different kinds of groups that appeared in the Soviet Union at that time, they were all the result of Gorbachev's reforms. The Soviet Union also attached great importance to the emergence of these problems and also took measures, but due to poor guidance and even ineffective crackdown, some even believed that this was the democratization and openness advocated by Gorbachev, and let some organizations go unchecked, which led to social chaos in the Soviet Union.

Soviet law enforcement also punished some organizations and individuals, but because there were too many non-governmental organizations, they could not be defeated or deterred. In particular, the Soviet Union criticized the nationalist-leaning organizations that appeared in the three Baltic states, but did not even dare to manage them in management, but gave these nationalist organizations the opportunity to develop.

Gorbachevpu said: "The dangerous culture of nationalist political excesses cannot be tolerated, and nationalists will never be allowed to stir up contradictions on the big question of the Soviets' cleverness." But Gorbachev only said to the outside world that he did not make a heavy fist to govern, and these nationalists were not afraid of Gorbachev, plus the United States and other Western countries were blowing their horns behind their backs, demanding that Gorbachev give these areas "democratic freedom", and then instigate nationalist elements in some ethnic areas to make trouble.

The consequences of Gorbachev's "new thinking" reforms: the emergence of various anti-government organizations, which cannot be reversed 010203

Gorbachev's weakness led to the disorderly development of non-governmental organizations, with irreversible results. It is ironic that Gorbachev won the Nobel Peace Prize for this.

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