
Private dish sharing: cabbage stir-fried fungus, stir-fried artemisia annua, two-color rice balls

author:Sunny Kitchen

Stir-fried fungus with cabbage

Private dish sharing: cabbage stir-fried fungus, stir-fried artemisia annua, two-color rice balls


Cabbage, fungus, green onion, ginger, peppercorns, star anise, dark soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, salt, chicken essence.


1, cabbage sprinkled by hand, hand torn can be compared to the knife cut delicious.

2: Soak the fungus in warm water for five minutes to soften, remove the roots, wash and cut the green onion and ginger into strips.

3: Put oil in the pot, heat over low heat, add peppercorns and star anise to fry out the aroma, add green onion and ginger to fry out the aroma, then add cabbage slices, stir-fry evenly over high heat.

4: When the cabbage slices are stir-fried until slightly soft, pour in the old soy sauce and stir-fry evenly, add sugar and vinegar to an appropriate amount.

5: Add the soaked fungus, stir-fry for a few minutes, sprinkle a little salt, chicken essence and stir-fry evenly, out of the pot.

Stir-fried artemisia annua

1. Wash the artemisia annua, remove the old roots, and cut into sections. Cut the shallots, ginger and garlic into foam.

2. Heat the oil in a pan and sauté the peppercorns until fragrant.

3. Add the shallots and ginger and sauté until fragrant.

4. Add artemisia annua and stir-fry, only the stems of Artemisia annua, not the leaves.

5. Stir-fry the stems of Artemisia annua a few times, then add them to the leaves of Artemisia annua and continue to stir-fry.

6. Add minced garlic, salt, continue to stir-fry, until the artemisia is broken, you can get out of the pot.

Two-color rice balls

Private dish sharing: cabbage stir-fried fungus, stir-fried artemisia annua, two-color rice balls


1, directly with roasted seaweed wrapped on the rice to eat, the taste is very good, the baby likes it.

2. Make the steamed rice into a ball and wrap it with pork floss and seaweed crushed respectively.

3, can also be made into a small hand-rolled sushi, which put some vegetable strips and meat floss, very delicious!

Private dish sharing: cabbage stir-fried fungus, stir-fried artemisia annua, two-color rice balls

Stir-fried spicy pork ears

Ingredients: 2 pig ears, a little garlic, a little ginger, a little dried red pepper, a little peppercorns, a little white sesame seeds, a little green onion, a little salt, a little sugar, a little soy sauce, a little cooking wine

1. After the pig's ears are cleaned, add water, boil, cook until you can use chopsticks to penetrate, and the water should be more

2. After cooking, cut into strips and set aside. Cut the green onion into sections and slice the ginger and garlic

3. Put oil in the pot and sauté chives, ginger, garlic and peppercorns

4. Then add dried chili peppers and stir-fry, add the cut pork ears, add soy sauce, cooking wine (more), sugar, stir-fry to color

5. Sauté until the juice is collected, and add white sesame seeds before leaving the pot

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