
Lu You Tang Wan's poignant love story is actually invented by posterity?

author:Shu Rui Shi Guan

The Song Ci "Phoenix, Red Crispy Hand" is a well-known famous passage, and the most interesting thing in addition to its literary value should be the so-called love story between Lu You and Tang Wan.

Lu You Tang Wan's poignant love story is actually invented by posterity?

"The Red Crispy Hand"

In the current version, Lu You and Tang Wan are a loving little couple, because Lu Mother obstructed them, forcing the two to separate, and Later Tang Wan remarried to Zhao Shicheng. One day, Lu You visited Shen Yuan and met Tang Wan, and his memories of the past suddenly appeared in his heart, and he immediately left the words "Phoenix Red Crispy Hand". Later, Tang Wan learned that she was even more emotional, and also wrote down the words, so she had the term "Phoenix, The World's Love".

Lu You Tang Wan's poignant love story is actually invented by posterity?

"Phoenix, The World's Thinness"

In this story, in addition to Lu You and Tang Wan, the male number two Zhao Shicheng is also a deeply loved "infatuated man", so that the character role is becoming more and more full, and even appears "obsessive Zhao Shicheng ran to the battlefield for love, and died on the battlefield after the battle." "Tang Wan can't have children, Zhao Shicheng loves Tang Wan, even if there is no successor" and so on.

So, is this really the case? Let's dig through the fog of history and dig the truth of the story together.

One: The provenance of the story.

Lu You's wife was first from Liu Kezhuang's "Houcun Poetry", and in the "Houcun Poetry", Liu Kezhuang attributed Lu You's repudiation to Lu You's mother's belief that Lu You's wife would disturb Lu You's study, and Lu You wrote Shen Yuan group poems after many years of feelings in Shen Yuan, and did not mention the phoenix word. Who is Liu Kezhuang? Liu Kezhuang, a famous lyricist of the Southern Song Dynasty, was born and died in 1187-1269 AD. Lu Yousheng died in 1125-1210 AD. The two are roughly close in time, and Liu Kezhuang's good friend Dai Retro once studied under Lu You. Therefore, the authenticity of Liu Kezhuang's statement is very high. And Lu You and Tang Wan first appeared in the Elaborate "Qi Dongye Language", and Zhou Mi was a friend of the Song and Yuan Dynasties, and he and Lu You were not related to each other, and there was no intersection. Therefore, the claim of "Qi Dongye" is not highly credible.

Lu You Tang Wan's poignant love story is actually invented by posterity?

Statue of Lu You

Two: Tang Wan's identity.

In the Qi Dongye Dialect, it is recorded that "Lu Wuguan first married Tang Shi, the daughter of Hong, and Yu's mother and wife as his nephew. (There is no Tang Wan here, but Tang) it is said that Tang Hong is Lu You's uncle, and Lu You's wife Tang Shi is Tang Hong's daughter. But Lu You did not have such an uncle as Tang Hong. It can be seen that "Tang's" is probably also empty. The term "Baotou Feng Shi Qing Bo" first appeared in the Ming Chongzhen period, and Tang Wan first appeared in the Qing Dynasty. It can be seen that the role of Tang Wan is most likely also fabricated by posterity. As the famous historian Gu Jiegang put it, this is called "layering ancient history." ”

Lu You Tang Wan's poignant love story is actually invented by posterity?

Tang Wan

Three: The truth about Zhao Shicheng

Lu You's divorce should be true. And where does Lu You's wife go? Is he married to Zhao Shicheng? This is debatable. Liu Kezhuang's "Houcun Poetry" mentions the whereabouts of Lu's wife, but only says that he married "a certain official" and "Nanban Shiming", and did not mention Zhao Shicheng. Zhao Shicheng's year of birth is unknown, and he died in 1173. If extrapolated according to its genealogy, it should also be more than ten years older than Lu You. How could he fall in love with Lu You's wife. What's more, since 1164, after Song Xiaozong and Jin Shizong negotiated peace, the song and Jin countries entered a 40-year armistice. And why did Zhao Shicheng die on the battlefield.

Combined with these judgments, it can basically be concluded that the "bitter grudge" between Lu You, Tang Wan, and Zhao Shicheng should belong to the contrivance of posterity, and there is really no such thing in history.

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