
Teppanyaki crystal fans common practice: spicy and enjoyable, strong and smooth, the taste is better than the restaurant 1.Teppanyaki crystal fans 2.Xiangwei teppanyaki crystal fans How to do it?

author:Yuanyuan's delicious Xuan
Teppanyaki crystal fans common practice: spicy and enjoyable, strong and smooth, the taste is better than the restaurant 1.Teppanyaki crystal fans 2.Xiangwei teppanyaki crystal fans How to do it?

<h1>1. Teppanyaki crystal fans</h1>

Hunan Restaurant, what is your favorite dish to eat? Bacon? Spicy chicken? Stir-fried meat with dried meat? Tamales? Farmhouse stir-fried meat? Chopped pepper fish head? Braised pork? Sauce plate duck? Plum button meat? Dry pot chicken? Smoked sausages? Changsha stinky tofu? Small fried river prawns? Back to the pot of meat? ......

No, the favorite dish that many people go to The Hunan Restaurant to order is actually a teppanyaki crystal fan. So how much magic does this iron plate crystal fan have, so that friends who have eaten once will never forget it and enjoy it?

The main ingredient of the crystal teppanyaki vermicelli is made of sweet potato flour and minced pork, with pickled pepper and sauerkraut as an accessory, so that this dish is sour and spicy, spicy and enjoyable, especially the soft and smooth sweet potato noodles, the strength of the Q bomb, it is really special appetizing and cooking.

Crystal vermicelli (sweet potato flour) is rich in carbohydrates, dietary fiber, protein, niacin and calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and other minerals. Eating sweet potato flour has the effect of softening blood vessels, enhancing appetite, and preventing obesity.

Teppanyaki crystal fans common practice: spicy and enjoyable, strong and smooth, the taste is better than the restaurant 1.Teppanyaki crystal fans 2.Xiangwei teppanyaki crystal fans How to do it?

<h1>2. What do Xiangwei Teppanyaki crystal fans do? </h1>

What exactly do the most popular dish in Hunan restaurants, Teppanyaki Crystal Fans do? Today we will share the methods and skills of making this dish, like friends and I make it together, do not have to go to the restaurant in the future, you can eat at home every day.

Ingredients: sweet potato vermicelli (need to soak for 1 hour in advance), fresh pork 250 g,

Tips for soaking sweet potato vermicelli: Lift the sweet potato powder soaked in hot water at about 60 degrees for 1 hour, the sweet potato is soaked like this, the taste is soft and strong and tough, very tasty

Side dishes: pickled peppers, pickles and sauerkraut, dried red peppers, chives

Step 1: Wash a handful of chives and cut them into small pieces.

Ginger chopped,

Minced garlic,

Use scissors to cut the dried peppers into small pieces

Teppanyaki crystal fans common practice: spicy and enjoyable, strong and smooth, the taste is better than the restaurant 1.Teppanyaki crystal fans 2.Xiangwei teppanyaki crystal fans How to do it?

Sauerkraut to shredded to shredded,

Teppanyaki crystal fans common practice: spicy and enjoyable, strong and smooth, the taste is better than the restaurant 1.Teppanyaki crystal fans 2.Xiangwei teppanyaki crystal fans How to do it?

Pickle pepper a handful of cut rice,

Teppanyaki crystal fans common practice: spicy and enjoyable, strong and smooth, the taste is better than the restaurant 1.Teppanyaki crystal fans 2.Xiangwei teppanyaki crystal fans How to do it?

Fresh pork lean 250 g chopped into minced pieces.

Put the minced meat in a bowl, add the right amount of salt, a little corn starch, pepper, and the right amount of cooking wine, grasp the sizing by hand, marinate for 10 minutes, let it taste.

Teppanyaki crystal fans common practice: spicy and enjoyable, strong and smooth, the taste is better than the restaurant 1.Teppanyaki crystal fans 2.Xiangwei teppanyaki crystal fans How to do it?

Step 2: Mix a sauce:

Add a little salt, pepper, chicken essence, a small spoonful of white sugar to freshen, a moderate amount of soy sauce, a little old soy sauce,

Add a little sesame oil to enhance the flavor, stir with a spoon and set aside.

Teppanyaki crystal fans common practice: spicy and enjoyable, strong and smooth, the taste is better than the restaurant 1.Teppanyaki crystal fans 2.Xiangwei teppanyaki crystal fans How to do it?

Step 3: Heat the pot and heat the oil, then put the onion, ginger and garlic into the stir-fry,

Stir-fry the green onion, ginger and garlic until fragrant, and sauté the minced meat.

Teppanyaki crystal fans common practice: spicy and enjoyable, strong and smooth, the taste is better than the restaurant 1.Teppanyaki crystal fans 2.Xiangwei teppanyaki crystal fans How to do it?

Then put the dried pepper segments, pickled peppers, sauerkraut in, stir-fry out the aroma,

Teppanyaki crystal fans common practice: spicy and enjoyable, strong and smooth, the taste is better than the restaurant 1.Teppanyaki crystal fans 2.Xiangwei teppanyaki crystal fans How to do it?

Then put in the soaked sweet potato vermicelli and stir-fry quickly.

Teppanyaki crystal fans common practice: spicy and enjoyable, strong and smooth, the taste is better than the restaurant 1.Teppanyaki crystal fans 2.Xiangwei teppanyaki crystal fans How to do it?

After stir-frying evenly, pour in the prepared sauce, turn on high heat and stir-fry quickly,

Teppanyaki crystal fans common practice: spicy and enjoyable, strong and smooth, the taste is better than the restaurant 1.Teppanyaki crystal fans 2.Xiangwei teppanyaki crystal fans How to do it?

Add the shallots before cooking, drizzle with a little sesame oil, stir-fry evenly, and then out of the pan.

Teppanyaki crystal fans common practice: spicy and enjoyable, strong and smooth, the taste is better than the restaurant 1.Teppanyaki crystal fans 2.Xiangwei teppanyaki crystal fans How to do it?

A spicy, refreshing, appetizing meal of the teppanyaki crystal vermicelli is ready, very delicious, like you can also try it.

Teppanyaki crystal fans common practice: spicy and enjoyable, strong and smooth, the taste is better than the restaurant 1.Teppanyaki crystal fans 2.Xiangwei teppanyaki crystal fans How to do it?

To summarize:

1. Crystal iron plate fans must be soaked for 1 hour in advance, and use about 60 degrees of boiling water to soak the vermicelli soft, so as to ensure that the fans are soft and smooth, and the Q bomb is strong.

2. The sauce should be adjusted in advance, after the vermicelli is put in, it must be quickly and continuously stir-fried to prevent sticking to the pan.

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