
Don't do it again when you eat homemade beef jerky within an hour and teach you a new way to eat it

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Don't do it again when you eat homemade beef jerky within an hour and teach you a new way to eat it

Foodie Light

By Zhu Jingyu


Beef 300 g

Mixed chili noodles 10g

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Don't do it again when you eat homemade beef jerky within an hour and teach you a new way to eat it

1, frozen beef steak, slightly thawed, seep some blood out of the water can be. Place directly on silicone paper, as shown in the figure.

Don't do it again when you eat homemade beef jerky within an hour and teach you a new way to eat it

2. Set the temperature and time according to the temper of your own oven and your own taste preference. I prefer the texture of the air-dried beef, which was baked at 230 degrees for 36 minutes with a dough in the middle.

Don't do it again when you eat homemade beef jerky within an hour and teach you a new way to eat it

3, take out to cool for a while, at this time you can not sprinkle pepper noodles, I am in a hurry...

Don't do it again when you eat homemade beef jerky within an hour and teach you a new way to eat it

4: Tear into beef strips by hand. The beef is already relatively dry here, and the steak knife is not strong. Adding my favorite spices, I put the chili noodles on the dried plate of chili peppers, and if you don't eat spicy, you can put cumin powder and salt.

Don't do it again when you eat homemade beef jerky within an hour and teach you a new way to eat it

5. Enjoy it!


1. Use beef lean meat to taste good, do not bring tendon skin; 2. The whole process takes less than an hour.

<h2>Nutritional benefits of beef</h2>

1. Grow muscle

It is particularly effective for building muscle and strengthening. During the first few seconds of training, sarcosine is the source of muscle fuel, which is an effective supplement to adenosine triphosphate, allowing training to last longer. Among them, carnitine is mainly used to support fat metabolism, produce branched-chain amino acids, and is an amino acid that plays an important role in building muscle in bodybuilders.

2. Increase immunity

It helps you strengthen your immunity and promote protein metabolism and synthesis, thus contributing to the recovery of your body after intense training.

3. Promote rehabilitation

It can improve the body's disease resistance, and is suitable for growth and development, post-surgery and post-illness nursing in terms of blood loss and tissue repair.

4. Iron and blood replenishment

Iron is an essential element for hematopoiesis, and beef is rich in a lot of iron, and eating beef more helps in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia.

5. Anti-aging

The zinc contained in beef is an antioxidant that helps synthesize protein and promote muscle growth, which has a positive effect on anti-aging and anti-cancer; potassium contained in beef has a disease-proof effect on the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular system and urinary system; the magnesium contained can improve the efficiency of insulin anabolism and help the treatment of diabetes.

Nutritional value of beef

<h2>Dietary contraindications for beef</h2>

Beef + chestnuts cause vomiting

Beef + brown sugar swells to death

Beef + salt vegetables can be poisoned

Beef + catfish can be poisoned

Beef + snails can be poisoned

Beef + liquor will cause teeth to become inflamed

Eating beef + olives together can cause physical discomfort

In addition, there are taboos against beef

(1) It is not advisable to eat beef food that is repeatedly left hot or refrigerated and warmed

(2) It is contraindicated for those who are hot inside

(3) It is not advisable to eat smoked, roasted and pickled products

(4) It is not advisable to cook and eat with inappropriate cooking methods

(5) It is not advisable to eat beef that has not been removed from the thyroid gland

(6) It is not advisable to use a wok that has not been cleaned after frying other meats to stir-fry beef

(7) Eating with pork, white wine, leeks, herbs (garlic) and ginger is easy to cause gum inflammation

(8) It should not be used with ox knee and fairy grass

(9) It is contraindicated when taking aminophylline

PS: Contraindications to beef liver

(1) Avoid abalone and catfish

(2) It is not advisable to eat with foods rich in vitamin C

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