
Hengshui University hosted the "2021 China • Hengshui Dong Zhongshu and Confucianism International Symposium and The Academic Annual Meeting of the Dong Zhongshu Research Committee of the Chinese Confucius Society"

author:Youth Hebei

On October 23-24, 2021, the "2021 China • Hengshui Dong Zhongshu and Confucianism International Symposium and the Academic Annual Meeting of the Dong Zhongshu Research Committee of the Chinese Confucius Society" was held in Hengshui. The conference was co-sponsored by the Hengshui Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the Dong Zhongshu Research Committee of the Chinese Confucius Society, the Chinese Practical Studies Research Association, the Dong Zhongshu Research Association of Hebei Province, hosted by Hengshui University, and co-organized by the Dong Zhongshu International Confucian Research Institute of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the Qifang Education Research Institute and the Department of Chinese Studies of Xi'an Foreign Affairs University. The theme of the seminar was "The Revival of Confucianism Comes from Hengshui". The meeting was held in a combination of on-site attendance and online video attendance, and overseas experts and scholars from the United States, Japan, South Korea, as well as experts and scholars from Chinese mainland and Taiwan attended the meeting. Hebei Daily, Hebei News Network, Hebei Radio and Television Station, Great Wall New Media, Hebei Workers Daily, Hegong News Network, Hebei Farmers Daily, Hebei Communist Party Members Network, China News Service, China Economic Network, China Net, China Confucius Network, NetEase Hengshui, Hengshui Daily, Hengshui Television and other news media, as well as representatives of academic journals such as "Philosophical Dynamics" attended the conference. On the morning of the 23rd, the opening ceremony of the meeting was presided over by Niu Xinghui, secretary of the party group and chairman of the Hengshui Municipal CPPCC Committee. Liu Libin, member of the Standing Committee of the Hengshui Municipal Party Committee and director of propaganda, first delivered a speech. Liu Libin said in his speech that as the hometown of Dong Zi, the Hengshui Municipal Party Committee and the Hengshui Municipal Government have always firmly adhered to the "four self-confidences" and regarded the inheritance and promotion of China's excellent traditional culture as an unshirkable mission and responsibility and a source of motivation for leapfrogging catch-up. And will take this seminar as an opportunity to further promote Dongzi culture to be more compatible with the development of the times, integrate with modern culture, and further provide more abundant spiritual nourishment and stronger cultural support for promoting the high-quality economic and social development of Hengshui. Wang Shouzhong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Hengshui University, delivered a speech. In his speech, Wang Shouzhong introduced the fruitful results achieved by Hengshui College in the process of strengthening connotation construction, deepening transformation and development, and striving to build a university of applied technology with distinctive characteristics in recent years, as well as the impressive achievements made in basing on Hengshui and serving the locality, actively participating in local cultural construction, and studying and inheriting Dongzi culture. Wang Jie, president of the China Practical Studies Research Association and professor of the Central Party School, delivered a speech via video. He congratulated the convening of the meeting, pointing out that the Chinese Practical Studies Research Association takes seeking truth from facts, applying them to the world, integrating knowledge with action, and practicing practice as the core spirit, and Dong Zhongshu's thought has the practical function of "applying through the ages", and should dig deep into the wisdom to provide useful enlightenment and reference for modern national governance and even global governance. Professor Yu Zhiping of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, President of the Dong Zhongshu Research Committee of the Confucius Society of China, Chief Research Expert of DongZi College, and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, made a speech entitled "Today's China Still Needs a Great Confucian like Dong Zhongshu". Professor Yu pointed out that in the formation stage of Confucianism of state governance in ancient China, Dong Zhongshu played an indelible role, and he cooperated with Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty to jointly promote the historical turning point of Confucianism, Confucian "national education" and Confucianization of state governance, and became a generation of Great Confucians who had responsibility, achievements, innovations and weather after Confucius. Dong Zhongshu has a lot of concern for the real society, is good at making profound criticisms in a rational way and providing good governance plans, he relies on his wisdom and efforts, based on the Spring and Autumn RamOlogy as the model structure, to persuade the supreme ruler to establish and improve a set of political, economic, military, legal, social, and ethnic systems and policies, but he did not crawl under the authoritarian totalitarianism, but constantly criticized reality through different ways and actively advised. Today's China still needs a great Confucian like Dong Zhongshu. As a Confucian researcher, we should learn from Dong Zhongshu's great Confucian atmosphere of "establishing the Tao in the law of heaven and the tao" and clarify our mission. After the opening ceremony, ten experts delivered keynote speeches in two sessions. The first half was presided over by Liang Shihe, a researcher at the Hebei Academy of Social Sciences. Professor Cheng Zhongying of the University of Hawaii, Professor Shu Dagang of Sichuan University, Professor Xiang Shiling of Chinese University, Professor Jing Haifeng of Shenzhen University, and Professor Huang Kaiguo of Sichuan Normal University respectively delivered keynote speeches. The second half was presided over by Professor Kong Deli of Capital Normal University. Professor Dong Jinyu of National Chengchi University in Taiwan, Professor Xie Xiaoling of Fudan University, Professor Huang Yushun of Shandong University, Professor Deng Hong of Kitakyushu University in Japan, and Professor Han Xing of Chinese University delivered keynote speeches respectively. The speeches of these experts attracted all the audience with their novel research perspectives, broad research horizons, free academic thinking and rigorous academic attitudes, and each keynote speech was a wonderful feast of ideas, which not only deepened the participants' understanding of Dong Zhongshu's thought, but also made people fully aware of the epochal significance and practical value of Dong Zhongshu's thought. On the afternoon of the 23rd, group academic discussions were held. A total of 99 papers were received at the conference, covering a wide range of topics, with a variety of types and many new insights. Examination articles are subtle and meticulous, reasonable and well-founded; righteous articles are logical and rigorous, and the arguments are sufficient; applied articles, based on reality, are practical and feasible. This fully reflects that the academic community's research on Dong Xue is gradually moving towards diversification, deepening and refinement. According to the theme of the paper, the group discussion was divided into 8 sessions. In the process of communication, many of the articles have been enlightening. These Dongxue research achievements have been comprehensively studied from many aspects such as classics, philosophy, politics, ethics, education, law, life experiences, cultural inheritance, status influence, historical evaluation, literature texts, academic history, etc., which are not only summarized and developed, but also controversial and guided, and are a veritable academic seminar with high level of experts and high academic level. On the morning of the 24th, the participating experts and scholars went to the Hengshui Museum of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting to participate in the opening ceremony of the "Fourth 'Dongzi Cup' National Calligraphy Exhibition". The opening ceremony was presided over by Wang Chengzong, vice chairman of the CPPCC Municipal Committee, and Niu Xinghui, chairman of the CPPCC Municipal Committee, announced the opening of the exhibition. The content of the calligraphy works of "Dong Zi Cup" is based on the famous sayings of Dong Zhongshu and the evaluation of Dong Zi by famous scholars in previous dynasties, including contemporary celebrities, as well as the poetry and literature about Dong Zhongshu. This combination of academic seminars and calligraphy exhibition activities, "words must be Confucianism, books are DongZi" form, is conducive to promoting the essence of Dong Zhongshu's Confucianism in more levels and in a wider range of fields. After the opening ceremony, the participating experts, scholars, award-winning authors, Hengshui calligraphy enthusiasts, CPPCC municipal committees, Hengshui University personnel and Hengshui Confucianism researchers visited the calligraphy exhibition with great interest. After the visit, the second expert keynote speech was held. Chaired by Professor He Shanmeng of Zhejiang University. Professor Fang Zhaohui of Tsinghua University, Professor Jiang Chongyue of Beijing Normal University, Professor Sun Xingche of Anyuge University in South Korea, Professor Zeng Yi of Tongji University, Professor Chai Wenhua of Heilongjiang University, and Professor Yang Hanqing of Southwest University for Nationalities delivered keynote speeches respectively. The speeches of the above 6 experts have both macroscopic research and microscopic investigations, opening up new fields, using new methods, proposing new viewpoints, creating new paradigms, and constantly researching and changing, fully demonstrating the profound academic achievements and the academic charm of Dong Xue's research. After the second keynote speech, the closing ceremony of the conference was held. Professor Yu Zhiping presided over the closing ceremony. Professor Li Kuiliang, President of Dong Zhongshu Research Association of Hebei Province, made an academic summary speech. Professor Li pointed out that the current development pattern of Dong Xue's research is diversified, all-round and multi-level, and is gradually moving towards prosperity. The research results of this conference show three significant characteristics: panoramic evaluation, regression innovation, and modern activation. Dong Xue is not closed and static, but open and developable. Dongzi thought not only belongs to history, but also belongs to the present and the future. Dong Zhongshu not only belongs to Hengshui, but also belongs to China and the world. Wang Jinsheng, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Hengshui University, delivered a closing speech. He pointed out that the Dong Zhongshu International Academic Symposium has been held for four consecutive sessions, which has not only promoted the research of Dong Xue at home and abroad, but also gradually enhanced the research strength of Dong Xue of Hengshui College. Not only that, Dongzi culture is closely integrated with the discipline construction of our school, creating a "Dongzi +" cultural brand, which has bred fruitful results. After the meeting, the scholars went to the former residence of Dongzi in Jingxian County, Dongzi Garden in Guangchuan, and Dongzi Academy in Gucheng County to carry out Dongzi cultural investigation. In his important speech on July 1, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed to "persist in integrating the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and with China's excellent traditional culture." Closely centering on the "two combinations" and taking the basic principles of Marxism as the guide, the congress gave Dongzi culture a new connotation of the times, and promoted the in-depth interaction between the basic principles of Marxism and Dongzi culture, which not only enabled Dong Zhongshu's thought to "restore it to the times", but also made its spirit "revitalized in the contemporary". This will undoubtedly sublimate the reform and innovation of Dong Xue's theory in the current era, and make Dong Xue truly an important ideological and cultural resource in the process of modernization. At present, the "China Hengshui Dong Zhongshu and Confucianism International Symposium" has become an influential international Confucian event, an important platform for exchanging academic achievements, inheriting Dongzi thought, and the image of Everbright Hengshui, and the consensus of "Confucian revival from Hengshui" has been promoted to the world by this platform, and this platform will also lead Dong Xue research to continue to the future. Source: Xiao Yanzhao, editor of Heqing News Network of Hengshui University| Geng Shuo, editor-in-chief of | channel, and Li Mohan, producer of the channel

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