
How much is a pound of fish in 2018 Retail prices vary by region

author:Fun Monk

How much is a pound of fish in 2018? Next, the editor will introduce its price and nutritional value for everyone, and interested partners will come to see it.

How much is a pound of fish in 2018 Retail prices vary by region

How much is a pound of fish in 2018

Cod 23 yuan / catty.

Due to the different origins and market conditions, the retail prices of each region will also vary, for reference only! You can go to the market to consult before purchasing.

Tonguefishes are a family of chordates, vertebrate subphylum, teleost fish, and flounders. Commonly known as the fish, also known as the tongue ray.

Trout is a family of flounders, about 3 genera and 103 species, known in China about 32 species, tongue fish body side flattened, long tongue- shaped, eye normal head left, tail hyoid bone longitudinal narrow plate, pseudo-medullary spines, odd fins are fully connected, no pectoral fins, 1 abdominal fin and even fins, reproductive process often connected to the left side of the fin, kidney vein spines short transverse plate-like, eggs with 50 to 100 small oil balls. It is mainly tropical demersal marine fish.

The rays are mainly produced in the Yellow Bohai Sea region, China's East China Sea and Korea, and there is also a certain distribution along the coast of Japan, which is a typical endemic fish. Therefore, the breeding ability of fish species itself is very weak, so it is relatively rare and precious.

The nutritional value and therapeutic effect of the fish


Fish is rich in minerals such as copper, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as rich in substances such as protein. Each 100 g of cod contains 79.8 g of water, 17.7 g of protein, 1.4 g of fat, 0.1 g of sugars, 6 mcg of vitamin A, 0.03 mg of vitamin B1, 0.05 mg of vitamin B2, 2.1 mg of niacin, 0.64 mg of vitamin e, 309 mg of potassium, Sodium 138.8 mg, calcium 57 mg, magnesium 27 mg, iron 1.5 mg, manganese 0.04 mg, zinc 0.05 mg, copper 0.04 mg, phosphorus 168 mg, selenium 34.63 mcg, cholesterol 82 mg.


1. Improve immunity: Protein is the most important nutrient for maintaining immune function, and is the main component of white blood cells and antibodies. Mineral forms such as copper are enzymes associated with immune function.

2. Hair care: food containing protein, digestion and absorption through the gastrointestinal tract to form various amino acids, is an essential component for the synthesis of hair keratin.

3. Healthy brain: phosphorus contains phosphorus, which is an important component of the synthesis of lecithin and cerebral phospholipids, which can enhance memory, delay the decline of brain function, inhibit platelet aggregation, and prevent cerebral thrombosis. #p# subtitle #e #

To prepare the stewed fish

Ingredients: 3-4 rays of fish

Seasoning: 1 green onion, a little ginger, 5-8 cloves of garlic, a little peppercorns, a little dried chili pepper, a little sweet noodle sauce


1. Wash the skin of the fish, cut the green onion into sections, flatten the garlic, slice the ginger, 3-4 dried chili peppers, and about one-third of the sweet noodle sauce.

2. Pour oil into the pot, use peppercorns to simmer the pot, fry the fish in the pan, do not stir-fry, the fish is easy to crush.

3. Use soy sauce, wrong, sugar, chicken essence, cooking wine, oil consumption, salt to make the soup, pour into the pot, add water before the fish can be.

4. Pour the shallots, ginger, garlic and dried chili peppers into the pot, and when the pot is boiled, pour in the sweet noodle sauce

5. Be sure to simmer on high heat, about 10 minutes, the soup is gone and you can get out of the pot.

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