
Whether opium fish are marine fish or river fish is a type of flounder

author:Fun Monk

Opium fish many people have not heard of, very curious about it, let's take a look at whether opium fish is a sea fish or a river fish, opium fish is not flounder. Interested friends come to see it.

Whether opium fish are marine fish or river fish is a type of flounder

Whether opium fish are marine or river fish

Marine fish.

Opium fish is one of the aliases for turbot. It is a class of bony fish, Turbot family, and is a class of flounders. The side of the body is flat, asymmetrical, and both eyes are on the left side. The anterior position of the mouth and the protrusion of the lower jaw. The edge of the anterior gill cap is free. The skin on the ocular side is dark grey or has patchy lines, and the skin on the eyeless side is white. Turbot is a wide variety and is widely distributed in tropical or temperate oceans. There is also much production in various coastal areas of Our country. It can mainly be used as fresh food or canned and salty dried products. Cod liver can be prepared with cod liver oil. In particular, turbot varieties are precious fish in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea in China, and like other varieties of flounder, they are seasonal and famous dishes.

Is opium fish a flounder?


In flounder, the one with the eye on the right side of the body is called the flounder, and the one on the left is called the turbot. The opium fish's eyes are on the left.

Opium fish is also known as toothfish, partial mouth, butterfly fish, ya slice fish, turbot, left mouth, flounder, and earth fish. Turbot is a flounder, a valuable fish in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea of China, and is also produced in Russian waters.

The word "flounder" is the ancient name of flounder, China's literature has long been recorded in the flounder, the Spring and Autumn "Pipe" book has been recorded, saying that the ancient king will perform the "sealing Zen" (the great ceremony of worship to heaven and earth), when someone in the East China Sea paid tribute to the flounder. We all know that flounder is a fish that lies on the bottom of the sea, with two eyes born on the same side of the body, and there is also halibut sushi in Japanese cuisine. But what does flounder have to do with the feelings of men and women? It turns out that the earliest dictionary of China's "Erya" explains the word "flounder", saying that it is a kind of fish that is "not better than no", and two fish must act closely to each other, so it is used to describe the state of snuggling between men and women, and extends it to the intimacy of feelings. #p# subtitle #e #

The practice of teppanyaki opium fish tail

raw material:

8 opium fish tails, 1/2 onion, 1 coriander, 1 green garlic sprout, 2 green onion white, 4 slices of ginger, 5 garlic cloves, 1 tbsp Pixian bean paste, 7 peppercorns, a little salt, a little sugar, a little cooking wine.


Wash the tail of the opium fish, cut the onion into rings, cut the parsley and garlic seedlings into small pieces, cut the white onion into sections, and pat the garlic cloves loose.

Procedure steps:

1, the pot is hot, put the oil, after the oil is hot, put the green onion, ginger slices and garlic cloves and fry the aroma, pour into the Pixian bean paste to continue to stir-fry the sauce aroma, pour the broth and boil (if there is no broth, use water).

2: Add the opium fish tail, cook a little cooking wine, sugar, salt and peppercorns, then bring to a boil and simmer over medium-low heat for about 10 minutes.

3: When the soup is almost finished, start heating the iron plate, pour a little oil on the iron plate to flatten, and then spread the onion ring on the iron plate.

4: Turn on high heat to thicken the soup of boiled fish tails, add two drops of balsamic vinegar, then put the fish tails out on an iron plate and pour the remaining soup into the pot.

5: Finally, put the coriander and garlic sprouts on the fishtail and serve.

Food small experience sharing:

1, because the meat of opium fish is relatively tender, so you need to be careful when you need to turn, the whole firing process as little as possible to turn as much as possible.

2. Be careful when pouring soup on the iron plate to prevent the soup from splashing and scalding the skin.

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