
Jinmi spicy can:

author:Wen Yan home cooking

This is a classic home-cooked dish, because the small bell pepper and pork stuffing are very home-cooked ingredients, and the meat filling into the spicy stew is a relatively fresh practice, so people will occasionally do a change of taste, in fact, this is a kind of cooking, the most famous is the Teochew Hakka chili meat, in the cross-talk "dish name" mentioned in the "name of the dish" mentioned in the "Jiangmi duck" on this kind of practice, "釀" is to fill the fine or soft ingredients into another ingredient cooking method, well, Here's a look at the specific production process: First choose a smaller bell pepper and pork filling, wash and remove the stems and seeds of the bell pepper to control the dry water, put the meat filling into the container, add the appropriate amount of soy sauce and dark soy sauce, white pepper, thirteen spice powder, a little salt in one direction to stir evenly and vigorously, beat an egg to continue to stir well, the meat filling with chopsticks into the bell pepper, put more oil into the pot to burn until 40% or 50% hot, put in the spicy can to fry until the surface wrinkles and then fish out the drainage oil, prepare another pot, put in the appropriate amount of oil, Add an octagon and an appropriate amount of peppercorns and fry until they are charred, then fish out, add the shallots, ginger, garlic and stir-fry, cook in cooking wine, add an appropriate amount of soy sauce and dark soy sauce, add a little sugar, and an appropriate amount of salt and stir-fry evenly, pour in hot water that is about the same as the amount of peppers, put in all the peppers and cover the lid and simmer for about three to five minutes, open the lid and turn the heat to high, adjust a little water starch to hook the saucer, sprinkle a little clear oil to get out of the pot and plate.

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